Spirituality For Morality

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Throughout the centuries, there has always been a religion. The belief that there is a God that exists beyond ourselves has profound roots in society, a blessing or curse that humans have face for centuries. Even though from people’s perspective, religion is a dangerous way for manipulative people to lead weaker folks, religion is a true promoter of morality rather than individuals’ rational self-interest. Religion helps guide the lost and provide them with morals, as well as giving people a purpose in life.

Religion has long been positive influence on the world. It has impacted so many people’s lives that it has made them see a different, unique perspective in life. For instance a woman name Brooke Eagles, who is a member of the crow Indian tribe and a grandniece of the famous Chief Joseph of the Nez Percé, mentioned on a book she made about the love of God, and that she has had a relationship with God since her early. She states, “ As a child, my experience with God included everything- a love of the whole beauty around me (Eagles). Many people like her not only have a deep relationship with their God, but they are disciplined by morals they strictly follow. Religious people tend to not be distracted by either peer pressure or humanistic perspective. According to CASA, Adults who do not consider religious beliefs important are more than one and one-half times likelier to use alcohol and cigarettes, more than three times likelier to binge drink, almost four times likelier to use an illicit drug other than marijuana and more than six times likelier to use marijuana than adults who strongly believe that religion is important (Gerdes). Although some may think religion uses scare tactics to force people to act a certain way; God, religion and spirituality are key factors for many in prevention and treatment of substance abuse and in continuing recovery.

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Furthermore, when it comes to people who are religious, they have the upper advantage when it comes to having wisdom. The influence of wisdom started in the west of the wisdom literature of the Hebrew people. It consists philosophical parts of the Old Testament that includes Job, Proverbs, and Psalms. Books that were written by many wise men who had relationship with their God, like for instance Moses (Branshard). Religious people are aware of the circumstances of the world that will help save them from sin. Individuals who trust in their own common sense will perish due to the lack of wisdom they contain. Religion lets people gain intelligence of not only their surroundings, but of wrongdoings of humanity. Religious people, whether they are Christians, Islamic, Buddhism, or Hinduism. Each religion have a bible they have as their book of wisdom. It has scriptures that will help guide you into the path of righteousness as religious people would say. Like for instance, in the bible it says love your neighbours as yourself , taking place in Mark chapter 12 verse 31(Bible). Or in philippians chapter 4 verse 13 it says,” I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Bible).” These types of scriptures are scriptures that will motivate you and have a kind heart towards people, as well as being aware of sins that are diffusing around the world.

Moreover, many people who are religious and attend church have specific beliefs that leads and controls them into a straight path, meaning having a unsinful healthy life as religious people infer. Some may say religious people are more likely to be judgmental and immortal, or that people hide behind the church and use God as an excuse to do unspeakable things. But throughout history, religion has marked moral advances

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Spirituality For Morality. (2022, February 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/spirituality-for-morality/
“Spirituality For Morality.” Edubirdie, 21 Feb. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/spirituality-for-morality/
Spirituality For Morality. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/spirituality-for-morality/> [Accessed 11 Sept. 2024].
Spirituality For Morality [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 21 [cited 2024 Sept 11]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/spirituality-for-morality/

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