Peak into the Old and New World of Newspaper

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The thing which develops persons rationality. The thing which make a person aware of what is happening around him or her. Now it is present in your cell phones you are carrying always around just like extra but necessary baby. It also can be seen in one hand of old people with a cup of tea in other hand. While taking a sip, they read and tell each and every house member who is passing by about any news which is worth listening to. It is not depend on any season, whether it is is cold outside or too hot. The paper boy will come and throw the newspaper into the house. It was not always like this.

Human passed so many histories and ages to reach the present. Today's well-defined human was once a part of stone age whose life was only about survival. There only motive was to kill and hunt. There was no civilization or culture. If civilization was not there, then what is the need of any news. With passing ages human started getting civilized. Education came and people started to excel in many fields of of sciences. Awareness and sense developed in people and civilizations developed. The development of societies lead to cities and Empires and King became the ruler of their Empires.

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Initially news was not what we see today. People didn't knew what is politics, fashion, business or entertainment. The very first news were about proclamations, concerning Royal ceremonies, laws, taxes and criminals. It was all about what Kings wanted to convey to their people.

Do you know that how newspaper looked like in past. It was not printed but was handwritten. These handwritten newsletter used to pass political, military and economic news quickly and efficiently throughout Europe mainly in Italy in 1500 to 1700. It was called Avvici. These were similar to written letter. Then came the printing press which initiated printing press Renaissance. This was a revolution in writing world. The first printed newspaper published in 1609 in Germany but was controlled by government and then came England with the relaxation in 1695, so the newspaper flourished in London. In 1800 printing of newspaper started on a very cheap cost.

Till the present time newspaper technology has so much advanced. Now the news has not just remained in one form, but has developed into many types i.e print media, broadcast media, and the internet.

Fashion, business and entertainment has emerged with a great amount of follower. Now people have access to news only one click away and with the speed of seconds. They know what ever happening on miles away or on a far away lands. News is not just about national affairs, now people are more interested in international affairs because world is a global village now with no borders or any boundaries some people are criticizing these advancement because they think that advancement of of technology of news is hurting the sovereignty and nationalism of states but on other hand people are enjoying the convenience of quick access to news.

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Peak into the Old and New World of Newspaper. (2022, August 25). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Peak into the Old and New World of Newspaper.” Edubirdie, 25 Aug. 2022,
Peak into the Old and New World of Newspaper. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Peak into the Old and New World of Newspaper [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Aug 25 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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