Social Solidarity Theory

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Some of us never know this amount of power and constraint that world places on us. However, those of us who have had the sociology course or two are aware of ourselves cultural locations, and being aware of it may be jarring. Durkheim gives us the model for creating the sense of stability of living and the layers of integration, power, and control that keep it. Whereas Marx got an eye for struggle and disturbance, Durkheim expects us to remember cultural solidarity and stability as something special to be excused, not as the failure or taken-for-granted experience.

For instance, at the principles of Sociological Method, Durkheim demonstrates how crime is really standard in society because without it, we could get no appreciation of what is morally acceptable. Sociologist’s theories are central to the number of sociological subfields, including the sociologies of religion, sociology, philosophy and deviance, society, and more.

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In the last decade of the nineteenth century, a period of escalating class conflict and economic and social situations, solidarity, as the place of society taken in general. The topic under the name of “ cultural solidarity ” by Emile Durkheim. Durkheim contrasted two cases or origins of cultural solidarity: Mechanical solidarity, from the sharing of the general destiny, general experiences or general dimensions, and essential solidarity, based on mutual interdependence growing from the social division of labor. This idea resembles the concept of “ people. ”

As society progresses and becomes more modern, Durkheim stated in his Division of Labor in Society, that the solidarity would transform into an 'organic solidarity', characterized by a weaker collective conscience. Both the types of solidarity were based on the division of labor in the society, marked by a differentiation of work. In the primitive society, Durkheim identified less division of labor, for the people held common jobs and performed similar tasks, such as that of farming. In the current society, Durkheim identified a specific division of labor, with a wide variety of tasks and jobs.

Mechanical solidarity is the cultural integration of members of a community who have common values and opinions. These general values and beliefs represent the “ collective conscience ” that runs internally at various members to get them to work. Because, at Durkheim’s perspective, the strengths getting members of society to work were more like those inner energies causing these molecules to cohere in the good, he drew upon the terminology of physical science in coining the term mechanical solidarity.

In Durkheim's notion of division of labor, as societies become more developed and industrialized, the societies assign different work or labor to different people. These assignments come on the basis of ability. For example, a strong man may be assigned as a factory worker. Because this more efficient system shows the inherent inequalities among different members of society, Durkheim argues that such societies also need legal frameworks. Even with this in place, such advanced societies may suffer from modern problems such as anomie.

The concept of organic solidarity likens individual workers to specific bodily organs and a group of people to a body. For example, salespeople depend on manufacturers to build products, and manufacturers depend on salespeople to sell them.


  1. Adamiak, Stanisław; Chojnacka, Ewa; Walczak, Damian (1 December 2013). 'Social Security in Poland – cultural, historical and economical issues'. Copernican Journal of Finance & Accounting. 2 (2): 11–26. doi:10.12775/cjfa.2013.013. Retrieved 19 March 2018 – via
  2. (Feb. 2020). Émile Durkheim. Britannica. Retrieved from
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