Los Angeles essays

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3 Pages 1311 Words
The demographic changes that have taken place over the past twenty years in Los Angeles have been extraordinary in scope and diversity. The area of Los Angeles has seen a literal boom in population growth from 7 million in 1970 to 8.8 million in 1990 (US Census Bureau). However, the dramatic change in population ethnic and racial diversity has attracted...
2 Pages 858 Words
There is a major air pollution problem in California, especially in major cities such as Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Bakersfield. Los Angeles has the worst smog by far, affecting millions with over 600,000 of them being children. The smog is so awful that it is destroying the ozone layer, which is the only thing that saves us from the...
4 Pages 1695 Words
Los Angeles, California air pollution dilemma stems from the 1940’s, specifically on October 14, 1947, when the first air pollution control program was established, the Los Angeles County Air Pollution District (AQMD, 2019). Beginning in the early 1940’s, numerous gas attacks descended on Los Angeles, California streets. Several gas companies shut down due to the detrimental effects of the smog...
3 Pages 1567 Words
Homelessness is a huge issue that seems to go unnoticed on the grounds. Los Angeles, California positions in as the second biggest city in the United States. It is home to 3.8 billion individuals, including numerous renowned motion picture stars. Known for being one of the sunniest and most traveler cognizant urban areas, Los Angeles offers numerous attractions for guests...
3 Pages 1595 Words
Sunshine, palm trees, beautiful beaches, girls with bikinis, and boys standing on the surfboards…all these elements could constitute a typical picture of the attractive beach. For a long time, Los Angeles not only attracts people with its world-class film-making factory Hollywood, but also bring in tourists with its ‘coastal paradise’ (Kun, 185). However, the life to a resident in Los...
3 Pages 1181 Words
On the night of New Year’s Eve in 1967, a tragic occurrence, plotted by diabolical policemen, took place at the Black Cat Tavern on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, California. Knowing that this particular bar was considered a welcoming safe space for queer individuals, policemen went undercover to ‘catch them in the act’ and have the opportunity to brutalize these...
5 Pages 2254 Words
Introduction The current increasing use of the earth’s natural resources put a raising pressure on our planet’s ecosystem. This ecosystem which supplies vital resources is one of the key factors that human life depends on, along with waste absorption. What happens if human life using all of the available natural resources, what if the waste that man produces is no...
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