Nazism As A Revolutionary Movement

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The Pan Germanic ideology known as Nazism was brought up by Adolf Hitler. To understand the ideology, one must understand its idealist. Thus a history of the life of Adolf Hitler will be examined.

Adolf Hitler was an Austrian German born on the 20th of April 1889 to Alois Hitler and his third wife Klaara Polz. He was born in Austria, then part of Austria-Hungary and was raised near Linz. Hitler attended Volksschule, a state owned primary school. He took singing lessons and sang in the church choir. Hitler and his father Alois were at constant loggerheads with each other as his father constantly beat him due to his conduct of indiscipline in school. In 1900, Hitler lost his younger brother Edmund and this caused him to lose all confidence and become an emotionally detached boy. Hitler’s father Alois had made a successful career in the customs bureau and wanted his son to follow in his footsteps but Hitler was interested in the arts. Ignoring his son’s dreams of becoming an artist, he sent him to Linz in September to school where he intentionally did poorly to spite his father and in hopes that his father would realise that school was not for him and allow him to chase his dreams of becoming an artist. Hitler, like many other young Austrian Germans began to develop the German nationalist spirit. He despised his Austrian ancestry and sang the Deustschlandilied instead of the Austrian Imperial Anthem. Adolf Hitler’s father died in 1903 and his mother pulled him out of school. He enrolled at the Realschule in Steyr where his attitude towards school improved. In 1905, Hitler completed his primary education and resolved not to further his education.

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Hitler moved to Munich in 1913 where he acquired his late father’s estate and earned money from painting architectural scenes. He left Vienna to evade being enlisted in the Austrian army. He claimed that he had no wish to serve the army as it consisted of a mixture of races. However, he was sent by the Bavarian police to Salzburg for induction into the Austrian army where he failed his physical examination and was declared unfit to join in which he returned back to Munich. At the age of 25, Hitler requested permission to enlist in the Bavarian army to fight in the war between the Austria-Hungary and the German empire (First World War). His request was granted though he was of Austrian descent and was supposed to have been deported back upon failure of his physical examination. During the war, Hitler served in France and Belgium. While in the army, Hitler held on to his German nationalistic ideology and it became stronger during the course of fighting in the war. He fought bravely on several occasions and was wounded during the final months of the war. He was temporarily blinded by mustard gas and was hospitalised. There he was treated but became temporarily blind again upon hearing of Germany’s defeat in the war. That day, he decided to go into politics. After regaining his sight, Hitler left the hospital and was awarded by Germany with various national awards for the bravery he showed in the war.

Adolf Hitler was an extreme nationalist. His writings included themes such as anti-Semitism, anti-communism, anti-parliamentarianism, German Leberensraum (living space), belief in the superiority of an “Aryan race” and an extreme form of German nationalism. Adolf Hitler’s political views formed during three periods:

1. During his years as a poor young man in Vienna and Munich prior to the start of World War 1 during which he read various racist pamphlets and anti-semitism newspapers.

2. When he learned of Germany’s defeat in the war while he was hospitalised, he resolved to go into politics to regain Germany’s honour back.

3. During the 1920’s which his early political career began, he wrote Mein Kampf, a political book that was filled with racist comments towards Jews which he referred to as germs. He wrote this while he was imprisoned for trying to overthrow the government

Hitler’s political motivation consisted of an ideology that combined traditional and Austrian anti-Semitism.

It has been observed that Hitler’s health might have been a cause for his abnormal behaviour and somewhat mental way of thinking. He had the following diseases:

1. Syphilis: It was concluded that Hitler’s tremors and irregular heartbeat during the last years of his life could have been symptoms of the late stages of syphilis. His possible discovery in 1908 that he himself had the disease may have been responsible for his demeanour. ; his life course may have been influenced by his anger at being a syphilitic as well as his belief that it was a Jewish disease thus sought to eradicate the race as a form of vengeance.

2. Monorchism: The medical condition of having only one testicle. Hitler apparently lost his left testicle while fighting in World War 1.

3. Parkinson’s disease

4. Drug Use: Hitler took many pills for his chronic stomach ailment and other diseases. These dugs include methamphetamine, barbiturates, opiates and cocaine as well as potassium bromide and atropa belladonna.

5. Huntington’s disease

6. Mental Health Problems:

Sub-revolutions of Nazism

The revolutionary movement of Nazism led to the following sub revolutions:

1. World War 2

2. Nazi revolution in Germany.

The second world war brought about major changes to the racial map of Europe. The number of jews that lived in Europe drastically reduced. 90% of the jewish poplation vanished as a result of this war. The war also brought about a result of this war. The war also brought about a division in Europe, dividing countires and her colonies into two hostile zons. Paris, which was once the cultural capital of the world was replaced by new York when the America joined war as an European power. The war also brought about an alliance between france and germany. Furthermore, the once feared british empire was brought to her knees at the hands of the Nazi gernams.

Hitler became chancellor on January 30th, 1933. The Nazi ideology could only be achieved when Hitler became chancellor, given them a chance to implement their horrendous idea in Germany. Upon the death of the president in 1934, Hitler merged the powers of the presidency with his powers as a chancellor. The final step that ensued a strong foundation for power for the Nazis was in 1938 when Hitler took personal command of the three branches of the German armed forces. The Nazi party could now impose their Anti-Semitism and German “living space” ideology in Germany. They purged the city of the Jews, homosexuals, Jehovah witnesses, the disabled, etc as they saw these set of people as inferior and weak and not fit to live in pure Germany.

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Nazism As A Revolutionary Movement. (2022, September 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
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