Nelson Mandela Leadership Essay

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Leadership can be put as the capability of a person to inspire and influence others to move ahead in the direction of goals and achieve them. The leader who has set great examples by exhibiting democratic leadership styles is Nelson Rolihlahla Mandel, who is often referred to as the father of the South African population. The paper would discuss leadership, as employed by Nelson Mandela, which inspired numerous people to follow his vision while being the president of South Africa. Nelson Mandela renounced chieftainship to pursue law. He became a member of the African National Congress in 1944 which intended to provide liberation to the blacks, of which he soon came into prominence as the youth leader.

Nelson Mandela did several sacrifices for the nation for which he has been honored with numerous recognition and awards including Nobel Prize for Peace. His contributions have significantly touched the lives of men around him and showed them pathways of life as the president of South Africa. As an activist in South Africa, he even served prison sentence for the choices he made during the period of apartheid. He chose to be ethically correct with his decision to be effective in times of crisis during the supremacy of the whites and free the nation from their colonized state (Ndlovu-Gatsheni, 2018). When the white community in Africa tried to assert their power and maintain supremacy of authority, Mandela reminded the population about the need to protect their rights, community and nation as a whole.

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Mandela helped the people in South Africa understand his vision and be a part of it to bring change to the exiting form of governance. The economic and social discrimination which was enforced and practiced by the non-majority whites, over the majority population of the nation during this period. His visions enabled people to fight against the exploitative forces and eliminate apartheid. He organized resistance through the darkest time to put an end to the discriminatory legislations and freed people from the oppression (Chasi & Levy, 2016). He has been an inspiration for activists working to protects civil rights across the globe.

According to the practices which are exemplary of leadership models, it is important to be able to pave path for individuals and communities, which makes a leader extraordinary. An effective leader models the way and pursues the way people are to be treated (Kouzes & Posner, 2016). Nelson Mandela embraced sacrifices and served in prison for his revolutionary ideas which opposed the authority and discriminatory legislation which exploited the rights of blacks in South Africa. He defied the dominant values which promoted racial segregation and set examples for the nation to follow and act on the same to bring a better future. He enabled others to act by conducting meetings with local people as well as leaders (Kouzes & Posner, 2016). He delivered speeches on the importance of his philosophy and strengthened others to bring freedom from Apartheid. He enabled the people of South Africa to come together and foster collaboration to make a democratic nation. Nelson Mandela has advocated the need for peace and inspired next generations to be proactive in being morally and ethically correct and have perseverance throughout the process of achieving the intended goals. Nelson Mandela has displayed important qualities to the world and his nation which Encouraged the Heart of people across the globe to make changes wherever necessary (Kouzes & Posner, 2016). He has made the world a better place with his intensions and philosophies by exhibiting powerful perspectives about economics, religion and society and preservation of human rights.

Nelson Mandela has been the inspiration behind the elimination of apartheid and brought deserved liberty and authority to the people of Australia. He is a leader who stood tall in front of authority for what was being wrong and exploited the rights of the people in South Africa (Moodley & Adam, 2017). I have chosen him for his incredible contributions to the society and inspiring people across the globe to be determined about practicing the right. A great leader is the one who is able to exhibit qualities of perseverance and think beyond personal goals. According to my understanding, it can be asserted that his leadership style has not only empowered the nation but the world and aided in the struggle of the black people to gain their deserved liberation from discriminatory practices. An organized leadership was built only because of the vision which he did not let go of, despite being imprisoned for more than 25 years. There were several obstacles, which came in his way, but he could fight them and inspired the next generations to do the same to place humanity and common good over all other. I have learned about leadership practices and what the qualities are which makes a leader exemplary through the contributions made by Mandela in order to get people their deserved rights.


  1. Chasi, C., & Levy, N. (2016). Mandela and excellent African leadership: lessons from an appreciative thematic analysis.
  2. Houston, G. (2018). Nelson Mandela's leadership during negotiations: collective versus individual leadership.
  3. Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2016). Learning leadership: The five fundamentals of becoming an exemplary leader. John Wiley & Sons.
  4. Moodley, K., & Adam, K. (2017). Becoming Mandela: Educational Implications of his Leadership. In Nelson Mandela (pp. 9-16). Brill Sense.
  5. Ndlovu-Gatsheni, S. J. (2018). Nelson Mandela and the Decolonial Paradigm of Peace. In The Routledge History of World Peace since 1750 (pp. 154-164). Routledge.
  6. Raelin, J. A. (2015). Rethinking leadership. MIT Sloan Management Review, 56(4), 95.
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