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2 Pages 1134 Words
Texting is the downfall of the young generation's minds and linguistic skills. This misconception drives the older generation mad due to their inability to get outside their stubbornness to allow the adaptations to the times. My reasons for researching this topic are to understand the way this community conducts itself and presents its rhetoric. Being able to control your rhetoric...
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6 Pages 2640 Words
My cousin and I are best friends because of Social Networking Sites (SNS). I know that she has a favorite hat. Because of social networking sites, she knows how much I love it! I also know that my younger cousin turned 10 recently! These are all things that I would not know if Social Networking Sites did not exist! Some...
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2 Pages 843 Words
Introduction In recent years, TikTok has emerged as a prominent social media platform, captivating a global audience with its short-form video content. Despite its widespread popularity, TikTok has faced scrutiny and threats of bans in various countries due to concerns over data privacy, national security, and content moderation. While these concerns are significant, banning TikTok may not be the most...
Social Media
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2 Pages 986 Words
Introduction TikTok, a social media platform launched in 2016 by the Chinese tech company ByteDance, has unprecedentedly captured global attention. With its short-form video format, TikTok has become a cultural phenomenon, especially among younger demographics. Despite criticism regarding privacy concerns and its perceived impact on attention spans, TikTok offers numerous benefits that merit academic exploration. This essay will examine the...
Social Media
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3 Pages 1427 Words
Marshall McLuhan, known for his eccentric ideas, brought a new insight into the way media is looked at today though medium. Though McLuhan’s book ‘Understanding Media: Extensions of man’ he explored the idea of how the ‘medium is the message’. He focuses on the idea of television and radio as a medium being much more interesting than the actual message...
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2 Pages 1159 Words
Social media is used worldwide with 45% of the world’s population using it. However social media isn’t always used in the correct way and can affect people’s mental states for the worst. More than half of teenage girls and approximately a third of teenage boys develop mental health problems due to social media. About a fifth of all teens have...
FriendshipSocial Media
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4 Pages 1876 Words
“Investigating the effects that the fashion industry and its promotional materials has on body image in female consumers of different ages” Background and Rationale This particular subject has been explored and researched in many different books and journal articles, all of which find links between how different aspects of the fashion industry, such as fashion advertising and social media, tend...
BodySocial Media
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3 Pages 1488 Words
‘The medium is the message’ is a phrase by Marshall McLuhan. This phrase is about the way we deliver, direct and obtain information. Expanding from the phrase is the medium more important than the information itself? Is what’s been communicated less important than the way you communicate it? Is Marshall McLuhan Really saying, the message given is actually how it’s...
MediaMessageSocial Media
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2 Pages 766 Words
The most accessible technological devices available to adolescents are smartphones and personal computers. The most common application used by these teens is Snapchat. It is a multimedia messaging app used globally. The product is used to send photos that disappear after being opened or after 24 hours on the user’s ‘story’. The message presented through the advertising of this social...
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