Pure Buddhism And Buddhist Meditation Strategies

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Karma is the reward or punishment you get for what you did. This is a concept in Buddhist philosophy. This is a philosophy, which Sri Gauthama Sambuddha enchanted. This philosophy leads the way to attain nibbana, the uttermost freedom from Sansara. Sansara is the cycle which we go through from one birth to another. We face many incidents where we get sadness at the end. This philosophy shows the correct path to become free from this sadness. Karma is one of the main concept in Buddhism. This word has the meaning of what we do. This includes; what we do by our physical body, words and also through our mind. But, this doesn’t include the things we do by mistake. The things we do via our physical body, words and mind may be good or bad. If we do a good thing, there will be good rewards one day. If we do something bad, we will also get the punishment in return.

What is Karma-Concept in Detail

This particular concept in Buddhism shows how people lead good lives due to the good things they did. It also depicts the way how people suffer in reality for all the rude things they did. Karma comes behind us just like a wheel follows its vehicle. There are four ways how this concept effects a person. One is the reward or punishment you get within this lifetime. It will also give you rewards or punishments at the immediate rebirth. Another way is gaining rewards or punishments at any birth of this Sansara. Last way is losing a bad deed due to a good deed or its reciprocal. You yourself will feel the reality of this concept, once you try to analyze this philosophy through your brain. This path has many ways to relief yourself from stress, anxiety and it helps you in anger management.

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Buddhism-Path for Reality

You might have the question, “What is Buddhism?” in your mind. Lord Buddha had many followers from 2500 years and up to now. He sacrificed his everything for the betterment of all the other living beings. He found the way to get rid of all the sadness in life. The uttermost way to real happiness is inside this philosophy. Buddhism also teaches you to spread love and kindness to all living beings. Depression is one of the major problem, which present people face. Buddhism teaches a technique called meditation. You may listen to a meditation music in YouTube to feel how calm it is. This includes concepts in Yoga too. Yoga poses and breathing yoga techniques are popular among people. Yoga is much popular in Zen Buddhism as well. Sri Lanka is one of the famous country where pure Buddhism exists.

Early life of Lord Buddha-Prince Siddhartha

Siddhartha Gauthama was the name, Lord Budhha had before the enlightenment. His birth place was Lumbini in India. His father was king Suddhodhana. His mother was queen Mahamaya. Legends say that seven beautiful lotus flowers bloomed on the day which prince Siddhartha came to this world. He had the ability to walk right after his birth. He had a whole lot of comforts as he was a prince. He was also the heir to the throne. The prince was very intelligent since his childhood. He was one of the kindest person thereby. He never did bad deeds and never hated anyone. Meanwhile, he did not have any interest to become a king. He understood that everything in this world is full of sadness. He saw some events, which made him feel useless about all the comforts. He saw an old person and understood that everyone who is born will become old one day. Next, he saw a sick person who suffers a lot. Then he understood everyone is getting sick. What he saw next was a dead body. This made him understand that everyone has to die someday. He realized that nobody is immortal. He understood that everything people try to achieve are fake. He saw a monk at the end. Then he got to know that they are trying to get rid of this fake world. One day, the prince wore robes and went on searching for the path for freedom. After some years, he could attain Nibbana-the noble pathway to be free from all the sufferings. Then he kept on teaching his findings to help everyone to get rid of Sansara.

Meditation Techniques-Free Yourself

Lord Buddha taught two main meditating techniques in his teachings. They are; vipassana meditation and samatha meditation. You can either do this as sleep meditation too. All you need to highlight is mindfulness on what you do. Sri Lanka is a country where Buddhist meditation for beginners is available. You can search on the YouTube as; guided Buddhist meditation for beginners or best guided meditation YouTube. You can also search as; best guided meditation for sleep, free guided meditation for sleep or guided meditation. Meditation classes are available in countries like Sri Lanka, Thailand and even in Europe. There you can start simple meditation for beginners. You can either practice morning meditation along with your daily yoga practices.

Bottom Line

Once you meditate, you will understand Buddhist believes and reality of Buddha quotes. You will also get rid of the wrong impression; “Buddhism is a religion”. You can even start calming your mind by looking at a Buddha painting. Buddha paintings on canvas are for sale online too. You will be able to practice a lot of good quotes about life through these methods. You will get a correct answer for the question “what is life?”. You will also be able to control your anger issues via meditation. You might be someone who knows only about tea or cinnamon in Sri Lanka. But you will understand that there are more benefits in this philosophy than the benefits of green tea. Spend some Sri Lanka time and learn about reality from Buddhism. This will help you to get rid of all your sorrows.

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Pure Buddhism And Buddhist Meditation Strategies. (2022, February 24). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 10, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/pure-buddhism-and-buddhist-meditation-strategies/
“Pure Buddhism And Buddhist Meditation Strategies.” Edubirdie, 24 Feb. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/pure-buddhism-and-buddhist-meditation-strategies/
Pure Buddhism And Buddhist Meditation Strategies. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/pure-buddhism-and-buddhist-meditation-strategies/> [Accessed 10 Sept. 2024].
Pure Buddhism And Buddhist Meditation Strategies [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 24 [cited 2024 Sept 10]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/pure-buddhism-and-buddhist-meditation-strategies/

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