The American Scholar: Culture of Transcendence Brought Up in the Essay of Ralph Emerson

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People including Americans should be themselves, naturally humans are good and have limitless potential. Emerson argued Americans should stop looking to the Europeans for inspiration. He believed that they should create their own distinct culture carried through transcendentalist ideas. Which is followed through by the American Scholar because they are actively seeking knowledge for themselves and trying to attain a higher understanding of life. This way it leads them to their own thoughts and style that’s uniquely American.

Emerson first begins his speech by stating how humans tend to stick within the same community of people who have similar activities to them within their society. Meaning they separate themselves from other communities losing vision of all that brings them together. He doesn’t really approve of this, so he suggests that individuals should be more accepting to others of different skills than them to allow a more versatile society where everyone’s role is accounted. Due to the division one can get clouded and have troubling recognizing their roles worth versus their peers from other communities. If they can’t reach their full potential, they aren’t at full potential prohibiting them from functioning well.

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Another point Emerson brings up to further the development of American scholars is past influences. Many great minds wrote books passing down their knowledge and ideas remaining relevant through the years. Though the information in books is valued it is flawed because the knowledge of that time may not apply to the current issues of the scholars time. In order to avoid this, they should write books of their own to pass down their knowledge. It is important for the scholar not to get blinded with the knowledge of the one they are reading so they can formulate their own idea. The reader can see how evident Emerson values authenticity and individualism.

Between the points bought up by Emerson not only did he provide insight of how scholars can grow the American culture, but he did it through transcendent ideas. Transcendent ideas consist of exploring knowledge, believing in yourself, and being yourself because you're the best at being that. Through the points selected a repeating message is originality, gaining knowledge, and knowing oneself. Emerson expressed through transcendental ideas how scholars can further the American dream by actively seeking knowledge for themselves and trying to attain a higher understanding of life. Through this method it leads them to a way that’s unique to American culture.

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The American Scholar: Culture of Transcendence Brought Up in the Essay of Ralph Emerson. (2023, January 31). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“The American Scholar: Culture of Transcendence Brought Up in the Essay of Ralph Emerson.” Edubirdie, 31 Jan. 2023,
The American Scholar: Culture of Transcendence Brought Up in the Essay of Ralph Emerson. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
The American Scholar: Culture of Transcendence Brought Up in the Essay of Ralph Emerson [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Jan 31 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from:

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