Mona Lisa Essay

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Among Leonardo da Vinci's works, 'Mona Lisa' is the only portrait whose authenticity has never been seriously questioned, and it is also one of four works: 'Saint Jerome in the desert ',' The Adoration of the Magi '. and 'The Last Supper - his ownership avoids controversy. In October 1503, he had begun to create a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo, a model of the 'Mona Lisa.' Some people think that the 'Mona Lisa' was created in Florence in 1503 or 1504. Although the Louvre claimed that it was 'undoubtedly drawn between 1503 and 1506', the art historian Martin Camp said there were some difficulties in determining the date.

Alessandro Vezzosi believes that this painting is a feature of the style in the later years of the life of Leonardo, that is, after 1513. Other scholars believe that, based on historical documents, Leonardo could have painted this work as early as 1513. According to Vasari, 'after four years of wandering, he is still not finished.' In 1516, Leonardo was invited by King Francis I to work at Clos Luc © near the castle of Amboise; it is believed that he moved to France with the Mona Lisa and continued to create. Art historian Carmen C. Bambach concluded that Leonardo could continue to perfect the work before 1516 or 1517.

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Leonardo's right hand was paralyzed around 1517, [51] which may indicate why he did not complete the Mona Lisa. Around 1505, Raphael created a pencil sketch in which the pillars on either side of the main body are more visible. Experts generally believe that it is based on the portrait of Leonardo. Other later replicas of the Mona Lisa, such as those in the National Museum of Art, Architecture, and Design and the Walters Art Museum, also exhibited large flanking columns. As a result, the Mona Lisa was thought to be cut out. However, in 1993, Frank Zellner observed that the painted surface had never been trimmed; this was confirmed by a series of tests in 2004. In view of this, Vincent Delieuvin, the 16th-century Italian painting curator at the Louvre, said that this sketch and these other copies must have been inspired by another version, while Zorna said that the sketch could After another portrait of Leonardo on the same subject.

Records of Luis DAragon's visit in October 1517 indicate that the Mona Lisa was executed by the late Giuliano de Medici at the Belvedere Palace between 1513 and 1516. , But this may be a mistake. According to Vasari, the painting was created for Francesco del Giocondo, the model's husband. Many experts believe that Leonardo produced two versions (due to his date and the uncertainty of the commissioner, as well as Leonardo's fate after his death in 1519, and the difference in details in Raphael's sketch). The possibilities he made can be used to explain the sketches in memory. The first hypothetical portrait showing the prominent pillar was commissioned by Giocondo around 1503 and was not completed by Leonardo Sales students and assistants before his death in 1524. The second painting was commissioned by Giuliano de Medici around 1513 and was sold to Francisco I by Saler in 1518 and is now in the Louvre. Others believe that there is only one real Mona Lisa but disagree about the above two destinations. Sometime in the 16th century, the painting was painted with varnish. It remained in the Palace of Fontainebleau until Louis XIV transferred it to the Palace of Versailles, where it remained until the French Revolution. In 1797, it was on permanent display in the Louvre.

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Mona Lisa Essay. (2022, December 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 14, 2024, from
“Mona Lisa Essay.” Edubirdie, 27 Dec. 2022,
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