Speech on Pollution

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For years, the government has opted to not worry about environmental conditions affecting our planet and our country. With time, the planet has been deteriorating due to human impact. If we continue to ignore what is going on with our planet, generations ahead of ours will experience a world much different than ours. Something has to be done and something will be done.

The deterioration of our planet is now being noticed by people all over our country. An example is the sea level rise in a major coastal city like Miami, Florida. The United States is currently running out of nuclear, coal, gas, and especially oil reserves. The less we have of these reserves, the more amount of money we have to spend to obtain them. This doesn’t help the American people or our economy.

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Efforts need to be made by the government and the people to help out in this situation. If a citizen is not recycling a five-dollar tax will be put upon the person. The tax increases a dollar each time the person does not recycle. So if a person doesn’t recycle for 3 weeks, fifteen dollars will be taken out of their paycheck. This has to be done because even though the proof of what is going on is right outside, there will still be people that will ignore it.

To make sure that people actually recycle, we will add sensors to all recycling bins, on the lid, and inside. When someone opens the bin by raising the lid, the sensor will log the day and time it was opened. The sensor on the inside will be able to sense whether or not there is anything inside of it. One may ask, how will the government pay for these sensors? The government will use some money from food and agriculture taxes.

A non-renewable resource is a resource of economic value that cannot be readily replaced by natural means at a quick enough pace to keep up with consumption. That means that whatever non-renewable resource we use, cannot be generated again by nature. That also means that when we all of the non-renewable resources, there won’t be any more to use. The government can’t just refill it because there is no more.

Currently, the amount of Nuclear energy left is 135 years, there are 150 years of coal left, there is 60 years’ worth of oil left, and 86 years of gas left. The number of years seems like a lot and it seems like we still have time but the end date for each one of these comes faster than you think. Sometimes, we must sacrifice something for the greater good of mankind. Meaning that the money the government receives and private companies must be sacrificed for mankind to survive.

The amount of money required to use nuclear energy is about $21.50 per kilowatt hour. The amount of money required to use coal is about $3.08 per short ton. The amount of money required to use oil is $36 a barrel. The amount of money required to use gas is around $2.45.

To have nuclear energy, uranium atoms need to be split. That process is called fission. Coal, there are a couple of ways it is retrieved. There are surface mining and underground mining. Surface mining is the technique used when coal is found near the surface. Underground mining is used to extract coal lying deep beneath the surface. Surface mines use large earth-moving equipment, such as draglines, shovels, and loaders. To have oil, there is a process called oil drilling to retrieve oil from inside the earth. To have gas, there are two ways to retrieve it. Most natural gas in America is retrieved through a “horse head” pump, which moves up and down to lift a rod in and out of a wellbore, bringing the gas to the surface. Another technique, commonly known as fracking, creates tiny cracks in the rocks located by natural gas reservoirs.

Nuclear power plants use uranium as fuel. When it is mined, high amounts of carbon dioxide are released into the air. Air pollution from coal factories can cause smog, acid rain, and toxins. Oil pollution can have a devastating effect on the water environment, it spreads over the surface in a thin layer that stops oxygen from getting to the plants and animals that live in the water. It also harms animals and insects. Gas also affects the environment. The combustion of natural gas produces great amounts of sulfur, mercury, and particulates.

A renewable resource is a natural resource that will replenish to replace the portion depleted by usage and consumption, either through natural reproduction or other recurring processes in a finite amount of time in a human time scale. There are wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass resources.

Since all these are renewable resources, they all get replenished over a period of time. This is great for the environment because then we would only gain and not run out of. One might ask, why don’t private companies use renewable resources? The private companies use non-renewable resources because it benefits them financially while at the same time, they are destroying the planet. If a CEO of one of these companies were asked if what their company was doing was worth it, he or she would probably say yes. They would probably say yes because they are the ones benefitting from it.

The amount to use wind power is about 1.3 million dollars. The amount to use solar energy is about $2.58 per kilowatt. The amount to use geothermal energy is about $2500 per kilowatt. The amount to use biomass is about $3,000 per kilowatt.

