How Music Helps Mental Health Essay

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Dr. Debasish Mridha states, “Music can heal the wounds which medicine cannot touch.” Search the benefits of harmonized that you never knew because it is not just melody, tune, or lyrics, but it has a soul. Music has become our friend since the first time we knew it, and perhaps we knew since we still a child. When we are happy, we enjoy playing rock songs, but when we are sad, the mellow song is the best way to entertain us. It is like magic; our mood becomes good. However, the advantage does not stop there. Many researchers found that music has benefits to medical treatment. To treat mental illness, you should listen to music because it reduces depression and anxiety disorders.

Firstly, the melody and harmony of a song offer a cure for sufferers of depression. Music clears our minds. When we have many problems and burdens that we cannot bear, it helps us to relax our brains. The harmony then comes as our friend that is calming, comforting, and encouraging mentally. The lyrics contained are the soul of encouragement, while the instruments are the soul of tranquility. Music reduces the traumatic. Deep problems often provide deep trauma for sufferers of depression. The most severe thing is this cause can bring patients to a disease called Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). According to the National Institute of Mental Health, patients with this disease often feel excessive stress, shock, and afraid of the terrible events that they have experienced. Harmony works by diverting attention from negative thoughts and improving mood. The mechanism that music produces in the brain creates calm and makes patients feel better. Besides music clears our mind and reduce our traumatic, it also can regulate our emotions. Music with soft tones-for examples, classic or jazz songs can reduce blood pressure and creates a serene mood in a patient. Therefore, patients that are depressed can feel better and return to normal.

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Moreover, the instrument of melody that made by a musician is a therapy for those who have anxiety. Music can develop their self-confidence. The inspire lyrics uplifting the patient to believe that they can overcome the concern that they experience. It is like motivation that is built from the mind. Cheerful and upbeat melodies also erase their fears -for example, rock music. This is related to their psychology which becomes more relaxed because of their heart rate decrease. Sounds that are pleasant creates a comfortable emotion to develop a relationship. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America explains, there are roughly 15 million American adults encountering a social anxiety disorder. Therefore, singing then offers relaxation through the rhythm that makes social uneasiness decline. Anxiety sufferers will enjoy starting a conversation with those around them if they feel safe. The desire to create beautiful songs provides an opportunity for anxiety sufferers to find out and share ideas with others. Music helps the patient to express their feelings. Not only to be heard, what they think and what they feel can also be poured into a lyric or melody. When they succeed in creating a song and getting praise from people around them -for example, parents, close friends, or relatives, they will become brave to express what they feel. People who suffer from anxiety tend to work alone, for this reason, music then becomes a media for them to share their feelings and eliminate their fears.

To conclude, if you do not want to feel stress and angst disturbance, then music is the best way for you. It will provide you serenity and comfort. Learning to reduce these disturbances will give you a long life. Do not wait too long and allow these disturbances to become severe. Also, do not let these torture the people around you. Let us encourage them to do music therapy. Listening to music can be done easily, anytime, and anywhere. You do not need to pay a lot to listen to one song. Therefore, what are you waiting for?

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