Organizational Culture In Disney, The Circle And Adobe

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There are many factors that may contribute to a company sucess, one of them been its organizational culture. A company organizational culture refers to the set of values, traditions and customs that have a direct effect of their employees motivation and behaviors as a whole. In this analysis we are taking a look at the differences in the organizational culture of Disney and the The Circle and how both of them combined differs from Adobe.

The Walt disney company mission is to make people happy in other word ‘to be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information’ (Farfan, Barbara, 2014). The company has an organizational culture for excellent entertainment so the differentiate the products they offer to their audience meaning they do not just stop at their productions and their amusement parks. Always been at the top of the entertainment industries, Diney most visible culture is the customer service and unforgettable experience they provide at their theme park. Their employees represent their greatest asset been reffered to as cast members, when you get a job at Diney you become automatically ‘part of the show’. At Disney ‘actions speak louder than words’ . On the other, at the Circle, the fiction company in the movie named the same ; they offered everything : emails, social media ; online Banking, image and video sharing and the list goes on. The company as presented in the movie is a totalitarian monopoly, giving little to no privacy and personal choice to their employees.

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Both companies exercice control over their employees. At Disney, before joining the team in other to ‘make all dream comes true’ you are expected to be in line with the kind of culture they want to have. For that to happened, the company exercice control over its employees physical appeareance meaning no tattos, excessive piercings, unnatural makeup and hair color. Besides these, Disney employees need to follow the company seven guidelines which are keeping eye contact, greeting every guest, displaying appropriate body language and thanking everyone (Sparks, Wally, 2007). Dinsey use those rules as a measure to protect his family-friendly culture he tries to convey to the audience. Monitoring its employees physical appearance have been effective for Disney as even thought some employees prefer to leave, the company can get rid of the individuals that are not good for their image and what they stand for. Disney is also know as a smile factory, where the employees are required to always shows happyness every single day, such rules can sometimes be too intense where employess could get lost in as their emotions are been controlled. Meanwhile at The circle, employess are required to have no privacy and personal choice. Their informations are to be display because ’sharing is caring ‘ wanting to keep things to yourself is considered antisocial and selfish. The company excercice control over its employees by monitoring their everyday life. The circle use this control system to make sure its employees stay at the top of their productivity. However this technological control system is not effective as shown by when Mae mentor break down after learning the truth about her ancestors throught PastPerfect.Also the Circle is looking for real experience as far as emotions are concerned, they required to see exactly what the individuals is facing which can lead to them faking it because people are watching them.

Working in an environment where every single details is monitored either by customers, supervisors or coworkers can cause stress. The employess may feel like their every move is been watched therefore they may fear not doing the task the correct way therefore reducing productivity.

I believe Diney employees are motivated because they believe in the purpose of the company which is all about maintaining that Disney magic. Also by encouraging free thinking, Disney give its empoyees the opportunity that they are an important part that organization making them more willing to be commited. However the dictatorial corporate culture of the Circle make it one of the last places someone will want to work because I believe that even thought the whole surveillance strategy is helpful in providy visiblity of employees productivity and company involvement at time is prioritized above the employee itself which can be harmful.

Examples of companies that use corporate culture positively, effectively and ethically to motivate and control employees include Adobe. Adobe is an award winning company which culture is based upon four core values : Genuine, exceptional,innovative and involved.

Adobe is known to be a company that fully encourage its employees to undertake challenging projects then fully supporting them. As it all about creativity and freedom in this company, employees are not micromanaged nor tracked to ensure their availivility during working hour, while exploring their ideas they are also giving permission to fail. Part of empoyees benfits at Adobe also includes holiday pay, medical insurance, retirement plans and education reimbursement.

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Organizational Culture In Disney, The Circle And Adobe. (2021, October 04). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 18, 2025, from
“Organizational Culture In Disney, The Circle And Adobe.” Edubirdie, 04 Oct. 2021,
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Organizational Culture In Disney, The Circle And Adobe [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2021 Oct 04 [cited 2025 Jan 18]. Available from:

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