Never Give Up To Achieve Success: My Story in Gymnastics

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Everyone has a passion whether it’s big or small. My number one passion is gymnastics. Gymnastics is a fun and very serious sport at sometimes. You can also receive a chance to meet new people. Statistics show that over 5,000 people do gymnastics to have something fun to do. By doing this sport you will most likely never be bored. So being able to have gymnastics as a passion means that you like to be active.

I started gymnastics when I was very young. I was watching a movie with my older sister. It was about a black female named Gabby Douglas whose passion changed her life forever. After we finished the movie, I started practicing gymnastics every day. My parents saw me going crazy over gymnastics. So about two weeks later they signed me up. The moment I walked in, is where it all began.

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Like I said before gymnastics has been my gymnastics has been my passion ever since I was young. The first time I went to gymnastics was with my older sister. I wasn’t doing very good when I arrived. Since my sister was competing at the time, I asked her for some tips. She only taught me when she had time, and by the time I mean when she wasn’t texting her friends. So I went to my second option, Youtube. So I guess you can say the whole idea of me being a gymnast came from my sister.

Other can get involved in gymnastics if they wanted to. However, gymnastics is a sport that requires strength, flexibility, dedication, and determination. It also requires the ability to be graceful and delicate. This is because you will be expected to compete on uneven bars, balance beams, floor, and vaulting horse. So in order to be successful in gymnastics, you need to be dedicated.

In conclusion, gymnastics relates to my goal of being an Olympic gymnast like Gabby Douglas. So as long as I never give up, stay dedicated, and keep practicing I will have a higher chance of being an Olympic gymnast. And if I keep working hard enough who knows, maybe I can earn two gold medals at the age of 16, just like Gabby Douglas. But in order to reach this goal, I need to stay dedicated and always put in my best effort.

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Never Give Up To Achieve Success: My Story in Gymnastics. (2022, August 12). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“Never Give Up To Achieve Success: My Story in Gymnastics.” Edubirdie, 12 Aug. 2022,
Never Give Up To Achieve Success: My Story in Gymnastics. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
Never Give Up To Achieve Success: My Story in Gymnastics [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Aug 12 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from:

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