Memories of My Childhood

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I think most of people have some memories of their childhood and same goes to me. But the number of recollections varies enormously. I do remember some parts in my childhood events, but definitely not all, not even most, not even half. I rather say we remember mostly fragments. I do believe that not only depends on simply how good our memory system is, but there seems to be other factors such as: our blocking information, the frequency with which we recall childhood events, and the availability of triggers. Example for my situation is, whenever I see Saraca asoca flowers, inevitably recollections of my grandmother’s garden come to my mind. It is because every time I go back to my grandmother’s hometown when I was a child, I would pick that flower and taste it. I told my granny the flowers were delicious because it has honey in it. So, basically, that’s how it works with my memories. What I realize is these are not something that I make an effort to recall, but rather the images automatically flood my awareness. I’m sure most of us have similar experiences but in different situation.

Other than that, as for myself, since I was in primary school, I loves to bought and collect diary books and write most my private thought, everyday life events and some other random and cringe stuff. I loves to decorates my diaries as well with stickers, or I draw a picture of heart, flowers and all that just to make my diaries look cute and fabulous. Until now, I still kept all my childhood diaries collections and not a single one of them are missing because it gives such memories of my childhood life. I loves keeping these things because it’s a sentimental value to me and all the memories that are filled in those diaries and memorable things I kept from the past. It helps me a lot in recalling back my childhood life events. Fun fact of me, I am really good in taking care of my belonging since little. Thanks to my mom for the good parenting style.

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Here's another story of mine that's quite funny to tell and that makes me feel like a weird kid just because of that. We still bring it on as a joke in my family until now. As far as I remember, when I was at the age of 2-3 something, if I’m not mistaken. I’m not really remember how old I am at that time. Anytime my parents take me out in the mall or anywhere, whenever I see the figure of this Ronald McDonald in front of their certain fast-food franchise, I'll probably be freaking out and crying. I'm just simply hiding behind my parents. I was still a child at the time so what to expect then right? Just for me what I know, the figurine looks horrible, creepy and I'm very scared by that face. My parents tried to explained to me that it was just a clown figure who was meant primarily to market to children, but it's clearly not working for me. I am more likely to be afraid on clowns like Ronald McDonald than delighted by them. My parents understand my feelings and my situation as a kid and try not to take me past the McDonald's store after. There is one photo of me staring at that clown figure with great fear and feel terrified at the same time, so at least that moment is captured as a memory of my childhood. Thanks to my uncle for taking that picture. For extra info, the last time I’ll check McDonald already retired their (creepy) clown mascot out of the spotlight because it became increasingly problematic to children and caused bad publicity to their branding. It’s starting to make sense now I guess. I would definitely include that picture in this journal.

I also remember my first bike memories. I can’t remember a single thing about it except that (in the pre-balance bike style of the times). My dad told me that as far as he can remember, I got my first 3-wheel plastic push along, balance bikes and tricycle on my 4 fourth birthday. It is for the preparation and helped me learn a pedal bike more easily as I already learned balance and gained pedal strength and technique. I begin with the stabilizers before, one momentous day, my dad removed them. I can recall the thrill of freewheeling down a steep slope on our lawn shortly afterwards. The enjoyed was tempered when, in my excitement, I rode over a treasured plastic bow and arrow set, snapping the bow. However, I start to learning to ride a pedal bike at the age of 6 if I’m not mistaken. I still remember my confidence, pride and self-esteem that comes from a sense of accomplishment on that time when I was already able to ride pedal break with my own.

People have different memories of their childhood, these were mine.

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Memories of My Childhood. (2023, March 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from
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