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The Essence and Explanation of Plate Tectonics: Analytical Essay

Tectonic plates—the large slabs of rock that divide Earth’s crust so that it looks like a cracked eggshell—jostle about in fits and starts that continuously reshape our planet—and possibly foster life. These plates ram into one another, building mountains. They slide apart, giving birth to new oceans that can grow for hundreds of millions of years. They skim past one another, triggering earth-shattering quakes. And they slip under one another in a process called subduction, sliding deep into the planet’s...
3 Pages 1228 Words

A Comparison of Kindred and Flight: Analysis of the Main Topic of Time Travel

“People who think about time travel stories sometimes think that going back in time would be fun because you would have all the information you needed to be much more astute than the people there; when the truth is, of course, you wouldn't” (Octavia E. Butler). The novels, Kindred, written by Octavia E. Butler, and Flight, authored by Sherman Alexie, both involve the main topic of time travel. The book, Kindred, presents the story of an African-American woman who travels...
4 Pages 1629 Words

Philosophy Paper on Possibility of Time Travel into the Past without Creating a Time Paradox

Time travel is well-known from sci-fi and has fascinated philosophers and physicist alike due to the metaphysical issues that arise from it: the nature of time, causation, and modality. It's broadly acknowledged that it is possible to time travel to the future, however the possibility of time travel to the past has continued to be intensely debated because of the paradoxes of time that can occur. In this paper, I will argue that time travel into the past is possible...
3 Pages 1144 Words

The Technical Feasibility of Time Travel: Critical Analysis

The modern man is a time traveler in all aspects because mentally, humans project themselves into the past and the future by revisiting their memories. It is through these revising and projecting that humans have managed to invent future and explore possible events with anticipation and desire. Typically, the concept of time machine invokes the imagination of images of that is often used in the science-fiction storylines. But from the general theory of relativity advanced by Albert Einstein, which explains...
4 Pages 1907 Words

Radio As One of the Longest Standing Media: Analysis of Evolution

Radio is one of the longest standing mediums to come to our generation. As technology changes so does the world around us. In radio, this change has been seen with the push for analog/terrestrial radio to move toward HD radio. Traditional radio has been limited to amplitude modulations was the main frequencies used in the early years. This is followed by the main use of frequency modulations coming into the market. To understand the power of HD radio along with...
7 Pages 3115 Words

Representation of Time Travel in Kindred by Octavia E. Butler: Critical Analysis

The past of one’s self cannot be pushed aside and forgotten. Each detail of a person’s background and culture defines who they are. In the novel, Kindred by Octavia E. Butler, through time travel, the amount of years in the past is equivalent to a few minutes in the present. Dana is propelled back in time to witness the hardships her ancestors faced. The jumps in time between the past and the present highlights the importance of how the damage...
2 Pages 837 Words

Argumentative Essay to Support Plate Tectonics Theory

Diagram of the structure of the earth: (2018). The Structure of the Earth - Primary School Geography Encyclopedia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Oct. 2018]. The inner core is made of molten iron it is the hottest part of the earth, the crust is a solid layer that is rocky it’s made out of 3 types of rock (igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks.) Below the crust is the mantle it’s made of rock that is denser than rocks...
5 Pages 2314 Words

Topics of Time Travel and Slavery: Critical Analysis of Kindred

Kindred has many themes as a novel. Time travel and slavery are two of the most important themes throughout the book to me. The protagonist Dana is a smart, black, independent woman of her time. She is married to Kevin,who is a white man. They have a interacial marriage that is somewhat looked down upon. In this essay I will discuss how and why time travel was portrayed in this book among other sources. One day, main character Dana travels...
1 Page 589 Words

Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Evolution of Industrialization: Analytical Essay

Abstract, This research looks at Fourth industrial revolution and the evolution of industrialization. The fourth industrial revolution has been more disruptive especially with the advances of technology. Humans are now more dependent to technology as a magical formula to make life easier, like access to information, Digital solutions, Physical and biological systems. Modern society has seen three industrial revolution and the fourth industrial revolution will be unpacked and understanding its impact. The current technological trends continue to raise concerns around...
2 Pages 1077 Words

Comparative Analysis of CSR of Woodside and Evolution

A global initiative to thrive corporate sustainability has congregated pace in recent years. The skills, knowledge and sophistication associated with leading corporate sustainability initiatives have developed to enhance sustainability moves from the edges to the mainstream of corporate activity. (Klettner, 2014). Woodside is a gas producer company whereas Evolution is a gold mining company. Woodside is the largest natural gas producer of the Australia, and the pioneer of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) industry. It is recognized as an integrated...
5 Pages 2498 Words

Critical Analysis of Articles: Impact of Plate Tectonics on the Evolution of Humankind

