Strengths And Weaknesses Of Community Service Organizations

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According to my opinion I would like to start the proceedings of this essay by highlighting some of the important areas along with other relevant information which will be clearly illustrated with further explanations which is included in this particular essay. Specifically, the primary objective of this essay is to focus into the strengths and weaknesses of the community organizations in a management perspective. And ways in which they can be contrasted with private and public sector organizations in terms of the ways in which those organizations function and their structure.

When considering (Nicholson, 2014) clearly illustrates some of the ways in which the community sector would try to shape up in the future by trying to look at some problems which were amongst the local community along with how each and every individual was trying to make a change within the local community, where they believed that this was something which was absolutely essential and each and every one of them had felt that this could be looked as a need rather than a want. And also according to (Nicholson, 2014) has also stated that each and every individual who carries out several discussions with regards to this issues which will eventually being carried out in the form of an action, where they will be trying to focus on the young generation within the local area by ensuring that they have been provided with proper living conditions and also ensure that no one has been left homeless at any stage, because it is considered as a major problem which arose within the community where several youth were been stranded within the community with insufficient living conditions. Due to such considerations each and every individual within the community was eventually seeking for different solutions to all such problems which are faced among the community.

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On the other hand when considering at some of the strategies which were been applied by the people to find a solution to this problem, according to (Nicholson, 2014) points out that various fundraising and charity work was been organized within the community where several other donations were been also raised along with a group of thirty volunteers has being trying to organize a refugee camp specially for the youth, where the accommodation facilities was been provided for almost half a dozen of the youth each and every night. Apart from that, (Nicholson, 2014) feels that all of these sacrifices turned out to be successful in a few years time, because all of the youth who has been left homeless before has been eventually started to find the most ideal opportunities and options within the community by getting jobs which were been offered by the employees within the local community, while some of the youth has gained the opportunity to resume their school education once again. According to (Nicholson, 2014) the volunteers were the ones who were teaching and instructing the youth by also providing the opportunity to gain memberships in sporting clubs within the local area. In a period of 18 months, (Nicholson, 2014) has stated that a charitable community service organization was been established because the volunteers were facing some issues to take forward the development in the services which has been provided.

Apart from that when considering to the charitable community service organizations with further explanations by also contrasting such organizations with the private and public sector organizations are also stated clearly. Therefore, according to (LCSA, 2020) points out that charitable community service organizations are considered as organizations which are engaging with the community while trying to look for different ways in which they could start collaborating and communicating with the community. When considering (Smyth, 2014) has also being trying to point out that organizations within the community sector are very much business minded, whereas organizations within the private sector is more into the context of social responsibility where their primary objective is to focus on becoming entrepreneurs. In terms of community sector organizations (Smyth, 2014) also points out that it could be categorized into charitable organizations and also social enterprises. In Australia there could be many examples of community sector organizations such as Our Community House according to (“Our Community House,”n.d.,) which tries to gather workers from the not-for-profit and social enterprise sector in order to look for ways in which change could be made in Australia, by letting them share the facilities and the number of workers which were been gathered by the Community House was in excess of 400. (Smyth, 2014) also points out that church based organizations could also be classified as organizations within the community sector and such example would be the St Laurence. According to (Smyth, 2014) the key areas in which the community sector would focus on is that the small neighborhoods and also the people who are been disadvantaged. Additionally, (Smyth, 2014) points out that 41% of the Australian community sector organizations which were carrying out their operations in between 1960 and 1979, and also a further 43% in between 1980 and 1990. Apart from that (Smyth, 2014) also points out that during the year 1980 a large number of these types of agencies were simply dependent on their own resources, and during the end of that era this particular industry was heavily involved in delivering services for the government. In the same time according to (Paulsen, 2003) also points out that unlike the organizations within the privatized sector managers within the community sector are simply operating in an environment of uncertainty and they will also have the possibility to face some challenges in the future while some of those challenges which could be highlighted. Especially the challengers with the delivery of those services will be seen simply because they will need to carry out the delivery of those services within a very complex and changing environment. However according to (Smyth, 2014) also mentions that there is not much of a difference when comparing with some of the problems which has been faced by the managers within the private sector, since the organizations within this particular sector are organizations which primarily focuses on the delivery of service rather than trying to make any form of profit. And also (Smyth, 2014) is also trying to point out that managers who perform in the senior management or other executive roles within the community management organizations would usually come across the same number of strategic challenges as the managers within the private and public sector in the long-run of the operations.

In conclusion this essay has focused on the strengths and weaknesses of the community sector organizations in a management perspective and ways in which they could be contrasted with the private and public sector organizations in terms of the ways in which those organizations function and structure.


  1. Nicholson, T., 2014. Speech on the future of the community welfare sector. Brotherhood of St Laurence.
  2. LCSA 2020, Local Community Services Association, viewed 6 August 2020, Us/About_Us.apx
  3. Our Community, n.d., Our Community House , Viewed 6 June 2020,
  4. Paulsen,N., 2003. Managing strategic challenges in community sector organizations’. Queensland Review,10(1),p.141.
  5. Smyth, P., 2014, August. The Lady Vanishes: Australia’s disappearing voluntary sector. In Presentation to a lunchtime seminar Brotherhood of St Laurence, Fitzroy, Victoria on (Vol.14).
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