Part-time Job For Youth: Joy Or Necessity?

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It is a widely held belief around the United States that high school kids should get a part-time job. While this can be helpful in building useful skills for later in life, it also has downsides. Starting off with the fact that the increased workload can have a serious effect on the teenager’s performance in school and their ability to function properly. While also affecting their social life by not letting them be able to get out with friends. Teenagers should not get a part-time job in high school because it makes them more stressed, hurts their social lives, and robs them of enjoying life before they go out into the real world.

Undoubtedly, having some extra spending cash as a result of a part-time job can be good. However, the equated stress of working a job and keeping up their grades in school is a difficult task that most cannot do. When this happens, a teen’s grades will start falling, and even more stress and anxiety will be put on them. As well as negatively beginning to affect both the physical and mental health of the teenager. It can get so bad that the teen may start to experience severe anxiety or panic attacks. Not all teens will experience this, but the extra work and expectations will weigh on them. Part-time jobs may help build skills early on and provide some additional cash the added stress is not worth it.

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Indeed, some people can balance work life and social life. However, seeing as the teenagers have both school and work to consider and plan around going out with friends to something like the movies gets a lot harder. Not being able to get out and have some fun with friends because they work late or have to study and do homework can take its toll. It can lead to a sense of loneliness and always feeling tired. In some extreme cases, this feeling of isolation can lead to a multitude of issues one of the major being severe depression. However, getting out and spending time with their friends can easily help these issues. A good social life is key to a healthy mind and body, and people need that to get through high school.

Undoubtedly, having the knowledge and experience that having a part-time in high school can be very useful in adulthood. In contrast, though they are being robbed of their only opportunity to be young and enjoy life. Let them be young and have fun. Having this taken away from them can make them miss out on all the crazy and wild activities they can be apart of to create memories that will last a lifetime. Eventually, they will have to grow up and face the real world issues that everyone else does. However, at that time, let them be young and joyful. In the end, they will have to grow up, but that is a long way away.

In fact, having a part-time job in high school can be helpful, but the negatives bring the potential that far outways the positives. Being stressed out over how to balance school with work and falling behind because they can not find a way to balance their life. Not being able to hang out with on a regular basis to help relieve the built up stress can lead to depression and other mental illnesses. Having their youth taken away because they were working instead of enjoying partying with friends or just hanging out with them to have some fun.The negatives have a much higher impact than the positives could ever hope to have on teens in High school.

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Part-time Job For Youth: Joy Or Necessity? (2022, February 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved December 13, 2024, from
“Part-time Job For Youth: Joy Or Necessity?” Edubirdie, 21 Feb. 2022,
Part-time Job For Youth: Joy Or Necessity? [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 13 Dec. 2024].
Part-time Job For Youth: Joy Or Necessity? [Internet] Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 21 [cited 2024 Dec 13]. Available from:

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