Social And Criminal Problem Generated By Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs In Australia

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Social and criminal issues produced outlaw motorcycle gangs in Australia are best tended to through a scope of techniques. It is clearly evident that the impact of outlaw motorcycle gangs in Australia is seen to flow in an oppositional cultural manner potentially resulting in the foundation of criminal activities and organised crimes (Bjorgo, 2017). The best methods for tending to a social and criminal issue produced by fugitive bike packs in Australia are through three significant strategies: media and innovation, police office and the general population. Accordingly, social and criminal issues created by outlaw motorcycle groups in Australia are best tended to through a scope of strategies, including media and technology, police officers and the general population.

Media and Technology

News, Social Media: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter

The usage of new generation media and technology is a great way to address the social and criminal problem. In a similar manner, the problems generated by outlaw motorcycle gangs in Australia is best addressed through various forms of media and technology.

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The media source, “the guardian”, a British daily newspaper, specifically explores the expansion of Australian motorcycle gangs into south east Asia in order to get a slice of drug market (McGowan, 2019). The Guardian is a form of media that is spread across the United Kingdom in the form of a newspaper, however, technology has made it available for individuals across the world. The efficient collaboration of media and technology has developed numerous campaigns against outlaw motorcycle gangs, has raised public awareness and has assisted to a large extent when addressing issues to the police authorities.

Anti-drug campaigns that took place in America, was aimed at not only the youth (between 9-18 years) but at the parents and guardians of these youth (Hornik et al., 2008). This is because criminal activity during adolescence and adulthood is strongly influenced by the behavioural style during an individual’s childhood (Welsh and Farrington, 2012). Similarly, identical anti-drug campaigns in Australia are the most efficient way to bring forth the social and criminal plight caused by outlaw motorcycle gangs, particularly drug trafficking. Examples of anti-drug campaigns in Australia include Drug Aware, Alcohol and Drug Foundation and Drug Free Australia. The usage of the latest media and technological innovation is a great way to address the social and criminal problem that are formed by outlaw motorcycle gangs in Australia.


Inform Police Officials

Societies first and main place to address a social and criminal issue is the police station. Likewise, the problems generated by outlaw motorcycle gangs must be addressed to police officials. The police departments in Australia conduct investigations and crime preventative activities through a variety of methods. These strategies have the capability to either punish criminals severely or treat them through multiple aspects of counselling. This approach is further supported through Bjorgo statement that ‘some police forces have mainly applied a repressive criminal justice approach whereas others have put more emphasis on dialogue, prevention and harm reduction’. Police approaches and formalities towards a crime varies in different countries, however, in Australia, authorities aim to place more emphasis on dialogue, prevention and harm reduction. This is done by the Australian government through various drug aware campaigns. However, McGowan states in the article “United Nation’s report says outlawed gangs expanding presence because of increased law enforcement attention in Australia”. This increasement in law enforcement within Australia, fundamentally resulted in outlaw motorcycle gangs generating deals out of Australia.

Moreover, the main aim of the national drug policy is harm minimisation. According to forensic examination, the drugs detected in Australia for the past few years, especially heroin are identical to the ones that are exported from south east Asia. This importation of drugs is a result of shortage of heroin, although, measures have been implemented to decrease the entry of foreign heroin, the national drug policy states that the shortage in heroin potentially resulted in a greater change in price and lower quality of the substance.


Public Social Media Police

The involvement of members from the society or a community is an excellent form of addressing a social and criminal problem. The problems generated by outlaw motorcycle gangs are best addressed through the integration of public, social media and police.

Outlaw motorcycle gangs have heightened their activities to regional areas of New South Wales, this is a result of increased law enforcement attention to them in Australia (McGowan, 2019).

“Public opinion on crime prevention is also important to its future development and practice” (Welsh and Farrington, 2012)

Moreover, the neighbourhood has a large impact on the crime rates of a particular place, hence, the general population of a community is the most ideal medium to address social and criminal issues caused by outlaw motorcycle gangs in Australia. Creating awareness in the mindsets of the population has potential to minimise illicit drug trafficking.


Social and criminal problems generated by outlaw motorcycle gangs in Australia are best addressed through a range of methods. The problems generated by outlaw motorcycle gangs are best addressed through the integration of social media, police and the general population. The social and criminal undertakings formed by outlaw motorcycle gangs in Australia is best tended to through different types of media and innovation. Moreover, the criminal matters created by outlaw motorcycle gangs in Australia must be routed to police authorities. Furthermore, the social and criminal acts caused by outlaw motorcycle gangs in Australia are best tended to through the general population of the country. Accordingly, social and criminal issues created by outlaw motorcycle groups in Australia are best tended to through a scope of strategies, including media and technology, police officers and the general population.

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Social And Criminal Problem Generated By Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs In Australia. (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Social And Criminal Problem Generated By Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs In Australia.” Edubirdie, 17 Feb. 2022,
Social And Criminal Problem Generated By Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs In Australia. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
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