Negative Effects of Junk Food

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When we were little kids, we use to love to play with soft toys, remote control cars, etc. But now when we grew up a little bit, we all love to eat fast food and junk food and now it’s a trend to eat junk food. All of us enjoy eating fast food as it is cooked really fast, tastier and cheaper, so why shouldn’t we eat it? Taste shouldn’t be the first priority, instead health should be the first priority. People always say this quote, “Health is wealth”, but sadly the quote is fading away and becoming obsolete.

Teenagers have been avoiding homemade food and have chosen the alternative of consuming junk food. Teenagers can be located near the vicinity of fast food industries such as McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut, and many more. In general, most teenagers are unaware of the impacts of consuming junk food. Consumption of junk food has the following negative impact.

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Obesity has become somewhat of a household name when being associated with junk food. During consumption of junk food, fat gets acuminated inside of the body in surplus amounts causing obesity. When people are obese, they become vulnerable to diseases such as diabetes or even cancer. Diabetes occurs when the body is unable to use and store the amount of sugar present in our body. This is evident during consumption of soft drinks, as in soft drinks there is a higher amount of sugar present in it.

Teenagers are the main victims of heart failures as statistics suggest that they consume junk food the most. Heart failures occur when plaque is formed in arteries which demands heart to put in extra effort to pump blood on the downstream. There is a lack of blood returning to the heart on the upstream. So therefore, it causes two damages to heart - heart is fatigue as it pumps blood and it also make extra oxygen and the heart suffers the oxygen supply. Example: as donuts are junk food, if we consume them there is also a lot of chances of increasing the chances of heart diseases. Depression is also one of the main problems caused among teenagers after eating junk food. As a lot of hormonal changes occur among teenagers, which makes them likely to have mood swings and behavioral changes. Due to the lack of intake of the specific nutrients, this results in depression.

Regular consumption of junk food which include high amounts of sugar could changes the chemical activity of the brain and this makes the teenagers addicted towards it. Consumption of junk food also makes people more inactive.

Eating junk food can also cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract, because it reduces the fiber content in the body. There are two types of fibers: insoluble fiber and soluble fiber. Both the fibers are beneficial and pass throughout body without even being digested. The role of insoluble fiber is to keep the intestine and colon functioning properly. There it regulates the bowel movements and increases the chance of increasing cancer as well. Reduction of fiber increases the probability of attaining cardiovascular diseases and cholesterol problems. Digestive health is also affected due to minimal fiber in the body. Problems like diverticular diseases, constipation and hemorrhoids are imminent due to it.

Edema diseases occur due to salt increase in the body. These diseases lead to swelling in knees or ankles or even feet. A common catchphrase we perceive everywhere is “no to fries and no to chips”. Ever wondered why? Chips and salt contain high amount of finely processed salt and secretion of enzymes that enhance your craving for food. Sodium potassium balance of the body and causes hypertension, due to the increase in the amount of bad fats and sodium from salt.

When the adults consume alcohol, it harms their liver, consumption of junk food also has the same impact. Studies suggest that people who consume junk food and don’t exercise, their liver showed changes in their liver enzymes within four weeks, subsequently increasing problems for their liver.

I conclude by saying that although junk food taste good and eating it once in a while is fine. But, eating fast food very frequently may result in some health problems which will affect is in a bad way such as obesity, cancer, diabetes and some of the problems I discussed. Mostly sugar and fat are the main food in which we suffer from some health problems. Therefore, I conclude by saying that “An Apple a day keeps a doctor away”.

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Negative Effects of Junk Food. (2022, December 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 12, 2024, from
“Negative Effects of Junk Food.” Edubirdie, 15 Dec. 2022,
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Negative Effects of Junk Food [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Dec 15 [cited 2024 Sept 12]. Available from:

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