Would the U.S. have entered World War II without Pearl Harbor? It's a very serious question that hasn't been discussed for too long. Many questions could stem off this one question such as, would there be a significant difference in present day if World War II did not occur or how would it have affected certain things back then. There's so many questions to be answered. Many will be answered in this excerpt, there's so much information to be shared.
As time has gone on many questions have been asked and many have been answered. Many questions have been created and many questions have been dismissed. Today a new question has been created, Would the U.S have entered World War II without Pearl Harbor? Arguably there's many different answers to this questions but all are based on opinion and perspective. This answer will solely based on cold hard facts. This a huge what if. According to ‘Pearl Harbor Visitors’ bureau the Japanese had two options to weigh on. Attack Russia and deliver a devastating punch or take war to southeast asia and take what the Americas and Europeans held. Taking the forces to moscow would most likely make the Russian Soldiers cave. Had the two engage however would mean defeat for the Soviets. The big question is however, would the US still intervene? With the Americas knowing Hitler's and Japans tenacity its still very likely that they would join the War. By this time, though it would have been too late, the US holding out was a costly mistake. Russia would have already taken there fatal blow and been wiped out while the british forces would have been greatly reduced. The US would have no other choice but to intervene with the damage japan would be causing. Either way it wouldn't be pretty for Japan.
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According to ‘The national interest’, if Japan would have attacked the british forces first it still would have been just as bad. If this would have occurred it would have been the first time the US has made a request by congress that we declare war against another nation that did not fire first against the US. President Roosevelt who was the president at the time was ready to do whatever it took to take down japan, even if that means making history. Leading up to this roosevelt and British prime minister Secretly met to hash this whole thing out, it was eventually named ‘The Atlantic Charter’. One of the main objectives for churchill was to make an agreement with the japanese to either stop their aggressive behavior or face the consequences. The British barely escaped the Nazis a year before, The british were forced out of Greece by the Germans which ultimately led to the british to having struggles with General Erwin Rommel’s Afrika Korps in northern Africa. With the British getting stretched scarcely thin, they wanted to figure out a way to make the japanese not attack malaysia. And if they did churchill would want the US to declare war on Japan. Ultimately Churchill thought Japan would be intimidated by the US. Churchill wrote “The State Department in Washington believed, as I did, that Japan would probably recoil before the ultimately overwhelming might of the United States”. Unfortunately mr Churchill was wrong and Japan chose the deny Allied demands and complained that they felt surrounded by three allied countries. Japan also added that this made the situation intolerable, in other words it made it much much worse. War with japan was becoming more imminent, Churchill realized this and solely focused on getting roosevelt to announce his intention to declare war on Japan. Churchill put all his weight on the US and it wasn't the smartest decision to solely rely on the US. Roosevelt came out with a statement stating “the government of the United States will take all steps toward safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the United States and American nationals and toward ensuring the safety and security of the United States”. Churchill wasn't too pleased because nowhere did he mention his allies, this was a huge problem. President Roosevelt was trying his best not to start anything with Japan but still hold his own for his country. While Churchill was worried about the very loose statement President Roosevelt gave he was still relying on the assurance he gave him earlier stating that an aggressive Japanese move would cause the US to jump in. Eventually Roosevelt began to fall back because he felt as if bulking up the army would only increase the chances of the Japanese forces attacking.
In conclusion, the US could've been the one handing out the punishment if they would have attacked sooner. While the US held back their forces this gave the Japanese time to strategize and come up with something devastating. It was really all in the US hands at this point. The big question comes up again. Would the U.S have entered World War II without Pearl Harbor? Theres too many circumstances to give one certain answer but thats what were all here for. Yes, the US would have still entered World War II, if Pearl Harbor didn't happen. Everybody was already on the edge of their chairs and the Japanese attack on one of the US allies would set us off. Either way it went, it would always end up being very ugly.
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Reflections on Whether the United States Would Have Entered World War II Without Pearl Harbor.
(2022, August 25). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/reflections-on-whether-the-united-states-would-have-entered-world-war-ii-without-pearl-harbor/
“Reflections on Whether the United States Would Have Entered World War II Without Pearl Harbor.” Edubirdie, 25 Aug. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/reflections-on-whether-the-united-states-would-have-entered-world-war-ii-without-pearl-harbor/
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2022 Aug 25 [cited 2024 Sept 9].
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