Motivation Factors At The Workplace

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Throw yourself into some work you believe in with all you heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours (Center for the Advancement of Well-Being, 2019). A comparison between workers are assumed that they are only motivated by money, or some other factor is always unclear. Most often it is assumed that workers are only motivated by money. However, it is not the truth for all employee (Sara L, 2004). Motivation is basically changing some patterns of behaviour, of a program of action specified in human. Motivation plays an important role in business as business with motivated workers are more successful (Dale, 2012 ). This report will examine the factors of motivation for workers on the basis and contrast of two theories Frederick Winslow Taylor and Herzberg. This report, will further look at different positions by which employees are motivated, along with four main theories on motivation. Financial motivators not being the main factor for motivation and non financial aids being the most significant influencer.

Motivation is the most important factor which helps individuals to achieve their goals or give good results to the organization. (Certo, 2000). Companies also in these process tries to find the best way to motivate and raise their workers ability and performances as when employee are motivated, it contributes to actual productivity of organization (Tanja, 2010). The argument about motivation for workers mostly remain tacit and a not adversely evaluated. Indeed, most workers try to manage others’ motives, without a clear awareness of their belief about what motivation is or how it works. They just go on with “motivation” without assuming about the causes from which they are motivated to be employed and what exactly they do. Managing motivates can proceed, and gain benefits, without the need to be accurate about our motivational assumptions. ( DALE, 2012). Money as an motivation can be examined differently depending on each individuals’ perspectives (Sara L, 2004) Some employees might see it as the most important thing in their working lives, while others are more predictable to value other things such as power, achievement, or relationship at the workplace.

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This report disagrees to the subtitle of the topic that workers are only motivated by money and arguing about it on the basis of two theories. According to the 1st theory of Frederick Winslow Taylor’s theory, Scientific Management , he placed money as the most important factor in motivation for workers. They have to work hard to earn money in the given time. If they didn’t work properly, they will be not rewarded properly for their wages. Workers needed to concentrate only on their given works with no help or helping others. Paid for their performances or piece rates to make sure that the economic rewards of work were connected to actual productivity. No social engagement between employees was allowed as more to produce and complete their own tasks. (Knights, 2017) (Willmott, 2017).

Money seemed to be the main motivation for workers to work harder. They are not concerned about the thing that ,makes happy or they are enjoying their work. They ignored their own interest and passion since they focus mostly on the money. Workers’ motivation tends to change from being autonomous or driven by internal factors to being controlled and driven by external factors like financial incentives, known as over justification effect (Krug & Braver, 2014 ) (Ryan & Deci, 2000). On the other hand, when workers receive lots of money of doing something, they lose their interests in what they are doing and much more interested in getting reward on it. As a result, the work will mostly becomes meaningless for them. Consequently, this rewarding system or giving more pay could eventually decrease worker’s motivation. They finally get tired and bored with the work since they are no longer interested or their internal motivation in work is low .

In contrast to this , from Herzberg’s two factor theory, his idea is involved in motivation at work which can be determined by two different factors: job security which is considered as motivation factors and job dissatisfaction which is hygiene factors. These are associated with satisfaction with the work and dissatisfaction when something is disturbing or bothering to the workers (Sara, 2004). Motivators or satisfaction mostly consist of achievement, advancement, personal growth, recognition, responsibility and the work itself. Whereas dissatisfaction or hygiene demotivators include company policy, relationship with boss and manager , relationship with colleagues and workmates, salary, supervision, and working conditions. It is noticeable that salary or money is considered as dissatifiers.

In this theory, Wages are mentioned more often as a hygiene factor than a motivator, that is, Herzberg claimed that money adds only a little amount of motivation to job satisfaction (Weisberg &Dent, 2016). They might be paid low or low wage that make employees feel demotivated. Nonetheless, money alone cannot motivate or satisfy workers (Dale ,2012) . It also seems that money could not motivate any worker in the workplace as someone might prefer their work progress , chances for advancement and growth, recognition from others and the meaningful, interesting, and challenging work itself. Workers value these motivators instead of money as the only source for motivation (Tanja, 2010) Therefore, money being the lowest motivator and hygiene factors seen as an important role of job satisfaction and motivation (Auerbach , 2010), only money is not the reason that could motivate all employees.

To put it in a nutshell, although money is assumed as one of the main factor to motivate workers, it could not motivate and encourage everybody in the workplace in the long process. Workers also have an hygiene motivation in order to know their actual interest and passion in their work. As they are motivated, workers will always happy and enjoy working which will result in more productivity or great work performance. Accordingly, using money to just motivate workers or any kind of financial rewards could not be an efficient method to motivate any employee. If organizations need to motivate their workers by using money, they should come along with some more hygiene factors to make sure that every employee is motivated and happy working with them.

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