My Goal of Forming Useful Behavior

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One beneficial constructive behavior that I would like to make a regular habit that is part of my life routine is exercising more while maintaining to eat healthy. I decided to use my personal goal that I had already planned to set for myself for this upcoming semester. When it comes to your body it is important that you be careful what kind of food that you put inside your body because failing to take care of your body can harm it physically and mentally. Being at home away from college has definitely changed my eating habits. Since I’ve been home for the summer, I have noticed that I have put on more pounds than expected and I blame it all on fast food. I chose this particular beneficial behavior because I actually want to stick to my goal and eat more healthier while maintaining to keep my weight down to a minimum.

The goal I plan to accomplish for this behavior is to go to the gym at least three times a week, avoid eating fast food, and to add vegetables to my meals something that I don’t do at all. The problem here is that I don’t engage in none of these activities at all because when I do try, I always choose to do other things with my time, or I just don’t feel like it at all. I rarely engage into this behavior because when it comes down to getting in the gym or eating healthier, I always seems to have an excuse for it such as eating out more than expected or being too exhausted and having too much homework to make the time to really work out like I wanted too. When I make it home at the end of the day all I want to do is relax and go to sleep.

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There are two benefits that consists of engaging in this behavior on regular basis such as it helps with good health and it reduces stress. It is important that you work out while maintaining to eat healthy if you want to remain having good health and staying in shape. For example, exercising helps prevent and manage many health problems, including obesity, stroke, high blood pressure, and etc. Most people dislike exercising because they are not motivated to do it, let alone attempt to stick to a routine, for example, such as me, I get to the point where I just forget all about it not realizing in the end that these health benefits are not hard to ignore, and that it can creep up on you very quick. Exercising also helps reduces stress in different ways. For example, our body reacts to stress by causing our heart rate to speed up and our blood pressure to rise to a point where we never knew that it could, but if we exercise and eat more healthier than all of this can be prevented in just a blink of an eye. According to Susan Petang, “We all experience stress on a daily basis” (Next Avenue). With this being said, it’s not the fact that stress is the problem.

I plan to successfully target one immediate positive reinforcer in one to three weeks. In order to keep myself motivated I decided to reward myself with a shopping spree once I meet my goal. Shopping is my favorite thing to do so I know I will definitely stick to my goal. I plan to ask my roommate to help support me in reaching my goal because she loves to work out and she will most definitely keep me motivated. I plan to use our campus gym to help achieve my target to lead me to a healthier lifestyle. I do not get to go on my shopping spree unless I reach my immediate behavioral goal; my shopping spree is contingent upon my behavior.

If my target somehow become delayed while trying to achieve my target behavior, then my positive reinforcer will be a Cinnabon from the mall. For instance, If I reach my goal of working out three times out the week, I get to enjoy my Cinnabon and go watch a movie. If I do not reach my goal, then I cannot have my Cinnabon nor watch a movie. Knowing how much I rather enjoy shopping vs eating a Cinnabon, then I know for a fact that my goal of working out three times of the week will happen.

Every-night before I go to bed, I will write myself a note and hang it on my refrigerator to remind myself that’ when I get out of class I need to cook myself a healthy meal then prepare myself to head to the gym and work out until I decide that’s it’s time for me to stop. This antecedent intervention wouldn’t be hard for me to remember because I go to the refrigerator every morning to get a bottle of water out before I head to class in the mornings or afternoons.

If everything goes as plan, I will complete this behavior in a month time frame as planned. My timeline will go as followed: Monday, Tuesday’s and Thursday’s will be the days that I will work out from 3pm to 5 pm and do sit- ups and use the exercise bike while listening to music to keep me focused and on Wednesday’s will be the days that I do push-ups and scrunches. After class, I will cook for the whole week and add vegetables to my meals. When I reach my goal of losing 15 pounds and getting use to eating healthy, then I will continue to make this a daily habit by working out twice a week and eating healthy to prevent me from obesity, high blood pressure and stress. The reason behind this timeline is because it’s a must that I lose this weight and it’s a must that I start eating healthy to reduce any type of heart problems and such.

My goal will be easy, but challenging to me. The reason why it would be easy to me because I love shopping so working out wouldn’t be too bad. The reason why it would be challenging for me because I don’t work out at all. I just sit and eat and watch myself pick up a few pounds not evening worrying about seeing a gym. Therefore, working out will be a challenge for me. My immediate and delayed reinforcers actually would help keep me motivated to wanting to work out and eat healthy. Why? Because I love and could use a shopping spree and as far as going out to movies, I could catch one of those too because it has been a while since I saw one.

Honestly, I think the reinforcers I chose to be effective rewards would be strong but weak reinforcers. Because just like that I could forget all about my goal of trying to lose weight and head inside the shopping store pick up an item and my goal would be pointless. Therefore, I will stick my goal and make the best of working out as well as eating healthy.

Yes, I do think I chose a realistic, effective and antecedent intervention. I believe I choose an effective and easy implement intervention because my timeline is easy to manage especially on the days that I get from class as well as on the days that I don’t have class. I will constantly have notes to remind me as well as alarms. As far as the cooking goes, there wouldn’t be a problem with adding the vegetables to my meals, because by the time I get used to doing it then it would be a set goal.

In conclusion, given what I have learned in this class based on what I know about myself, I am 95% likely to implement this behavior change plan successfully and achieve my target behavior. I think my behavior will be a successful based off my current state of knowledge because eating healthy as well as exercising cannot only benefit you physically, but it will benefit you spiritually as well.

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My Goal of Forming Useful Behavior. (2022, December 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from
“My Goal of Forming Useful Behavior.” Edubirdie, 15 Dec. 2022,
My Goal of Forming Useful Behavior. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 16 Sept. 2024].
My Goal of Forming Useful Behavior [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Dec 15 [cited 2024 Sept 16]. Available from:

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