Overview of Key Nursing Care Theories and Their Relevance

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Taking care of patients is not same as caring for them. Healthcare system is becoming competitive day by day where patients are recognized as clients of healthcare. Nursing care involves identifying patient’s need and overcome the barriers that prevent to deliver quality care. The main issue in delivering proper care to patients is that health care system increased expenditure and turning into more profitable business. It is very necessary to create healing environment for patients to make them feel secure that they are not an object to make money.

Watson’s 10 Caritas process are the principles that connect nurses and patients through faith, trust, love, hope, caring, selflessness, spirituality, energy, and understanding. Carative factors are formation of a humanistic-altruistic systems of values, instillation of faith-hope, cultivation of sensitivity to one’s self and to others, development of a helping-trusting human caring relationship, promotion and acceptance of the expression of positive and negative feelings, systematic use of a creative problem solving and caring process, promotion of transpersonal teaching-learning, provision for supportive, protective, and/or corrective mental, physical, societal and spiritual environment, assistance with gratification of human needs and allowance for existential-phenomenological-spiritual forces (Norman, Rossillo, Skelton, 2016). The caritas process helps nurse to build therapeutic relationship to promote healing. According to Norman et al. (2016), “Our hospital has a chapel that is available at all times and are flection room in the surgical waiting area”. The Caritas processes is a guide that help a nurse establish caring behaviors into nursing practice in spiritual and loving fashion.

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The act of caring arises when two human being develop and maintain helping-trusting relationship. According to Norman et al., 2016, “A key aspect in creating and sustaining a healing environment is having an executive management team that supports the stated goals and the education, time, and resources needed to implement a nursing theory”. Many new nurses are unable to connect with patients due to responsibilities, low staffing, frustration, stress which affect both patients and nurses.

Jean Watson’s theory of Human caring is a great tool to educate nurses to develop transpersonal relationship through caring patients. Today’s health care system is full of technology where care is often taken as curing patients where curing patients is much more important than spending time with patients and listen to them. It is very important for nurses to experience and practice the theory of human care which can be offer by incorporating caring theory. In order to transit this theory to nurses and other staffs, health care system should offer classes with some type of exercise where nurses are required to attain sessions to experience from patients’ point of view to help understand the concept of therapy (Norman et al., 2016). Norman et al (2016) state, “These classes included elements of self-care and ways to deepen spirituality and human connectedness”. Having these type of program helps create better healing environment because the increasingly distanced relationship between health care providers and patients where true meaning of care has lost its way which also increases the risk of medical errors.

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Overview of Key Nursing Care Theories and Their Relevance. (2022, September 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 12, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/overview-of-key-nursing-care-theories-and-their-relevance/
“Overview of Key Nursing Care Theories and Their Relevance.” Edubirdie, 01 Sept. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/overview-of-key-nursing-care-theories-and-their-relevance/
Overview of Key Nursing Care Theories and Their Relevance. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/overview-of-key-nursing-care-theories-and-their-relevance/> [Accessed 12 Sept. 2024].
Overview of Key Nursing Care Theories and Their Relevance [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 01 [cited 2024 Sept 12]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/overview-of-key-nursing-care-theories-and-their-relevance/

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