Significance of Knowing My Life's Purpose

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My purpose in life is the very meaning of my existence and without knowing this I may suffer ignorance of my own significance. We fall prey to the illusion that our lives don’t matter and we have no connection or impact on the world around us. There are many insights into my purpose on earth and living within a meaning mission: “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before that we should walk in them” (NIV, Eph. 2:10). This fuels my Faith and hope in whatever God gives me to do, drawing souls back to Him. I am crafted with skill and a purpose, by God, for His purposes.

Specifically, we are created in Christ Jesus for good works. God prepared what He wanted us to do for Him long ago. He has already planned what He wants each one of us to do with our lives. We do not need to copy what someone else has done or is doing. He has a unique plan for each of us to serve Him in this world. This includes certain spiritual gifts and the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives to lead us in service to Him.

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Understanding my purpose and authority in God’s kingdom helps create a sense of meaning in my life. Myles Munroe says, “Most people don’t know the key to life. This is why so many people live tragic lives; they don’t know why they are here. They haven’t a clue about how to make their time on this earth count for something worthwhile. Their existence is, in many ways, a kind of ‘living death’, because a life without purpose is not really a life at all” (pg.14).

Finding a sense of meaning to life gives me a sense of place. When you have found your purpose, it is easier to know where you belong. You also gain an understanding of the environments and communities that you benefit from connecting with. Sense of place evolves through personal experiences, and defines how I view, interpret and interact with the world.

Understanding my purpose and authority helps me dig into God’s word. The primary way God speaks to us is through the Bible. This means that one of the first things I should do in my search for God’s purpose is to start digging into scriptures. This helps me to understand the heart of God. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (NIV, Psa. 119:105). Living wisely in God’s word, which is the first step towards finding righteousness.

God has given us very specific gifts and strengths and this helps get things done. Sometimes God’s purpose for us probably involves the things we are already good at doing. “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit” (NIV, 1 Cor. 12:4). As I discover my gifts, am reminded of my divine worth as His child, and am able to draw closer to Him and help others do the same through rendering charity to orphans and mothers who are not able to support their families.

When I know my life purpose am more easily able to exercise choice in each moment of my life. You know better whether a situation or person really fits in your life because you know why you are here and what you want to do. Myles Munroe says, “We get up every day and go about our daily activities, but are we doing what we are supposed to be doing? With all the options and choices that lie before us every day” (pg.14). Choices have consequences that transcend decades. For instance, the choice I made to reach out to the needy in society might seem something of little importance now but a repetition of this action for years would help to develop a sense of dedication, commitment and hard work.

Knowing my life purpose gives me a clearer sense of who I am. It is as if you have distilled your life down to its essence by connecting with your purpose. Sense of self helps me relate to how I feel about myself, my level of self-esteem, and confidence which results into producing hope and breed positive self-fulfilling prophecies.

Believe it or not, knowing your purpose makes life easier. You know what to pay attention to and what is less important. You spend less time and energy caught up on the things that don’t really have impact. “Success alone is not enough; you must succeed in the right thing. God is not impressed with our sincerity, faithfulness, commitment, or success unless we are pursuing the right assignment-His assignment. Anything else is failure” (Myles Munroe, pg.15).

Knowing my purpose allows me to have a much greater impact on the world. My purpose allows me to have the most profound impact. Knowing my purpose helps me live life with integrity. People who know their purpose in life know who they are, what they are, and why they are. And when you know yourself, it becomes easier to live a life that’s true to your core values.

Knowing my life purpose has helped me become more confident. Am aware that am here for a reason and that my contribution counts. Confidence helps me take on the world with more energy and determination, resulting in better relationships, quality work and a feeling of being connected with my surroundings. Self-confidence has helped me influence others more easily through my evangelism work hence pulling more people back to God, and as well as control my own emotions and behaviors more responsibly.

This impacts my life in a way that am able to figure out what God has called me to do. It’s often said that God works at the intersection of our gifts and our passions. My passion is to help people be the best that they can be. I love teaching others about themselves, giving them the know-how on how to develop themselves and be better, happier and more successful than they would be without me through the word of God. The reason I am so passionate about this is because I can see the greatness in all the people I talk to. At the same time, I am passionate about being the best I can be, because the better I am, the further I can catapult everyone I come into contact with. I view myself as a slingshot that reaches down into the dark abyss, grabs hold of someone, and then catapults them into the stars so they can shine!

“Where there is no guidance, the people fall, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety” (NIV, Prov. 11:14). In other words, one of the main ways God will help you find your purpose is through others. Paul, writing to the Christians in Ephesus, reminds them that they were “without hope and without God in the world” (NIV, Eph. 2:12). Their situation was the worst it could possibly be: they were “dead in (their) transgressions and sins” (NIV, Eph. 2:1). But God, full of Love and mercy, reached out and brought them new life in Jesus (NIV, Eph. 2:45). When I share the gospel, I offer the hope that can only be found in Christ.

Understanding my purpose and authority helps me reveal Godliness in this world, as well as to refine the world and elevate it to a higher spiritual level. “But that which we can know about God leaves us without any excuses”. Emphasis on one possessing a true spiritual life through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Conclusively, the greatest secret to living effectively is understanding the power of priorities. “Our life is the sum total of all the decisions we make every day, and those decisions are determined by our priorities”, - says Myles Munroe. Priority is defined as putting first things first. When we set right priorities, we use our time for intentional purposes. That protects our energy, talents and gifts since our time is not being wasted or abused.


  1. Munroe, Myles. Applying the Kingdom. Benin City: Beulahland Publishers, 2017. Print.
  2. New International Version. Thomas Nelson, 1798. Print.
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Significance of Knowing My Life’s Purpose. (2022, December 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 21, 2025, from
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