Spanish Culture Project: Reflection on The Day of the Dead

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The observations that I made during the experience was the many loud sounds I heard. Some came from the stage which plays music, some from the food cooking, and most were people interacting with others. I smell a lot of delicious food they sold, including beef, tacos, and funnel cake. The day of the dead are known for its food and altar, so I bought a funnel cake, horchata, and a long beef with cheese. I had horchata in the past so the taste was not a surprise, it was delicious excluding the grams of sugar it included. Funnel cake I had in the past but usually bought from American sellers. The funnel cake I bought had strawberries on top, which made the smell even stronger.

My mom and I love the beef with cheese, it was different from usual beef, this was longer with melted cheese. Overall, the sights included all the altars, music, dances, people, and food. All the altars had a different design that made them unique. Some had marigolds that fill the floor and some had marigolds that hung on the wires. All of the altars had objects that the person loved which included hobbies or food. I also saw a lot of mini stalls selling necklace, skulls, and clothes. This small souvenir has a connection to the day. One of the objects is a skull, skulls are placed on ol Freda since it symbolize the smile and happiness. There are also sugar skulls that are placed, and has the same meaning. I learn about the culture element that many of the Mexican food that came to America by Columbus expedition.

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Columbus landed in Spain once, and bought over vanilla, potato, and chocolate. Spain began trading with other countries, and now many of these foods are staples in many households. The food that is put on each altar are for the people of the dead to eat. Some of the food included pan, fruits, or other pleasures. Surrounding the foods would be candles. The diverse Spanish art was impacted by a split between the Muslims and Christians in Spain. Some of the altars would include arts by the person, this shows that the person enjoy drawing or was an artist. The Muslims had more Islamic art which included calligraphy and arabesques that covered the whole mosque, The Christians got their inspiration from Romanesque and Gothic which created the cathedral.

The Christians dominated the north and the Muslims dominated the south, which influenced different people. As time moves on, the art style changed again. The element of Spanish dance and music involves singing, dancing, guitar, hand-clapping, and a dj. The dj hypes the audience and encourage them to get in the grove. If an altar includes a guitar, that shows that they were a musician. The Spanish created many famous style of dancing which is fandango. But different Spanish countries have different ways to dance and what costume to wear when dancing specific dances. Different symbols on the ol Freda represents the person's life and favorites which would connect the person and family closer together. This experience helped to develop my appreciation of Spanish speaking culture because it showed me that when a person dies, it usually represents sadness because you lost someone you loved, but the day of the dead it represents that death is the circle of life and we shouldn’t be afraid of it. There twenty countries that have Spanish has it official language, all these countries have different traditions, but on this day they all come together to celebrate something they all respect. Not many know, but without the Spanish people, the American would not have many animals and food they have now, including horses, potatoes, and tomatoes. The oldreda really stood out to my mom, she thought the thoughts and style of each one was unique. She ended up taking pictures of some to spread the word of this special day. The Spanish culture is unique, its shows the happy side of death instead of mourning, because everyone will experience death. This belief really stood out to me, knowing that we should celebrate the day by dancing, eating, and singing.

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Spanish Culture Project: Reflection on The Day of the Dead. (2022, July 14). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Spanish Culture Project: Reflection on The Day of the Dead.” Edubirdie, 14 Jul. 2022,
Spanish Culture Project: Reflection on The Day of the Dead. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Spanish Culture Project: Reflection on The Day of the Dead [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Jul 14 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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