Perspective essays

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The environment needs to be studied in all aspects. That’s why many different scientists and volunteers help study the environment. This is called environmental science, an interdisciplinary scientific field that combines physics, biology, and geography (including ecology, chemistry, plant science, zoology, mineralogy, oceanography, limnology, soil science, geology and physical geography, and atmospheric science) to study the environment and solve environmental problems. Emerging from the fields of natural history and medicine during the Enlightenment, environmental science today provides an integrated, quantitative,...
1 Page 421 Words
Elliot Sober's book on evolutionism and creationism examines the current debate about the differences between these theories and their attributes. In my essay, I want to compare evolution and creation through his perspective. Evolution is the idea behind the existence of the differences between organisms and the processes of how they came to be through the observation of early forms of life throughout history. Creationism is the opposite, where the belief is that the universe and its life forms have...
2 Pages 1117 Words
The study of how people change and develop can be defined as human development. Many researchers explain that human development has a strong theoretical foundation and research background. In my opinion, one theory cannot fully explain the development of an adult, so we need to look at it from the life-span perspective. According to Kail and Cavanaugh (2017), development can only be fully understood when viewed as a life-long process and all factors are considered holistically. Louw and Louw (2019)...
2 Pages 935 Words
Judith Teichman in her book 'The Politics of Inclusive Development' explores the politics of inclusive development through an in-depth analysis of four case studies, Mexico, Indonesia, Chile, and South Korea, each with clear-cut development paths and different social welfare and distributive outcomes, and places these cases in the context of international development thinking and practice. The book tries to tackle two main concerns: what policies are necessary for the reduction of poverty, its related deprivations, and continued improvements in social...
3 Pages 1551 Words
Growing up with strict parents who were like a broken tape recorder was something I would always remember up to this day. They never get tired of saying that education is the key to success and that if we fail to finish our schooling, we will starve and become homeless. Different people have different perspectives on how they see or treat education. But, from my point of view, the true meaning of education lies in something else. There are a...
3 Pages 1148 Words
Discussion The purpose of this study was to survey the perspective of the staff of the radiology department toward radiography students during clinical training. It also aimed at finding out the factors that were seen as relevant to the clinical training of students, and the improvement that could be done to make the training experience better for students. Assessing the experience of radiography students on the attitude of the radiology staff towards their clinical training programme. From the perspective of...
3 Pages 1544 Words
Food has always been an important part of life. It is a resource for energy and a vital part of survival for all living beings. However, for humans, it goes beyond just the necessities. It is a part of their culture –integrated into art, social settings, etc. Almost anywhere one looks, one will be met with countless photographs of food, from magazine pages to Instagram posts, conversations about going out to grab lunch, television ads, and a restaurant of some...
5 Pages 2388 Words
The understanding of human behavior has been a subject of great importance for different natural and social disciplines such as, psychology, anthropology, sociology among others; this has allowed to the discovery of psychological and social factors that lead to the evaluation of different human behaviors, which has been of great help when it comes to labeling personality traits and conduct disorders, especially in serial killers. A serial killer, is consider a person who murders three or more people in a...
1 Page 648 Words
Language is a complex system of communication that connects people to one another in the means of both verbal and written displays. The language and discourse that society participates in is a product of social construction. From the time when we are born, we are labeled by pronouns “he” and “she” associated with the gender binary of being either a boy or girl and with that label, the language that surrounds either gender is vastly different. The study of gender...
6 Pages 2783 Words
The integrity of civil servant is always questioned by the society, so it raises public awareness of misconduct and abuse of power during delivery services, especially in the uniform department such as the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP). For that reason one case study on integrity among Royal Malaysian Police (RMP): An Ethical Perspective had been done by Haniza Hanim Mustaffa Bakri, Jamaliah Said and Zulyanti Abd Karim (2015). The objective of this study to evaluate the present level of integrity...
