Personhood, Human Dignity and Moral

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The study shows why four individuals, Dr. Wilson, who is on the medical side, offer recommendations to couples that the pregnancy is unhealthy and go through abortion. He describes in his opinion that the infant is born with an irregular disease and the infant has a shortened lifespan. The doctor's decision was based on the virtue ethics theory, in which Aristotle defined some twelve moral virtues and stressed that abortion could be seen as a triumphant action if it is seen in the golden mean that is courage and eventually aims at human happiness. The second individual is Jessica's boyfriend, who was very supportive of Jessica's decision. His beliefs were in favor of her or the feminism theory, the mother more so than the right to survival of the child. He was not sure that Jessica obtained proper help during her early months of pregnancy.

The last person Aunt Maria, who was at some stage someone they lived with, wanted Jessica to give birth to the child, for she believes in the principle of right to live. In the Aunt’s viewpoint, abortion is homicide and God is going to judge her. However, Jessica's final choice was either to get an abortion or to proceed with her motherhood. It's impossible to survive in life if she gave birth to an unwanted child. It has two choices according to feminism, that is, to eliminate the womb entirely, or to refrain from intercourse. But this idea is not true, as the mother is not granted the absolute right to terminate her child. That is because mothers have always aborted babies on the grounds of sex. Trusting the recommendation of the psychiatrist is one way to help think of the life of the fetus. Whereas scientific theories and studies have already identified an abnormality in the growth and development of the fetus, it is not advisable to give birth to an irregular infant. It is not only going to be troublesome for the parents, but also for the boy. As far as ethical issues are concerned, after 24 weeks of conception of the fetus can be terminated. However, my religious background would have me to believe in the right to live theory, God has the final say so if he is the Divine creator to bring life into an individual what right do I have to terminate it.

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The concepts of personhood, human dignity, as well as moral status informs my philosophy of health care and wellness in a way that allows me to respect one’s decision. As a health professional it is important to first understand the patient in a way that if advise is to be given that it best suits that individual. A health professionals advise is greatly accepted but in a way that all theories that best aid the patient is needed. As an example, the relationship-based moral agency principle refers to Dr. Wilson and the relationship of the clients. Dr. Wilson needed to respect the interests and actions of both Jessica and Marco because they were all interested with the best-case scenario of the fetus. According to Sebo (n.d.), the fetus may not have a moral value since it loses reason, which is self-awareness and understanding, or that it cannot sense the danger around it. Because this logic is absent, the embryo begins to mature gradually as a individual ages. My final thoughts are that the fetus still develops into a human no matter how flawed it appears to be. It still evolves exactly as God wants it to evolve. However Dr. Wilson did the appropriate thing by advising Jessica that she is the one to give the definitive answer, even if all parties have opposing theories.


  1. Grand Canyon University (GCU), (2020). Case Study: fetus Abnormality Sebo, J. (n.d.). Moral Status
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Personhood, Human Dignity and Moral. (2022, Jun 09). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
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