Teaching English And Challenges

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Language is one of the core aspects that facilitates communication across humans. Thus language learning among young learners hold a suitable positions across the societies. Early English language learners go through a wide range of challenges and complications in their initial stages. The availability and complexity of these challenges are based on individual capabilities of a learner and thus is different for different sets of learners (Thomson et al. 2017). Although, with sufficient care and recommended solutions, these challenges can be addressed. This essay is based on analysing the process of English learning for early learners along with a detailed assessment of the various challenges they face throughout this process. English language learning and cognitive development process is the main subject of concern across this essay. The solutions provided to identify challenges can be largely helpful for further English language learning processes designed for younger learners.


Language profiling for young learners is a complex process due to the increased diverseness with current day societies. The challenges are genuine for learners belonging to a different native language group trying to learn a different language. In case of English learners, the challenges are significant as it is a wide learning subject and requires a range of skillsets to accomplish results. Language education for English requires sufficient motivation and performance fragments that are significant to the available learners. It requires a sense of comfort for the learners and thus ensure better overview throughout the process. Defining and implementing such obligations are quite complex for new learners due to their younger age. Thus this prospect is considered as a comparatively difficult process for young age learners. The learners need to develop enough vocabulary in order to communicate effectively. It ensures a more supportive process for the learners. In addition to this, pronunciation is another important aspect that is largely essential for the learners at their very early stages. At early stages the use of English language for learners are based on quite basic principles. This factor develops with time and thus ensures a better resultant in future (Sharkins, Leger & Ernest, 2017). The process of language learning is also complex at the younger stages as during this time the individual ability of learners to understand and interpret information is quite limited. Thus the overall situation of learning is more complex as compared to other stages.

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English language learners at a younger age face a variety of challenges. These challenges limit the progressive design of operation throughout. Thus the learners require a suitable form of design considerations in order to overcome these challenges and ensure an effective learning process (Oga-Baldwin et al. 2017). Some of these challenges and issues are discussed in the below mentioned sections. These challenges are based on both common as well as complex aspects that are attached to a younger aged learner.

• Getting started with the English language learning process

Initiation process for an English language learning project is one of the most complex attribute. It includes getting ready of the learners for an entirely new language learning process. In most of the cases, this is the very first learning experience for an individual and thus it takes a while for them to get along. Thus it is a common problem.

• Impact and use of student’s first language across the learning process

Social diversity enables students and learners from different language backgrounds to learn English as a collective language. But the problem arises when the learners in most of the situation use their native first language (Barreto et al. 2017). This creates a miscommunication across the entire learning process and thus is a major problem.

• Lack of efficient participation from the learners

Learner’s participation is one of the most important aspect attached to the process of language learning. It helps in encouraging dedication across the process and built a more vibrant design for the process (Ricohermoso, Abequibel & Alieto, 2019). The obligations attached to these aspects are also liable to impact the growth of a learner negatively.

• Lack of proper interaction between learners and instructor.

Interaction between the learner and the instructor is essential to develop a bonding. Since there are significant difference across their individual language and cultural orientations. Lack of proper communication remains a major issue throughout (Roessingh, 2018).

• Unavailability of a suitable and progressive model for language learning process

The instructors require a suitable model to structure the English language learning process as it provides the learning process with the required discipline and responsibility. Thus its unavailability is a huge drawback for the entire learning process (Uchikoshi, Yang & Liu, 2018).


In order to overcome the above mentioned issues a ranges of solutions can be implicated. These solutions are essential for building a perfect English language learning process for the younger population. Thus a detailed assessment of these solutions are provided in the below mentioned sections (Shin, Dixon & Choi, 2020).

  • Defining the required performance parameters before the initiation of the learning process. It will be helpful in establishing a progressive relationship with the learners.
  • Development of a suitable timeline for the entire learning process. It will help in keeping a track of the progress and employ required changes.
  • Development of rule which can ensure less or no usage of learner’s first language across the learning process.
  • Use of sufficient demonstrations and explanations both from and to the learners (De Houwer, 2018).
  • Keeping a track of the various issues across a learning process such as lack of learner’s interest, language compatibility issues and external issues associated with the learner.
  • Introduction of concepts and theories along with interesting stories and visuals for the learners. It will help in introducing better interest for the learners (Kidd, Donnelly & Christiansen, 2018).


Language learning process requires a range of support mechanisms in order to be executed effectively. Since there are a wide range of social and cultural differences across the learners, promoting a single language learning process is quite complex. This essay defines some of the major issues that are attached to the process of English language learners of younger age groups. Since language learning at younger age is a huge issue due to the lack of basic communicating instincts, this analysis is provided. It will be helpful in countering the most widely available issues across language learning. Some efficient suggestions for controlling the issues are also defined across the essay. These solutions are quite suitable for bringing better approaches for learning. The subject of language learning and cognitive development for younger population is the central theme to this analysis. It provides a very clear picture of the variations that arise across different sets of learning designs across English language. The solutions provided will be a major help for upcoming learning programs.


  1. Barreto, F. B., de Miguel, M. S., Ibarluzea, J., Andiarena, A., & Arranz, E. (2017). Family context and cognitive development in early childhood: A longitudinal study. Intelligence, 65, 11-22.
  2. De Houwer, A. (2018). The role of language input environments for language outcomes and language acquisition in young bilingual children. Bilingual cognition and language: The state of the science across its subfields, 127-153.
  3. Kidd, E., Donnelly, S., & Christiansen, M. H. (2018). Individual differences in language acquisition and processing. Trends in cognitive sciences, 22(2), 154-169.
  4. Oga-Baldwin, W. Q., Nakata, Y., Parker, P., & Ryan, R. M. (2017). Motivating young language learners: A longitudinal model of self-determined motivation in elementary school foreign language classes. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 49, 140-150.
  5. Ricohermoso, C., Abequibel, B., & Alieto, E. (2019). Attitude towards English and Filipino as correlates of cognition toward Mother Tongue: An analysis among would-be language teachers. Asian EFL Journal, 26(6.1), 5-22.
  6. Roessingh, H. (2018). Unmasking the early language and literacy needs of ELLs: What K–3 practitioners need to know and do. BC Teal Journal, 3(1), 22-36.
  7. Sharkins, K. A., Leger, S. E., & Ernest, J. M. (2017). Examining effects of poverty, maternal depression, and children’s self-regulation abilities on the development of language and cognition in early childhood: An early head start perspective. Early Childhood Education Journal, 45(4), 493-498.
  8. Shin, J. Y., Dixon, L. Q., & Choi, Y. (2020). An updated review on use of L1 in foreign language classrooms. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 41(5), 406-419.
  9. Thomson, K. C., Guhn, M., Richardson, C. G., Ark, T. K., & Shoveller, J. (2017). Profiles of children's social–emotional health at school entry and associated income, gender and language inequalities: a cross-sectional population-based study in British Columbia, Canada. BMJ open, 7(7), e015353.
  10. Uchikoshi, Y., Yang, L., & Liu, S. (2018). Role of narrative skills on reading comprehension: Spanish–English and Cantonese–English dual language learners. Reading and writing, 31(2), 381-404.
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Teaching English And Challenges. (2022, February 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 14, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/teaching-english-and-challenges/
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Teaching English And Challenges [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 21 [cited 2025 Jan 14]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/teaching-english-and-challenges/

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