Ooredoo Multinational Company: Culture, Climate And Leadership Styles

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Organization is a person or a group of people intentionally organized to accomplish an overall, common goal or set of goals. Goal is a statement that shows organizations wishes to archive. Organization is born when more than one person coordinates to perform a work, such as one person passing bundles to another person who puts them in an order. Organizations can range in size from one person to tens of thousands. “OOREDOO” the multinational organization is a leading international telecommunications company delivering mobile, fixed, broadband internet and corporate managed services tailored to the needs of consumers and businesses through markets in the Middle East, North Africa and South-East Asia. Wataniya Telecom Maldives is a member of Ooredoo Group. It has been launched on the 1st of August 2005 in Maldives. The company delivers a wide range of cutting-edge wireless voice and data services to personal and business needs. Among many other accomplishments, Ooredoo made the history by introducing the first ever and fastest 3G and 4G Networks in the Maldives.


Organizational culture is, built on shared attitudes, beliefs, customs, and written and unwritten procedures that have been developed over time and are considered valid. And it includes, organization’s vision, values, norms, systems, symbols, language, assumptions, beliefs, and habits. Ooredoo vision and value is based on “enriching people’s lives”. Moreover, Ooredoo they have created a promise from them to the customers. The promise they made is “we will not inspire you to do more but will support you and aid you to grow, providing the tools you need to get there through your mobile device.”

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At Ooredoo they are proud of their strong roots in local markets. Hence they are a global organization they have the right balance for future.


It is, a set of properties of the work environment, alleged directly or indirectly by the employees. On the other hand, it affects productivity, motivation and employee behavior. Ooredoo has a strong bond between their employees. As described by their employees, it is a fun place to work with a lot of activities. The staffs are also very friendly. “Ooredoo is a telecom company with worldwide footprint and aggressive approach. Wonderful place to work, offers growth and personal development opportunities. I was happily stuck there for 15 years.” A Senior Oracle Apps Developer (Former Employee) described working in Ooredoo.


Previously, the culture of Ooredoo was to increase the number of customers. To achieve this goal, they started to sell Sims at a very low price compared to their competitors. Their aim was to gain the market share. But now, they aim to please their customers in order to maintain the great amount of market share. To do this, they find new, easy and improved ways for their customers to communicate throughout the world.

As we look back at the previous years, we can see that the culture of Ooredoo was to boost the company. They find new ways in order to grow and settle into other countries. Due to this, they would be able to boost their sales and get more revenue. They are more profit-driven back then. Moreover, back then, Ooredoo provides different types sponsorships in order to promote their business and to make it a well-known brand. Also, Ooredoo faced difficulties in entering other countries due to their culture maybe because the host countries already had a supplier with the same service. Previously, Ooredoo had a huge eye on the famous celebrities to promote their business. They used famous actors, football players and singers in advertisements all across the world and this helped them to get the attention of a huge number of customers.

However, the culture of Ooredoo has changed over the past years. They no longer want to be a profit-driven company, but to be a great supplier to their customers; offering better quality services at a reasonable. Now Ooredoo give away gifts to their customers on their anniversary each year which makes the customers feel more satisfied with their supplier. Ooredoo offers free packages and lower IDD rates for customers to call their close people all around the world.

As stated before, Ooredoo faced some difficulties while entering new markets; countries, due to their culture. But now, they changed their cultural behavior according to the countries they operate in. Advertisements and other promotional activities are changed according to the beliefs and religion of each country. Due to this, they were able to get more customers and achieve customer loyalty. Also, Ooredoo now provides new services other than giving good communication such as giving information about daily life activities and important health tips just for free.

Previously, the climate of Ooredoo was very different from now. Back then, they were not able to give better training for their staffs. This is maybe due to the lack of employees working there. Due to this, high skilled work force was not created. However, now, as the managers and trainers have better experience on the field, they conduct various training programs for their employees in order to get the best outcome. A very high skilled workforce is there.

Also, in the early years of the business, Ooredoo had some difficulties in obtaining the right equipment for their daily works. The workers faced many challenges due to not having enough equipment to work with. As a result, the services given got slower. However, as the world got better with the new technology, Ooredoo is able to get all the useful equipment for their employees and deliver better quality services.


Leadership is a vital function of management which helps to maximize efficiency and to attain organizational goals. Leadership style refers to a method taken by a particular leader. It might refer to a direct or commanding style or a particular or collaborative style. It might likewise refer to a leader who has a visionary style or who is coaching-centered (Warner, 2012).

Effective communication in an organization increase efficiency, decreases employ turnover and improve office atmosphere. Not everyone comes from tough communication backgrounds, so it’s important to bring new employees up to speed on significant communication mode.

Looking at the previous leadership styles and changes in communication mode, previously, Ooredoo takes a particular person that they think who is suitable for the job in each country and they hire that person to carry out the business there. They work as one group because back then, they do not have a huge work force. At first, Ooredoo was not able to have an effective communication within the business due to lack of technology.

However, Ooredoo was able to overcome these problems now. Communication within the business is according to the chain of command. Each employee works under the supervision of a manager and communication within them is very effective. Also, the leaders of Ooredoo are now able to provide their employees with a good working environment and help them to grow by giving better trainings for them.


Ooredoo, a multi-national telecom company, has changed over the past years. There were able to operate their business in more than 10 countries over the globe while providing a better quality service for their customers. Over the past years, their service got improved and they were able to achieve a lower labor turnover due to the making their employees satisfied with their job. Ooredoo aims to achieve higher goals in the future.


  1. Warner, D. J. (2012, 9 28). http://blog.readytomanage.com/why-leadership-style-is-important/. Retrieved from blog.readytomanage.com.
  2. http://ooredoo.com/en/who_we_are/ooredoo_business/
  3. http://ooredoo.com/en/careers/ooredoos-culture/
  4. http://www.telecomreview.com/index.php/articles/telecom-operators/1012-ooredoo-building-data-experience-leadership
  5. http://carrier.huawei.com/~/media/CNBG/Downloads/Spotlight/Program%20of%20the%20I T-Oriented%20Operations%20Transformation/TBR%20%20Ooredoo%20ICT%20%20NFV%20Managed%20Services%20Case%20Study.pdf
  6. https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Ooredoo/reviews
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Ooredoo Multinational Company: Culture, Climate And Leadership Styles. (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/ooredoo-multinational-company-culture-climate-and-leadership-styles/
“Ooredoo Multinational Company: Culture, Climate And Leadership Styles.” Edubirdie, 17 Feb. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/ooredoo-multinational-company-culture-climate-and-leadership-styles/
Ooredoo Multinational Company: Culture, Climate And Leadership Styles. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/ooredoo-multinational-company-culture-climate-and-leadership-styles/> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Ooredoo Multinational Company: Culture, Climate And Leadership Styles [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 17 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/ooredoo-multinational-company-culture-climate-and-leadership-styles/

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