For wind power to be obtained, a wind turbine can be installed. For solar power to be obtained, solar panels can be installed. The steam from magma-heated rocks can be used for energy. The heat received from biomass can be retrieved from the heat coming off of garbage when it is hit with direct sunlight.

These renewable resources can actually help the environment instead of harming it. One way that wind power can help the environment is by not polluting the air like factories. It relies on the wind, not a machine. Just like wind power, solar power does not need a machine that puts pollution into the air. It gains all its energy from the sun. Geothermal energy can be extracted without burning fossil fuels. Just like all these other resources, biomass does not release pollution into the air as well.

Air pollution can cause symptoms like coughing, headaches, and eye, nose, and throat irritation. Air pollution can also land people in the hospital. Pollution can also cause weather problems. Pollution can cause smog and even acid rain. An example of this problem is the Great Smog of London of 1952. The air pollution that was going into the air at the time, caused a great smog to fall all over London. This goes to show that pollution is not a problem that has just started to occur, this a problem that has been around for some time.

By polluting the air, the economy benefits because not as much money was spent. If a non-renewable resource is used, like natural gas, it is cheaper than using a renewable resource. If all the companies decided to use a renewable resource, as much as that would be nice, it would be too expensive and people don’t like to pay a lot of money for things so companies would most likely use non-renewable resources because it is cheaper.

As the world is progressing and new things are invented supply and demand increase. As time goes on, people want more and more and more. Since people are demanding so much, companies have to make things faster. With renewable resources, things can’t be done as quickly as a non-renewable resources.

It is necessary to decrease the amount of non-renewable energy people use. If citizens use more public transportation and decrease the amount of oil that is used, the government will offer some incentives. The incentives are also applied to citizens who use less coal and natural gas. Some incentives include free vacations, free concert tickets, free sports tickets, and discounted tickets. Pay for these incentives will be an opportunity to win. We will use the money gained from public transportation to pay for these.

To mandate an increase in renewable resources such as solar power and wind power, the government should work with companies that deal with these products. We will try to get a discount for families to install solar panels on top of their homes. We will also work with apartment complexes to put solar panels on top of the buildings. The government would also like to add more wind turbines in rural areas. Those who do this will get an incentive, whether it would be free vacations, free concert tickets, etc.

Every year, the US produces approximately 230 million tons of trash that most of the time end up getting burned at the landfill, and pollution gets sent into the air. If we are putting 230 million tons worth of pollution in the air, imagine how much others are putting in the air. We must do something in hope that others will follow.

People should eat more sustainable foods, such as salads. People need to eat less meat because the animal population in America is decreasing. Whenever meat is processed in a factory, pollution gets sent into the air. If we eliminate meat eating, the meat won’t have to be processed in a factory and pollution won’t be sent into the air. The change would benefit health as well.

Sustainable options for transportation could be using more public transportation such as trains, buses, etc. If people could eliminate using their own combustible transport and use public transport it eliminates a great amount of carbon going into the air. The government will increase the tax at fast food places such as McDonald’s and Burger King.

Another problem we are facing is overpopulation. Mostly what is occurring is that life expectancy is increasing. Life expectancy is currently around 80 years old. To resolve this problem, the government will make more birth control pills so that unexpected children do appear. We suggest people set limits to the number of children they want. The government will use money from the tax increase at fast food restaurants.

This is only the beginning of change. Everyone can do their part. If we do this united, the planet can change for the better and we don’t have to worry about an environmental crisis. It is now or never. It is done or die. If we do something now, there is still a chance, if we don’t, we risk everything.

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Speech on Pollution. (2023, April 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/speech-on-pollution/
“Speech on Pollution.” Edubirdie, 21 Apr. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/speech-on-pollution/
Speech on Pollution. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/speech-on-pollution/> [Accessed 11 Sept. 2024].
Speech on Pollution [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Apr 21 [cited 2024 Sept 11]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/speech-on-pollution/

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