The plate structural super cycle is a spin the Earth experiences a time of 400 to 600 million years from where the mainlands were a solitary enormous landmass to now where they are discrete mainlands that are spread the world over. This procedure is rehashed again and again from an enormous landmass to single mainlands and back again and is the thing that structures a cycle or a succession of occasions. Climate change occurs when changes in the earth’s climate...
2 Pages 993 Words

The Grandfather Paradox and the Argument against Time Travel: Analytical Essay

David Lewis proposed a solution to the Grandfather Paradox; the Paradox which was used to disprove the possibility of time travel. His successful analysation allows for comparable paradoxes to be solved using the same logic. Specifically, there is a reason to believe that Lewis' solution can be used to solve the problem outlined in Earman's logically pernicious self-inhibitor problem. Firstly, I will be exploring what the Grandfather Paradox entails and David Lewis' solution to it. Secondly, I will present the...
2 Pages 1095 Words

Scientific Report on The Glass House Mountains Formation Based on Plate Tectonics Theory

Scientific report This report discusses varies types of theories and mainly focuses on the Glass House Mountains. There have been many theories that tried to explain why there are earthquakes, volcanoes, mountains and deep-sea trenches over the surface of the earth. Among all the theories, plate tectonics theory is most scientific and universally accepted. It is based on a broad synthesis of geologic and geophysical data. It deals with dynamics of Earth’s outer shell-the lithosphere that revolutionized Earth sciences by...
3 Pages 1330 Words

Link between Plate Tectonics and Volcanoes: Analytical Essay

Intro This report will explain the link between plate tectonics and volcanos. This report covers what is a volcano? What are plate tectonics? How plate tectonics relate to volcanos, how volcanos impact the environment and human population, actions taken to minimise damage, information on David A. Johnston and the work they have done on volcanos and finally technology used to research, predict and detect volcanos. What are Volcanos? A volcano is a breakage in the crust of Earth, which allows...
3 Pages 1524 Words

Critical Analysis of the ‘Paradoxes of Time Travel’

Although the theory of time travel has been questioned for several reasons, in this essay I will argue whether the case of the Grandfather Paradox is capable of successfully proving the impossibility of time travel. To better explain the meaning of this theory, an overview is given as to what time travel is in terms of personal and external time, as well as any other terms that may seem unclear. The essay will then focus on providing an understanding of...
3 Pages 1166 Words

Time Travel: A Phenomenon Most People Have Never Believed to Exist

Einstein’s theory of special relativity starts out from an observation that the speed of light is always moving at a constant speed of 300,000 km/s. Despite this great discovery, this idea remains unknown to many people because it serves us no purpose for our everyday lives. Every prediction made by relativity that is able to be tested is true(Davidson, 1990). One of them is clocks slow down as they approach the speed of light and run backwards if they exceed...
2 Pages 765 Words

Is Obesity a Mistake in Evolution?

Evolution claims : natural selection, Tthe mechanism of survival of the fittest. However, we can attribute some serious human health problems to the 'accidental deviations' in human evolution, such as obesity, cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In 2009, a Gallup poll announced that 44% of Americans in the past 100 centuries believed that people like this were created by God (JONES, 2009), and quite a few of them think the design of the body structure is perfect. However, lots of...
5 Pages 2051 Words

Origin, Evolution and Development of Vaccine of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus

On the 31st of December 2019 in Wuhan city Hubei province of china there were multiple cases of patients presenting pneumonia due to an unknown virus. Chinese authorities had then confirmed they had identified the virus by utilising next-generation sequencing. The 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is the name that had been given to the viral pathogen. Currently there are cases of infection that have been confirmed throughout the globe. Coronaviridae is a family of enveloped, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA viruses. the...
2 Pages 700 Words

Positive Selection In Human Evolution

Human Evolution has become a very prevalent topic of conversation over the past number of decades, with various ideas of how humans came to be who we are today. From a time where it was once thought that humans were a very close-knit evolutionary group, to now understanding that we do in fact, derive from apes. It is now believed that our closest ancestors are those of the African apes, the chimpanzee and the gorilla. Evidence from Charles Darwin and...
3 Pages 1431 Words

General Overview Of Human Evolution: Critical Analysis

All species are unique and special. Our uniquely evolved intelligence has pushed us as a species to rely on technology – something unique to human evolution. We do many things because we are the original architects behind science, engineering, and culture. From these developments, we have discovered the study of genetics, a process in which we can better understand where humans came from as a species. Genetics can help educate the connection between different peoples and give historians and anthropologists...
4 Pages 1589 Words

