Reflection On The Hate U Give: Opinion Essay

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The hate u give is a novel written by Angie Thomas!in the novel an innocent African American boy is shot by police. The story centers the life of the boy’s childhood best friend and witness of shooting. She attends a predominantly white school and must deal with the repercussions of the police killing in her community. Its a battle inside her of whether to speak up or not. In this book, she learns how life truly is. She learns how important she is not only to the world and her peers but to herself. This book came out at just the right time, It talks about the unfair treatment of black people in our world today, I believe many teens can connect with it today.Many people do not believe in police shootings are serious those same people do not believe in global warming. They somehow think that someone’s life automatically deserves to be taken because they sell drugs, or because their black, or because they asked why they got pulled over, because they looked violent, and because they were holding a hairbrush. The Hate U Give F**** Everybody.

When I first read this line in the novel I did not understand it took me to read more about what Tupac said and what he meant for this line to be taken as ¨If we continue to raise infants in a negative environment, surrounded by racism, violence, and oppression then the cycle will just continue.¨ America will never get better. Khalil was raised with his drug-addicted mother. He was forced to be the head of his house because the hate his mother surrounded him by messed him up, having to be the head of his house he needed money which turned him into selling the thing he hated the most ,the thing that made him cry every time his mother said she was clean but needed one last time renewing the cycle he was gonna be the one selling that to someone else mother whose

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The hate u give is a novel written by Angie Thomas!in the novel an innocent African American boy is shot by police. The story centers the life of the boy’s childhood best friend and witness of shooting. She attends a predominantly white school and must deal with the repercussions of the police killing in her community. Its a battle inside her of whether to speak up or not. In this book, she learns how life truly is. She learns how important she is not only to the world and her peers but to herself. This book came out at just the right time, It talks about the unfair treatment of black people in our world today, I believe many teens can connect with it today.

Many people do not believe in police shootings are serious those same people do not believe in global warming. They somehow think that someone’s life automatically deserves to be taken because they sell drugs, or because their black, or because they asked why they got pulled over, because they looked violent, and because they were holding a hairbrush. The Hate U Give F**** Everybody.

When I first read this line in the novel I did not understand it took me to read more about what Tupac said and what he meant for this line to be taken as ¨If we continue to raise infants in a negative environment, surrounded by racism, violence, and oppression then the cycle will just continue.¨ America will never get better. Khalil was raised with his drug-addicted mother. He was forced to be the head of his house because the hate his mother surrounded him by messed him up, having to be the head of his house he needed money which turned him into selling the thing he hated the most ,the thing that made him cry every time his mother said she was clean but needed one last time renewing the cycle he was gonna be the one selling that to someone else mother whose son is waiting for them to come home just like he did.

This book is needed today because of the things we deal with today are the same in this book.159 black people have been shot by police in 2018 alone.How many have you seen on the news? how many of their killers have been convicted? between 2005-2017 80 officers have been arrested on murder…during that 12-year span 35%were convicted.

I can relate to starrs family, and her viewpoints .i recommend this book to everyone over 13.

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Reflection On The Hate U Give: Opinion Essay. (2022, March 18). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 10, 2024, from
“Reflection On The Hate U Give: Opinion Essay.” Edubirdie, 18 Mar. 2022,
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Reflection On The Hate U Give: Opinion Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Mar 18 [cited 2024 Sept 10]. Available from:

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