2 Pages 1026 Words
Virtual reality, also known as augmented reality, is viewed as a way to escape reality and see the world through a different lens, both physically and metaphorically. The growing industry has the potential to alter how we learn about and experience work in our environment. Oculus Rift, which is owned and run by Google and allows a different sort of interaction with both known and unfamiliar places and people, is an example of a virtual reality gadget. This product's development...
1 Page 473 Words
Introduction Health is one of our most valuable assets, and maintaining it should be a priority for each of us. However, in today's fast-paced and interconnected world, we face various threats that can compromise our well-being. Understanding these threats and taking proactive measures to address them is essential for promoting a healthy and fulfilling life. In this essay, we will explore some common threats to our health and discuss strategies to mitigate their impact. Sedentary Lifestyle In recent years, sedentary...
1 Page 626 Words
The War on Terror became an international issue when President Bush stated, 'Every nation in every region now has a decision to make,' he said in a national address. 'Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.' The invasion of Iraq became one if not the most controversial international foreign policy decision made by the United States and the United Kingdom in recent history which was accompanied and triggered by The War on Terror. Up to this...
2 Pages 738 Words
Richard White wrote Inventing Australia: Images and Identity, 1688-1980 in 1991. In his book, White examines how an Australian national identity has been shaped in the past and continues evolving through time. The title he chose for the book reflects his belief that national identity does not exist but is invented. He talks about three main points in the making of this identity. The first one concerns Europe and its influence on Australia. The second one is the importance of...
1 Page 554 Words
What is the difference between justification and sanctification in Romans? To start you need the overview of Romans and the historical context, of where all this began. The Book Of Romans Author: The author is the Apostle Paul. Purpose: To present Paul's Gospel message to the believers in Rome and to explain how the Gospel heals divisions between Jewish and Gentile believers. Date: A.D. 55-57 Key Truths: Jews and Gentiles are sinners under God's judgment. Jews and Gentiles receive justification...
3 Pages 1291 Words
Introduction According to the world health organization (WHO), health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’ (WHO, 1948). Martino (2017) also states that this is consistent with the biopsychological model of health that considers physiological, psychological, and social factors in health and illness. WHO (2016) also states that health promotion allows individuals to increase control over their own health. Health promotion covers a wide range of...
3 Pages 1274 Words
The Elusive American Dream America's greatest allure is its promise of equal opportunity and fair treatment. This promise dubbed 'The American Dream' has encouraged many people to escape suffering from their country in the hope of obtaining a better life in America. Sadly this promise remains a dream for most Americans, one they can never hope to realize. The roots of the American dream can get traced to the Declaration of Independence in 1787 which conceived democracy in America. At...
2 Pages 799 Words
Millions of people from all around the world see the United States as a land of opportunity. They come here, whether legally or illegally, in order to find better jobs, get a better education, and improve their standards of living. Most importantly, however, they come for the freedoms and human rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution. Many of them are escaping war zones, high crime rates, extreme poverty, and political and economic instability in their home countries, and come...
1 Page 550 Words
The issue of race in the 21st century is a touchy subject, but one that needs to be talked about. Racism is a cultural creation that continues to wreak havoc on multiple countries, one of which includes the United States, which has a long history of racism. The issue of race has not gone away but has rather taken another form. Racism looks different today than it did 100 years ago, but it is still an issue that needs to...
4 Pages 1673 Words
In today's society, African Americans and other races experience racism in their lives, either as victims or guilty of being racist due to differences between them. Racism is prejudice directed against someone of a different race based on their race’s culture. In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee describes the ways racism is used, the evils of racism, and the negative consequences in the city of Maycomb by showing the reader many real-life situations and discovering the impact...
1 Page 495 Words
Germany's desire for Austria-Hungary to enter the war was motivated by their aim to become a superpower since they believed it would be able to cripple Russia and France in a short war. They were eager to wipe out Russia before it had time to mobilize and then wanted to focus on France with Russia eliminated, thus negating the risk of Germany facing a war on two fronts. Britain's quick involvement should not be questioned since German victory would have...
