NASA's Attempts To Manipulate Gravity And People Who Studied Gravity

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Do you ever wonder in one thousand years what will be happening? Like would we be living on the moon. Imagine you floating jumping and having fun. You would be thrown around with no gravity because you would weigh nothing. That may not happen, but did you know without gravity none of that would happen. This essay will show you how Nasa is trying to manipulate gravity, what gravity does to space and the most important people who studied gravity.


Nasa is trying to beat gravity left,right, and center, but it starts with tractor beams. It may seem hard beating a fundamental force but in reality it is not. Nasa is developing tractor beams that have the power of moving objects around without getting close to them. Just think you are in a star wars movie and you are luke skywalker and you are battling darth vader then you use the force to move the turbines and defeat darth vader. The tractor beams work by using a very strong electromagnetic invisible beam. If Nasa pulls this off before anyone else they will get lots of fame. Nasa uses this tech to get more people in space. Nasa is trying to make suits so in space, the suit will use a substitute to act as gravity, or nasa is pretty much making gravity space suits. Nasa is trying its hardest to trick gravity including launching an experiment in 2016 to see if you can grow plants in zero gravity. The answer is yes you can this may not seem like a lot but this is one step closer to having life on other planets.

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The Impact on space

The impact gravity has is gigantic. It even affects planets by pushing them into space and time. It does more than that it acts as a super strong planet glue to keep them together. Gravity is an invisible force that acts as a huge magnet. It keeps us orbiting the sun and the moon orbiting us. Gravity specialist Marie enga at macomb community college said that gravity keeps the planets from falling out of the solar system and causing universal chaos, she also said that gravity causes the planets to orbit in their own field of magnetism. When you study planets you will find that gravity appears more than once in research. If there was no gravity the planets would be in huge pieces and no one could live, just think about floating in space until you run out of oxygen. With no planets the dent they caused in space and time will soon crack and break shattering space and time itself, there would be nothing just endless white. Why do we have gravity? Well no one knows exactly but we think gravity puts pressure causing the big bang, but some people don’t believe that the big bang even happened. It is an endless debate even today. Gravity has a big impact on people's lives and planets.

People who studied gravity

There were tons of people who studied gravity, but few of them made ground breaking discoveries. Isaac Newton was already famous but he was confused by the workings of gravity. So he did research, tons of research until he found the gravity formula,Fnet=ma2. After this astonishing discovery he spent hours trying to crack gravity even more. Newton was an extraordinary man, he was famous for countless things including his famous gravity formula. Albert Einstein was a very smart man. When he heard of Newton's gravity formula. Einstein studied how the gravity formula applied and found out that if he used his famous formula,E=MC he would find gravity's weakness. Instead he found out that gravity pushes planets down into space and time. This was not all he thought that if the planets were to be lifted it would crack and break space and time. This was some of the most useful bits of information that people use today. Galileo galilei was a great scientist. Galileo thought that we rotated the sun not the other way around. Because the gravitational pull would be less if the sun rotated us. He got sentenced to life long house arrest for this statement. That did not stop Galileo. He kept working at home until the telescope came out. He looked in and was the first person to see the moons of Jupiter, and the craters of the moon. He calculated the law of freefall. He knew that things falling at a different mass would fall at the same time. Galileo was a great astronomer and was a special gravity scientist.

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NASA’s Attempts To Manipulate Gravity And People Who Studied Gravity. (2022, February 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 13, 2024, from
“NASA’s Attempts To Manipulate Gravity And People Who Studied Gravity.” Edubirdie, 27 Feb. 2022,
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