Reflective Essay on the Concept of Selfie

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As many people know a selfie is a type of self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a hand-held digital camera or camera phone. Selfies are often associated with social networking, like Instagram, Facebook, and other social media. Everyone in the whole world takes selfies for a variety of reasons. it can be from serving as a remembrance of an important moment of someone’s life that can be shared with others, or even just because they want to express the way they feel about themselves and want others to view who they are about themselves. Selfies can also express many characteristics of one another by culture, ethnicity, and even history.

In this whole concept of selfie and what it says about one another, I have chosen a selfie that revels a lot about who I am and just by one selfie it can really express to many people who I am as a person. I took a selfie a last week in which I was getting ready to go to the fair, after I was done getting ready, I had decided to take a selfie that I did not expect many people will like on social media. The selfie is just me, smiling with my curly hair and wearing a sparkly black shirt. overall this image captures the colors of the main focus, that being my face, are quite warm, from the blush on my cheeks to my “selfie smile”. These features contrast very much with my darker textured hair, and darker side attire. The selfie really lets others view who I am and what I was feeling right there and then. It not only expresses and represents happiness but also revels others what kind of person I am. This is when culture comes in hand, many people revel and think that I have certain beliefs in the way I dress and assume that I am not allowed to wear certain clothes just because of the clothing I wear in my selfies. Many people mistakenly think that just because I am Hispanic that we all have to wear certain clothes, but its certainly not true. Many people around social media tend to assume so much about one simply selfie, but what they don’t know is that each culture is unique and systematically made different, and cultures have their own beliefs and ways of life. moreover, cultures have their own language, values, set their own rules, and mores. Many people don’t understand how culture works and how selfies are just not always the one thing to assume about who they really are.

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I believed that as I took that selfie of myself, it has shown me who I am in just one simple shot. It revels so much about myself as I know for myself, and I know who I really am in just one picture. With that being said in my selfie it reveals how I am such a happy person and represents how caring I am to others in variety ways. I am not only a smiley person but also try my best to put a smile on other people’s faces. I always told myself that the new selfie that I take each time is another selfie that represents more of me to others. it reminds me of the book we are currently reading in which one part had stated “Each print may be subtly different from the last, but no one print is original” (Bishop Pg. 110) this pretty much states how each selfie or picture someone takes reveals something about them in variety or ways, it can be from good or it can be bad. My selfie really expresses how I am as a person even if people don’t see it, I know that the other half do take a look and automatically know who I am. I think that as far as how I revel myself, I still find myself gathering my thoughts on what much I can say about myself. I just think that my selfie really revels many characteristics and how those characteristics can represent me as a young 21yr old girl.

I believe that my selfie is an atypical of my image, as google defined what atypical means it stated, “The definition of atypical is someone or something unusual or abnormal” (google) it’s basically stating how someone is not only different but also has variety of feelings and how our behavior is represented that is uncommon on situations. In this case I do feel like my image is atypical because it does revel how many aspects of my selfie, not only does it reveal how others comments does not affect me but also gives a short image of how I am different in a sense to others. I also believe that an image that contains an atypical capture does not represent much of a person but represents many characteristics of them. Many will reveal how it’s not true but, in most cases, not every image will capture the full story of the person. But will capture the key colors of them meaning it will capture the expressions of them and from there assume who they are.

As far as how selfies go and how overall how images captures who we are all as person I do find that it will give a full landscape to others. Meaning it will provide many people around social media who is someone as a person and how do they express themselves in a selfie. We will be aware that emotions and photography will come hand to hand when it comes to our selfies. Emotions in a photograph, or any work of art, is what helps a viewer connect with a piece if that emotion is prevalent in the viewer. Emotions, or a feeling, is what can bring a snapshot out of obscurity and make it shine. And that’s when photograph comes in hand in which its viewed by many details in an image and captures many characteristics that provide a closer look in a person. photograph, images, and portraits really all gives a hint of what people are and what makes them a unique person. everything in an image gives a brief understanding of how many people are expressing themselves in just a selfie or any kind of image.

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Reflective Essay on the Concept of Selfie. (2022, December 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 15, 2025, from
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