Meaning of the Term Childhood as the Happiest Period of Life

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“Childhood is the time for children to be in school and at play, to grow strong and confident with the love and encouragement of their family and an extended community of caring adults.” Although not everyone would agree that childhood is the best part of one’s life as some children may be born under such circumstances that are bad, but in most cases childhood is the best phase of life for many reasons. In my opinion, childhood was the golden period of my life.

One of the reasons that childhood is the most important phase of one’s life is because when we are kids, we have no responsibility and are carefree. There are no restrictions on playing with friends. For example, when I was in India, my family and I used to live in a house that consists of three floors. On the bottom floor stayed my aunt, uncle and cousins then on the middle floor stayed my parents, grandparents and I. On the top floor stayed my another aunt, uncle and cousins. Our whole family moved to the USA in 2016 and whenever we go to India we stay at the same house. The house has an open space around it and half of the open space we plant different types of trees, according to the season such as mango, guava, plumeria trees and many other types of trees. When I was a kid, every afternoon, my mom, aunt, grandparents, sometimes dad and uncle all get together and have fun talking. While, my cousins, friends and I play different games like hide and seek, tag, marbles, hopscotch, jump-rope and hand clapping games. During childhood, a child does not have to bother about anything and they are carefree. The biggest problem as a child is what color crayon to choose for drawing. These childhood memories when grown up remind of the good times and bring a smile on our faces. This shows one reason to childhood being the best phase of one’s life as they do not have any responsibility on their shoulders and enjoy life without worrying about anything.

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Secondly, childhood is the best time when the child starts to learn every little thing for the first time. For instance, when I was 9 months my mom and dad taught me how to walk, then I slowly learned to talk and when a child starts to speak most of the time the first word that a kid says is “Mom”, “Dad” or a person that they are close to and the happiness that it gives the person is out of the world. During childhood, we learn to write, ride a bike, listen to what people say, run, jump, even playing with mud and sand and many other things. This is the time when a child learns things very easily. Every new thing that the child learn becomes a memory of their parents and themselves. One of my memories was my dad teaching me how to bike. One day my dad and I went outside with my two wheel bike and my dad was holding the back of the bike so I can balance, then after sometime he let go of the bike and when I realized he is not holding the bike I lost my balance and fell down from which I got a scratch on my knee. Later I was scared to ride the bike for a few days, then one day my dad took me to bike and I was more confident and it became easy for me to learn how to bike. From this I learned that you should never give up and learn from your mistakes. After getting hurt once I learned from my mistake and then next time I rode the bike really well without getting scared. Childhood is not going to come back so enjoy as much as you can. Thus, childhood is the happiest time of a person’s life.

Lastly, the love given from all family members during the time spent with everyone. Everybody in the family takes care of the child. Parents listen to their child and ready to do what the child wants such as taking their child to the park and playing games with their child. As an example, I am an only child, but the benefit of being an only child is that my family loves me more especially my parents. I can easily blend in with everyone. From childhood till now my parents have never said no to anything. I try not to hide anything from my parents as I do not want to break their trust as I know how much they love me. My little cousin and I used to play games with my grandfather at night or when he is tried we would sit and spent time talking with him on the porch. Every weekend I used to go to my mother’s side aunt and uncle’s house and spent time with my mother’s side of the family. Everytime I go there I usually end up sleeping over for one night. In addition, the time spent with family during festivals, vacations, or holidays is memorable too. Indian culture has a lot of festivals but the festival that people get together the most is Diwali. During Diwali, our family used to decorate the house with lights, put small lamps on the porch or around the house, pray and make delicious sweets. I remember on Diwali I used to wake up early with excitement to make Rangoli, a drawing filled with powder colors, by the entrance of the house. The most awaited time was the night as I loved to do fireworks as a kid and I still do but not as much as my childhood. The next day on new year we go to our relatives house and have fun or all the family members come to our house. On New Year elders give blessings to the kids and give them gifts which I think every child liked the most. Every moment spent with the family becomes a pleasant and precious memory making childhood the best part of life.

In conclusion, childhood is the best period of one’s life as during childhood you are carefree, you learn new things and get lots of love and memories with the family. Childhood never comes back even if you wish. Childhood is the most relaxing and enjoyable phase of life. Childhood with being an important part of life is also the happiest time of one’s life. When I am really stressed I miss being a child and wish to become a child again and never grow up but in reality it is not possible. All the childhood memories are a source to bring a smile on your face during the toughest times.

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Meaning of the Term Childhood as the Happiest Period of Life. (2022, Jun 29). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from
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