Review of US History: the Changing Role of Female, the Manifest Destiny, and the Reason World War II Broke Out

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As we all know, the United States occupies an important position in the world. When I studying in junior middle school, I have a great interest in the country. In this summer, I enroll the U.S. history course in order to learn about the birth and development of U.S. I found that the history made a deep effect on U.S. development. It is the basic of U.S. culture which has both positive and negative effects on its development. In this essay, I am going to talk about the change of the role of female in the late 19th century, the manifest destiny and the reason why the second world war exploded.

Nineteenth century is one of the most important era in U.S. development. That is to say, the role of female in America had a great improvement. According to Morgan (1991), in some certain area, the number of women who prefer nonmarriage and delayed marriage increased significantly. And lots of couple had no child until late life. In my opinion, it is a symbol that women’s attitude was changing. The female are more likely to enjoy their life, instead of being fertility machines. Tim (2019) shows that because of the industrial revolution in 19th century, the machines which can provide female with working was invented. In other words, women do no need to do some basic and hard work. Instead, there are some advanced machines. The rights of women, on the other hand, are guaranteed in a wide range. Some factories limited the working hours to avoid overfatigue. And the children who under ten years old were no allowed to work. In addition, the invention of certain machine means that the number of job opportunities which is provided to women is rising. In my position, the status of women had improved significantly result from the rapid development of society at the end of the nineteenth century. Part of this is due to the fact that people had separated themselves from the ignorance of women's abilities in primitive society and the discovery of women's working abilities. In this regard, the society should provide more jobs and opportunities for women. This has played a significant positive role in accelerating social development. However, it is regrettably that many women are still solely responsible for housework.

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In the nineteenth century, many Americans chose to migrate westward because of mental and physical factors. First of all, in the mid-nineteenth century, the idea of 'destiny by nature' appeared in America. Through the Julius’s record (1927), the idea appeared in 1845, and it defines that “United States was destined by God” and it illustrated that American should expand its territory and believed democracy and capitalism. It is a truth that manifest destiny is the mental factor of drawing Americans to the west. Secondly, there is no denying that the physical factor is gold rush in California. According to Brands (2003), the first few pieces of gold in California was found by James Wilson Marshall in 1848. Since then, large numbers of people had migrated westward in order to get gold. Most of them come to California with their whole worth and whole family. The data (2010) shows that the immigrants increased from 20000 to 90000 between 1848 and 1850. Furthermore, people moving to the west also resulted from Homestead Act. The Homestead Act encouraged American immigrate to west of the Mississippi River so that the Agricultural can be developed. The Act could provide immigrants some welfare such as ownership of land within a certain period of time. I believe that the manifest destiny, gold rush and the Homestead Act were the factors of drawing American citizens to the west both in mental aspect and physical aspect.

The second World War is one of the most important war in the world. It impacted American economy and development deeply. The second World War began with Adolf Hitler’s decision. And it lasted from 1939 to 1945. John and Tomas A show that German attack on Poland on September 1st, and the second World War had begun since September 3rd with Britain and France's declaration of war against Germany. Compared with French and British, Germans had more powerful and advanced weapons. Especially in 1935, Germany began to develop large tank formation effectively. Obviously, Hitler would like to own stable rights in Germany firstly and then consolidate Germany's rule over Central Europe. In the end, however, he lost to the increasingly robust Soviet Union. Similar to German, Japan also had a lofty goal. Japan wanted to the power which could control the East Asia. But it overestimates its power. After the success in attacking Pearl Harbor, U.S. rebuild their fleet speedy. And U.S. fought back against Japan. Atomic bombs destroyed the two large cities of Japan. In August 14th, the Pacific war ended with Japan’s surrender. Overall, the suffering of the people caused by war cannot be ignored, and no war is expected. Peace is the most precious asset.

In conclusion, U.S history help me know about the development of a large country. In my opinion, industry and economy are two of the most impacts of a country’s successful development. The correct judgment of leaders can bring more opportunities and advantages to the country. I will still pay more attention to U.S. history and learn about more knowledge through it.

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Review of US History: the Changing Role of Female, the Manifest Destiny, and the Reason World War II Broke Out. (2022, September 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 10, 2024, from
“Review of US History: the Changing Role of Female, the Manifest Destiny, and the Reason World War II Broke Out.” Edubirdie, 01 Sept. 2022,
Review of US History: the Changing Role of Female, the Manifest Destiny, and the Reason World War II Broke Out. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 10 Sept. 2024].
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