Positive Parenting & Child Care Parenting

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The positive parenting is a way of looking after children with a positive encouragements and child care as to protect children by sending them into a right place or institution where they can settle and learned to develop both mental and physical. There will be more explanation to clarify on child protection and its importance needed to perform to save such young people in this country (PNG).

Positive parenting is a way of motivating or teaching child to be a self-esteem and correcting some of their mistakes so that they will aware both negative and positive behaver to follow while their brain capacity is more active. Before reach mature, child can do anything that he/she want without knowing the effect weather it can be good or bad and sometimes they harm them self-meaning to say, fight with their peers, putting rubbish into their mouth and make themselves dirty. How can they improve? The most appropriate procure to improve kids is that, give a time by stay with them influencing with positive attention, discipline effectively where they can develop emotionally intelligent, physically and spiritual welfare. “This is an important omission because in general, positive parenting practices, nurturing parenting attitudes, supervision and involvement in school and activities, all relate to the better outcomes for children” (Oyseman et al., 2002, p. 66).

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Parents can give positive discipline to a child within a day to be improved but it’s impossible. The possible path to help child reach development is; have commitment to do correction to their wrong so that he/she slowly catching up new things to prosper. When you see that child starts to change its opposite things, that’s rewarding for positive parenting and parents invests are lifetime beneficial.

Whereas, child care or protection means type of support given to children by assessing in line with good guidelines for physical and emotional to make them grow healthier. “Several studies have found that the quality of care children receive in family child care homes is associate with their social, cognitive and emotional functioning” (Zellman et al., 2008, p. 79). The more appropriate way to care child by avoiding all kinds of risk is like; sent them to school where there is an early childhood care and learning center so that teachers treated them step by step imparting skills on how to read, write and also pronounce alphabets (letters) correctly.

Educating them in early stage is more appropriate to build up their interests, picking up new things fast while attending elementary up to tertiary institution without facing any problem. Through education, their mind sets are fully developed having fair ideas on how to handle problems arise to interrupt their life (Joseph, 2019).

Comparing to current situation here in Papua New Guinea, many of the children are grown up without giving any proper protection meaning no advices or information given to train them in early stage to become good man and woman. When parents give a birth, that’s the time where they feed them with only food and their own languages. Under five years and above, children leave their parents and join their peer mates on the streets do smoking and drinking an alcohol while young girls act phonography for money without consider for their future. Then their brains are not fully developed to bring change or improvement into the family, community, society and country as a whole. They are blindly influence other youths which leads corruption in terms of stealing, fighting and raping. The number of uneducated people is higher than educated people who work and survive.

Children’s are given as gift or present to parents by God to look after because they will take care when getting old and also future lies upon their hands. Yet parents continuously ignore it and not responsible to take care of them with encouragements. They leave them alone and grows up with bad habits. Therefore, in order to minimize these kind of problems, make sure child to be educated. Another step is enforcing child to attend Sunday school in any churches so that it will motivate them to see their right path to develop themselves to become leaders of tomorrow.

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Positive Parenting & Child Care Parenting. (2022, February 18). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/positive-parenting-child-care-parenting/
“Positive Parenting & Child Care Parenting.” Edubirdie, 18 Feb. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/positive-parenting-child-care-parenting/
Positive Parenting & Child Care Parenting. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/positive-parenting-child-care-parenting/> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Positive Parenting & Child Care Parenting [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 18 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/positive-parenting-child-care-parenting/

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