Racial Diversity Within the Australian Community

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Diversity is a concept that reflects on the many ways we are alike while also respecting our individual differences. There are many aspects of diversity, such as cultural, racial and religion. Racial diversity occurs when many different ethnic groups are represented in a community. Not only is Australia a multicultural nation, it is also the most ethnically and racially diverse country in the world. The Australian Bureau of Statistics claims that there are around one hundred religions and three hundred ethnic groups in Australia. My artwork represents racial diversity within the Australian community through symbolism.

My painting consists of multi-coloured dots creating a shape which is outlined by a black marker. The dots are arranged to form a peace symbol and there is approximately the same number of dots for each colour. Many people mistake the peace sign in the wrong direction; many believe the two lines are pointing down, near the bottom of the circle. However, the genuine sign has the two lines pointing outward, located at the top of the circle. It signifies life, beginning and protection. The circle in the symbol represents the Earth while the three straight lines represent a tree growing on the planet. Additionally, each dot symbolises an individual within the community and different coloured dots depicts different skin tones. As the dots are roughly the same size, this reveals that no matter what skin tone someone is, everyone’s value is the same. Hence, racial diversity is seen in my painting through the symbolism of dots and lines, which form the peace symbol.

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Furthermore, there is a variety of community values and attitudes towards racial diversity. Even though most people warmly accepts diversity, there are still people who disrespects the concept. Throughout the year, there are various multicultural fairs held in hopes of promoting a deeper understanding of unique ethnic heritages and eliminating racism in society. Many people would agree that these events enrich Australia as it brings different ethnicities together and also allows groups to experience other ethnicities’ ways of living. Yet, despite these numerous gatherings, some are still not willing to accept diversity, as they believe certain ethnicities, such as their own, are superior. They believe that by acknowledging it, all groups would be of the same significance and they do not wish for this to happen as they feel the need to make it known to others that some racial groups are of lower ‘value’. Thus, the majority of the community accepts diversity with open hands whilst some are still reluctant.

Moreover, due to the existing discrimination in the society, many people are suffering from negative impacts on their mental and physical health. There have been multiple incidents of unacceptable behaviour, such as verbal threats and bullying that were carried out towards groups of different backgrounds. At schools, students have been left out of friendship groups because of their stereotypical skin tone. This would result in increased stress levels and could also lead to depression. However, this behaviour could be changed if the community understood that diversity means coming together and celebrating our differences. Schools play a major part in educating students of young age but students are not educated about the importance of inclusiveness and diversity. To fix this problem, there could be yearly organisations which visit classes to educate children how racial diversity adds a brightness in the world. There could also be constant signs and posters in streets raising awareness in adults. Therefore, in order to promote empathy and understanding within the community, schools should educate students about diversity.

In conclusion, all diverse groups in Australia should feel supported in expressing their social identity and racial inheritance. Through valuing diversity, negative perceptions and inequities can be effectively challenged to support all members of the community. Together, as a community, we can battle through the hardships, such as racism and discrimination to become a better community. As seen in my painting, we can prove that no matter what race someone is, everyone is equal and no one should ever feel of lower value. Through the symbolism of my artwork, we can promote the acceptance of racial diversity within the community.

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Racial Diversity Within the Australian Community. (2022, September 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 12, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/racial-diversity-within-the-australian-community/
“Racial Diversity Within the Australian Community.” Edubirdie, 01 Sept. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/racial-diversity-within-the-australian-community/
Racial Diversity Within the Australian Community. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/racial-diversity-within-the-australian-community/> [Accessed 12 Sept. 2024].
Racial Diversity Within the Australian Community [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 01 [cited 2024 Sept 12]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/racial-diversity-within-the-australian-community/

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