The Aspects Of Teen Activism

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Do you know what teen activism is? What do you think about teen activism? Teen activism is something that teenagers do to fix a problem in the world. They are usually affected by it before aiming to fix it, and they do it for the better of others. Sometimes they correct a problem in a community, sometimes it worldwide, sometimes it to adjust a problem in a country or county. Teen activism happens all over the world and it is a good thing. It builds character and makes you and others feel good.

I think that more teenagers should take part in teen activism. Community service is important because of the positive outcomes it has on everybody. When you do community service, you feel good, accomplished, and satisfied. You helped people and made a difference that could change the way people see things and have a big effect on society. It enhances communicative awareness and relations. For example, when the animal humane society saw a rise in animal population, they began to spay and neuter the animals that people owned. when you When being a teen activist, you create relations with the people you help and the people you work with. It's exciting to see how people live their lives and see how they change when you make an impact. When engaging in teen activism, you feel good, and make others feel good.

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The benefits of teen activism not only help people but animals too. If you don’t spay or neuter your pets, then they tend to have babies. That extends the animal population. Which means more and more animals without homes. There would be more animals than responsible homes. If this were to happen, many dogs and cats would go in crates, in a pound, and end up being put to sleep. Plus, if there are too many stray dogs and cats, they may follow you back home to maybe other pets you might have, or someone in your family is allergic. That is why teen activism is important. Not only to help people, but animals, and the environment.

When taking part in teen activism, when you are helping people, you can be affected by it. If you see a problem in the world, there is a big chance that you have been affected by it, making you realize how big the problem is, and how it is hurting people. For example, if you were hurt by not getting an education, or seeing a lot of electronic waste, or people getting assassinated for speaking up, then there’s a big chance that you would want to help those people, and there’s a big chance, you would also want to help yourself too. Another example is that we all have a little empathy or sympathy. If you were homeless, and you just won the lottery, and then you saw another homeless person, you would have sympathy, because you’ve experienced it before. Or, if you saw your little brother lost his shoes, you would feel empathy, because you feel sorry for him, although you never lost your shoes because you’ve never hidden in bushes. So, if you do see someone who is suffering, then do what you can to help them. Because if you want the best, someone else might be appreciative for just a little.

Community Service? Important. Animal Population Control? Considerate. Making a difference? Worthwhile. Teen activism is the character of helping others. I believe that everyone should take part in teen activism. No matter how big or small a problem is, someone out there would be glad you tried. So, if you do see someone who is suffering, and you have the capability to change it, then go ahead. Someone just may need your help.

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The Aspects Of Teen Activism. (2022, July 08). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“The Aspects Of Teen Activism.” Edubirdie, 08 Jul. 2022,
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