1 Page 529 Words
Introduction Independence is a fundamental aspect of human nature. From a young age, we yearn for autonomy, freedom, and the ability to make our own decisions. The desire for independence significantly influences the choices we make throughout our lives. In this synthesis essay, we will explore how the pursuit of independence impacts various aspects of our lives, including personal relationships, career decisions, and self-discovery. Independence and Personal Relationships The desire for independence can shape our relationships in profound ways. It...
1 Page 568 Words
'If men were angels, no government would be necessary,' stated James Madison, which briefly explains the value of a state's constitution. Reflecting back to the state of nature, men enter into social contracts and form governments to protect their natural rights, which serves as the primary purpose of governments. In this sense, citizens give their consent by accepting the government's laws and services, and the essence of the Constitution serves as the foundation for these laws. The Constitution is more...
2 Pages 780 Words
Introduction Affirmative action is a policy that aims to address historical inequalities and promote equal opportunities for marginalized groups in areas such as education and employment. While it has been a subject of debate, it is crucial to recognize the ethical principles underlying affirmative action. This persuasive essay will explore the ethical dimensions of affirmative action, demonstrating how it aligns with principles of fairness, justice, and social equity. I. Equity and Equal Opportunity Affirmative action is rooted in the principle...
1 Page 611 Words
Introduction The hotdog, a beloved food enjoyed at ballparks, barbecues, and street corners, has sparked a long-standing debate: Is it a sandwich? While some may argue that it is a unique culinary creation in its own right, the evidence suggests that a hotdog is indeed a sandwich. In this persuasive essay, we will explore the characteristics and definition of a sandwich, examine the structure and ingredients of a hotdog, and present arguments that support the classification of a hotdog as...
1 Page 549 Words
Introduction A positive attitude is often touted as a key factor in achieving success. While some may argue that skill, talent, and hard work are the primary drivers of success, the evidence overwhelmingly supports the notion that a positive attitude is necessary for success. In this persuasive essay, we will explore the impact of a positive attitude on various aspects of life, including personal growth, relationships, and professional achievements. By understanding the benefits of maintaining a positive mindset, we can...
1 Page 576 Words
Introduction Heroism, the act of selflessly risking one's life or well-being to help others, has been revered and celebrated throughout human history. The concept of heroism raises the question of whether it is an innate trait within human nature or a learned behavior influenced by society. This essay will present a persuasive argument on the existence of heroism in human nature, highlighting inherent human qualities, historical examples, and psychological perspectives. Innate Human Qualities Human beings possess inherent qualities that lay...
1 Page 571 Words
Introduction Walmart, one of the largest retail corporations in the world, has had a significant impact on the American economy and society. While some argue that Walmart's presence brings numerous benefits to the country, others raise concerns about its effects on local businesses, workers' wages, and community development. This essay will present a persuasive argument on whether Walmart is good for America by examining its economic contributions, job creation, consumer benefits, and potential drawbacks. Economic Contributions Walmart has played a...
1 Page 580 Words
Jamestown and Plymouth are two significant early English settlements in North America. While both colonies were established by English settlers seeking a new life in the New World, there are notable differences in their origins, motivations, governance, and interactions with the Native Americans. This essay will compare and contrast the colonies of Jamestown and Plymouth, shedding light on their similarities and differences. One key difference between Jamestown and Plymouth lies in their origins and motivations. Jamestown, founded in 1607, was...
1 Page 516 Words
Joan Didion's essay "On Keeping a Notebook" explores the practice of journaling and its significance in the author's life. In this essay, Didion reflects on the act of writing and the personal insights that can be gained through the process of keeping a notebook. Didion begins by explaining the motivation behind her journaling, highlighting the importance of capturing fleeting moments and preserving memories. She notes that her notebooks serve as a repository for observations, experiences, and thoughts that might otherwise...
1 Page 380 Words
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