Evolution Of Homo-Sapiens: Facts Of Birth Of Humankind

¡Introduction: It all started about gazillions of years ago, when something really phenomenal happened, which changed the whole scenario of possibly the only living planet in the universe, i.e. Earth. The humanity has taken birth, by no one still knows how, and created a history then. Well, it is still a mystery, how human-kind was born. Many theories have been written, explaining how it all took place, but the fact is that we are still fact less. There are no...
4 Pages 1861 Words

Human Evolution: Bipedalism, Evolution Of Human Jaws And Teeth

Science Assessment - Evolution Sharing a common ancestor Comment by TERLIER, Blair: Get rid of headings now and turn into an essay. Where are your intext references?? Studies of fossils, genetics and proteins suggest a common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans from millions of years ago. Humans have undertaken millions of years’ worth of evolution and are the result of countless evolutionary deviations such as bipedalism, smaller teeth and shorter jaws, larger brains and increasingly complex forms of technology. The...
2 Pages 918 Words

Dinosaur Extinction: How We Know

The Cretaceous- Paleogene boundary is evidence shown in the rock layers of a mass extinction that occurred approximately 65 million years ago. From the evidence left behind of this event, leave scientists debating theories on how this sudden and significant event in Earth’s history took place, and why it led to the extinction of so many species. From the 5 massive extinctions identified in Earth’s history, the extinction of the dinosaurs of dinosaurs was by far the deadly. The most...
5 Pages 2119 Words

Known Facts And Descriptions Of Dark Matter

An invisible universe, an impossible substance holding the ever expanding universe together on wire thin strings, everything you can see, on Earth or in space, is almost totally dominated by one substance; dark matter. For over 50 years, scientists have been trying to comprehend this massive material that is thought to take up 85% of the almost infinite universe. Today you will be learning about the mysterious and puzzling material that has broken scientist’s basic understandings of physics. The first...
2 Pages 741 Words

Theories Of The Dinosaur’s Mass Extinction

Since the discovery of ancient dinosaur fossils, scientists have gone through extensive research to reveal the conditions of their lives on Earth and how many of them truly resided on our planet all those years ago. Yet despite all of our research, there is yet one baffling question we continue to ask today- which is, what exactly caused these daunting creatures to become extinct? Many theories were produced, supported by data collected from discovered fossils, including our own environment, which...
3 Pages 1194 Words

Owerview Of 3 Types Of Dinosaurs

Over the years, earth has gone through several changes. Before humans roamed the earth, there were dinosaurs. They lived here over 66 million years ago. Dinosaurs lived and moved through land, air, and water. Many Dinosaurs lived during different eras of earth’s time. They once lived and hunted where we now stand. We are constantly finding fossils of known species and entirely new ones. Misconception about them are still being disproven. We are constantly learning new things about them. This...
4 Pages 1867 Words

Cause Of Dinosaurs Dying

Dinosaurs ruled the land, the ocean, and the sky for about 165 million years. Rex Tyrannosaurus hunts its prey with 50 to 60 banana-sized teeth. The 55-foot dragon from nose to tail frightened the ocean and ate everything they could catch. But 66 million years ago, the world's climate changed dramatically. Suddenly, the earth became colder and darker. All dinosaurs-except for the ancestors of modern birds-and three-quarters of the creatures on Earth are extinct. To this day, scientists are still...
1 Page 515 Words

Research Aimed At Studying Black Matter

Cosmological observations from the past 50 years show that 85% of the matter content in our Universe is made up of non-luminous matter - commonly known as dark matter(DM). Characterizing the properties of DM is a major open question in physics today. Numerous experiments are underway to directly detect DM. The DEAP-3600 (Dark matter Experiment using Argon Pulse-shape discrimination) collaboration has developed a liquid argon-based detector to measure possible interactions of DM. The DEAP detector is set up 2 km...
1 Page 666 Words

Theories Of Evolution Of Lamarck, Darwin And Wallace

Introduction Throughout history a number of alternate theories of evolution have been proposed by equally intelligent scientists, most notably the theories of Jean Baptiste Lamarck, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. As with various theories, many tend to raise the question as to which theory has had the greatest contribution to modern evolutionary theories. Evolution is the one of the fundamental keystones of modern biological theory, through which organisms gradually changes over an extended period of time in response to...
2 Pages 1066 Words

Contention Between Evolution And Feminism

Specific interpretations in Darwin’s theories of evolution pose challenges to modes of proceeding within feminist critique. Since the conception of his theories of natural and sexual selection in the mid to late 19th century, it has been ‘easier to imagine Darwinism and feminism as adversaries rather than allies’. Women authors in the 19th and early 20th centuries did lots of critical groundwork in revising Darwin’s theories to uncover and challenge the stereotypes that subordinated women, which gained validation under the...
1 Page 507 Words
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