Research Paper on the Link between “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” and World War I

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Through history, world war one stays on an essential position of how the modernism transform. People distinguish the world war one as a great war. It is because it brings the majority of changes to society. In the literature’s history of how the battle changes modernism is it brings some pros and cons. The pros give people a different chance to learn about their expression, and it is not like they used to do. The great war has also brought some positive influences such as industrial raising, studying opportunity. On the other hand, the cons show what people lost such as family, etc. Also, war leads people to stay in a harsh environment. However, the cons did not destroy people’s faith. Some people have done some changes due to those cons. Since the poetry was published a year before the WWI began, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” can be an element of showing how people perform in different ways of the literature, and how is the relationship between it and the modernist.

In human’s history, the world war one has redirected the literature significantly, and the great war can also distinguish as an unprecedented event. One of the factors has shown how the world war one transforms the literature. The factor is the great war because it gets people involved. When people see different views, they might think differently. The literature has the same element. People who study in the literature might think differently when they involve in a new world. However, a crucial reason has distinguished why people quickly develop them in the literature field. It is because of the economic boost up. The economic is significantly related to the studying environment. Before the economic boost, people did not have enough sources to see differently. When a country offers a comforting environment to people, they can grow in a different way which means it gives people a chance to think differently. In fact, in the early 19th century people who were involved into the literature, they did not have enough chances to change their view, but in the 20th century has much more chances for people who get involved in thinking differently. According to Stevenson, “these poems indicate how deeply the First World War challenged the kind of friendship between imagination and nature.” Here implies a long-standing pastoral tradition. That is outer beauty matches inner beauty. Skepticism this tradition opened the way for more austere and depressed modernist poetry of the 1920s. The “imagination and nature” implies to modernist poetry often veers from nature to the fractured and restless urban landscape. The poem indicates that any relief from their spiritual emptiness and confusion can only be found in the mythological world beyond the shattered surface of their experience. The first world war is not only the imagination of pastoral, but it is also changed the forms and means in literature. According to Carden-Coyen,” In the struggle to find in the war, modernism continued as a viable language.” The “Viable language” implies how essential is the modernism, and how it makes people think differently. Otherwise, vernacular is also a known way to express people’s expression. It also defines as a plain language. People use it the most in nowadays. Logically, the vernacular has a concrete structure, and it delivers direct meaning to readers. In fact, A poet once described the difference between prose as walking and poetry as dancing, by which he explained that prose is logical, pragmatic, open and clear as its typical concept, while poetry is jumping and aesthetic, typical of implication, which is different from prose in nature. New poetry is the most concise language, often conveying abstract thoughts in concrete images. According to Gillies & Manhood, “Modernism’s revolutionary impulses continued to be privileged in critical circles decades after the population of making it new in 1934”. Moreover, the new poetry is written in vernacular and has no meter. At first sight, it seems to be a branch of prose, but when it comes to reading it, it feels obscure and unintelligible. Poetry is short and full of meaning. Unlike prose, which is straightforward and clear, poetry requires more imagination. If people can carefully analyze the deep meaning of the words used by the author and master the key images in the poem, it will help them to go deep into the poetry, resonate with the author's heart, and then appreciate the beauty of the new poetry.

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Also, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” It reflects the pessimism and disappointment of western intellectuals before the first world war. When Eliot wrote this poem, he was very young, but the work itself was very mature. The speaker in the poem is a young man; the exact age is not revealed in verse. The poem describes him crossing the street at dusk to go to a party. The whole poem is his narration, and the entire poem is written in the first person. Prufrock is a part of young people who are common in modern-day society. They are sensitive at heart, have their ideas and pursuits, and are dissatisfied with the increasingly indifferent industrial cities, but they have no power to break away. In anger and pain, they end up choosing to endure reality in cowardice. It begins with “let us go then, you and I” it defines as a standard form of a love poem, but it is worth noting that although it says, 'you and me,' it's just Prufrock walking down the street. In his imagination, he wants his lover to be with him spiritually and to be less lonely. The 'you' ostensibly refers to his lover but is essentially a confidant in his heart. The speaker has also mentioned,” the yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes” It describes the dusk of the city filled with night mist, giving a feeling of loneliness. It Is reminiscent of air pollution caused by industrialization, and the smog is ubiquitous. By saying “and indeed there will be time” implies he kept telling himself, 'there's still time to relax but behind the sound reflected his growing nervousness. By saying “To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet” implies the author begins to reveal Prufrock’s inner conflict. It turns out that he didn't like the party and didn't want to put on a face in front of people against his will, but he couldn't help it, so he comforted himself that he still had time to prepare. By saying “In a minute there is time for decisions and revisions' which a minute will reverse shows how undecided Prufrock is that the decisions he makes in one minute can be reversed in the next minute. While analyzing poetry, readers can understand why Eliot’s poem is relating to modernist. The way he used to perform in the poetry, it is most relevant to the modernist. Poetry is a special way of thinking, or rather, a way of thinking with images. Image is the most favored figure of speech among all figures of speech, and the figure of speech that the poet is good at is also image. This is especially true of imagist poetry and poets in the early 20th century. The image is the artistic realm which the author's subjective feeling and the objective environment fuses. A series of objects, scenes, events and other objective existence in the objective environment express some special feelings through the collocation and construction of a specific mode, which arouses resonance in readers' hearts. These objective objects are images. Eliot called them objective counterparts.

In conclusion, World war I broke out in the early 20th century — the rapid material development of society but people's spiritual confusion loss of traditional ethics and values gradually. The existing social order and relationships of the fragmented, radical social unrest, sharp intensify contradictions, suppressed and distorted humanity. People feel pessimistic about future loss. This becomes The background and theme of 'The Love Song of j. Alfred Prufrock'. A key factor gives a significant transformation to the modernism, and the factor is the WWI. It changes the way people used to perform in literature. Even though world war not only bring some pros, it also brings some cons. Looking through in the literature’s history the advantages are overweight than disadvantages, so it still stands on an essential position of transforming the modernism. The WWI has a deep relationship with changing the modernism. Since the factor is mainly connecting to the WWI, the battle leads market inside the nation raise for a period of times. Due to the raising people could get plentiful of resources during the period compared to the past. Once the number of people can have educated well], it will affect the way people use to perform significantly, and people can improve the way they use to deliver. In another word, a factor between the 19th and 20th century is the poetry. It gives people a brand-new way of reading and writing. Since poetry can express a different meaning than the title, most authors can draw down more colors for readers to imagine. This has significantly changed the way people used to perform. When readers have a chance to read poetries such as Eliot’s production, they might have to spend some more time to dig out the real meaning, but they could also find the soul of the poetry.

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Research Paper on the Link between “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” and World War I. (2022, September 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 14, 2024, from
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