Photoshop essays

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Essay topics
3 Pages 1625 Words
In a technologically-dominant world, nearly everyone has seen at least one Photoshopped, or digitally-altered, image in their life, whether it is believed or not. Social media has caused a frenzy of adults, teens, and kids alike who are obsessed with looking as perfect as possible. Entertainers and social media influencers have had a huge impact on this issue. The type...
4 Pages 1142 Words
History When Thomas and John Knoll started working on the application in 1987, it was only the beginning of Adobe Photoshop, a pioneer in digital image modification. It was initially designed to put on view grayscale pictures on a monochrome feature and was first named "Display" by Thomas Knoll. His brother John recommended developing it into a whole picture editing...
1 Page 546 Words
In today's world photoshopping has become a normal practice. It has become so normal that you can no longer tell if photos are real or fake. Growing up thinking that it is normal to have such a perfect body is not healthy. Due to the many consequences, it can bring. Science has proven it can have physical and mental health...
1 Page 401 Words
Photoshop is a huge controversy in social media today. Although it can be used positively, such as to make photos more unique or eye-catching, there are also many downsides to it. People online can create an image of themselves through photoshop on how they wish people to perceive them, or to fit in more with society’s standards of beauty. Of...
1 Page 637 Words
Photoshop. A word that pretty much every human being has heard of. It is used by more than 10 million people worldwide. Yes, Photoshop can be used for good like to fix lighting, crop something out, even to add a funny background, but what happens when it begins to do more harm than it does good? It has been shown...

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