The Aspects Of Diabetes Among Children

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Since 2000, obesity in America has increased by 40 percent (Brown,2003) More than 45 percent of American children are currently either obese or morbidly obese. This does increase in obesity among children has been caused by A, B and C. and into today's world obesity is among children, adolescents have emerged the worldwide prevalence of childhood obesity has increased strikingly over the 3 decades. (1) obesity is a multi-factorial condition and has been described as a phenotype of numerous pathological. the diagnosis for diabetes is very serious matter to watch out for. studies have shown that overweight and obesity in the pediatric group and highlights. I think that diabetes is something that should be taking as very serious disease without any major issue with people’s in society where food comes from in such abundance, people are overeating and compared to the 21st century. Only 5% of the population. Which is only about five percent that diabetes. Today that number has nearly double and continue to do so. In order see a different change in obesity for children because the increase in childhood obesity has been caused by a dependence on fast foods, a decrease in physical activity, and hormones in our food system. One cause of increase in obesity among children is a growing dependence on fast food in the US.

diabetes can destroy a child's health by not getting the necessary antibodies that's needed for the body to get stronger each and every day. diabetes can be contained with the right diet, exercising and with right meals everything will alright from this point moving forward. Obesity is a complex, multifactorial condition affected by genetic and non-genetic factors. Figure 1 outlines the determinants of pediatric obesity. In children and adolescents, the overweight state is generally caused by a lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating patterns resulting in excess energy intake, or a combination of the two resulting in energy excess. Pediatric obesity is also a multifactorial condition which is a resultant of genetic and non-genetic factors and the complex interactions among these. Genetics and social factors socio-economic status, race ethnicity, media and marketing and the physical environment also influence energy consumption and expenditure. Obesity seems to be the result of a complex interplay between the environment and the body’s predisposition to obesity based on genetics and epigenetic programming. To date, research has been unable to isolate the effects of a single factor due to the co-linearity of the variables as well as research constraints.

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Specific causes for the increase in prevalence of childhood obesity are not clear and establishing causality is difficult since longitudinal research in this area is limited. The heritability of body weight is high and genetic variation plays a major role in determining the interindividual differences in susceptibility or resistance to the obesogenic environment Appetite regulation and energy homeostasis depend on a large number of hormones many of which are secreted by the gastrointestinal tract (9). Ghrelin is currently the only known appetite-stimulating orexigenic gut hormone, secreted by the oxyntic glands of the stomach. Ghrelin levels rise shortly before mealtimes. The other gut hormones identified to date are anorexigenic (decrease appetite and food intake). These include: peptide tyrosine pancreatic polypeptide, oxyntomodulin, amylin, glucagon, glucagon-like peptide and. For example, PYY acts as a satiety signal. The levels of PYY rise within 15 minutes after food intake, resulting in reduced food intake

The gastrointestinal tract is the body’s largest endocrine organ producing hormones that have important sensing and signaling roles in the regulation of energy homeostasis There are several determinants or risk factors for development of pediatric overweight or obesity. These can be categorized.

I think that child obesity would be a lot different if the children were provided with healthy meals each and every day because eating un healthy can cause a lot of health problems to the body altogether. it’s up to the parent to do the right thing here a lot of kids suffer through obesity throughout the United States and that’s why kids deal with obesity on a regular basis because they don’t get the right medication that’s needed for them take whatever time is doable. Because diabetes is a disease that cause flair ups and won’t even know it. I think it’s better to make a chart to try to manage the children’s diabetes I think it will make all the difference in the world. Diabetes among children can be manageable with a meal plans for each day of the week. Dietitians would recommend some kind of meal plan to be setup for children so that parents can decide on how to work with this throughout the whole year.

There are various strategies that can be used towards the management and control of diabetes among children and adolescents in the United States. One of the most realistic strategies for the reduction of the condition is subjecting children to constant screening tests to ascertain the severity of the medical condition. This can be undertaken by taking them through blood sugar tests. Children that are highly predisposed should be subjected to these tests to reduce the risk of attack by the condition that is likely to reduce the quality of life. It is also important that proactive measures are undertaken towards the control of the condition. This can include a complete change of lifestyle toe embrace a healthy living. The weight of children should be managed by ensuring that they undergo exercises. This can reduce the prevalence of obesity that is likely to lead to the diabetes condition among children. Embracing a healthy eating is also an essential step that can promote the health of children. This can be through promoting good nutritional habits among children and adolescents. NDEP, (2014).


  1. PCRM. Nutrition for kids, a Dietary Approach to Lifelong Health. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.
  2. NDEP, (2014). Overview of Diabetes in Children and Adolescents. National Diabetes Education Program.
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