Lupus Essays

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1 Page 514 Words
The day you find out that you have lupus is a day you’ll always remember. It sticks with you like remembering where you were the day Elvis died. It is like a dividing line between the “normal” days before and your “new normal” afterward. Everyone has different symptoms that lead them to make that first appointment. Mine came when I...
1 Page 503 Words
My doctor sent me for a sleep study after my husband told him how loudly I snored. I tried to tell them that it wasn’t that bad, but as it turned out, it was. The night of the study, they put a cpap (continuous positive airway pressure) machine on me in the middle of the night. The nurse told me...
1 Page 602 Words
'My Lupus was literally a matter of life-or-death”, Said Selena Gomez, a celebrity who had been diagnosed with lupus. In 2017, This young singer announced on Instagram that she had a kidney transplant due to complications from Lupus. Now she has returned to the limelight as she sings in her new song “I’ve been running through the jungle; I’ve been...
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3 Pages 1440 Words
Lupus erythematosus describes a collection of autoimmune diseases with several varying symptoms that may affect different body systems. Lupus erythematosus may present as a systemic disease or in a cutaneous form known as incomplete lupus erythematosus. Lupus may also be more extensively categorized into several subtypes. The most common and most severe form is systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Lupus may...
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4 Pages 1976 Words
Systemic Lupus Erythematous Intro/An overview of the disorder Systemic Lupus Erythematous (SLE) is an autoimmune system, chronic, relapsing, provocative, and frequently multi-fundamental disorder of connective tissue, characterized by involvement of the skin, joint, kidney, and serosal membranes. Typically, the safe framework shields the body's tissues from intruders. Along these lines, this implies the resistant cells begin assaulting the cells they...
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3 Pages 1469 Words
Systemic lupus erythematosus is the most known kind of lupus. It is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system strikes its own tissues, inflicting extensive inflammation and tissue injury in affected organs. It affects the joints, skin, brain, lungs, and kidneys. Lupus doesn`t have a cure, however medical interventions and lifestyle changes helps contain it. ('Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)...
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4 Pages 1776 Words
There are many conditions that are faced by the population across the lifespan. At times, it may be difficult to cope with being diagnosed with a condition in the early stages, especially the conditions that are diagnosed at an early age between 18-25. It is extremely important to be aware of some of the common conditions and their manifestations to...
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