According to Teller, Edward, “the science of today is the technology of tomorrow”, which empowers people to be creative and productive. It lets people learn things they didn’t think they could learn, in short, it is all about potential. This is where the change will depend, if you think of the future, you want it to be better than the past. They can translate it into new products which can be the main instrument of economic development and growth of one’s country. This article gives me an interest as it shows how Sen’s Capability Approach affects countries that are considered as low and middle-income countries (LMIC) and developed countries such as the United States, Europe, and etc. It caught attention as the Science and Technology are connected in this topic, especially that Science and Technology are seen as key in innovation system, which means gaining value from knowledge; and that innovation, the information and development are closely elements of a system of associations and institutions that must function for improved knowledge and innovation systems to rise (Ayele & Wield, 2005). Innovation is the process of using knowledge and technology to develop or improve more the production of products, services, and processes that have an impact or social benefit. It is always questionable as to what it’s effects and how it changes throughout the years to our society as well as in different countries.
To even the odds between collaborators with unequal capacities and resources for research, Research Capacity Building is frequently observed as a prerequisite (Parker and Kingori, 2016), this approach is popular as it is easy to use, evaluate and understand. However, it ignores the long term social factors that hinder the local knowledge production. Though, if science is to promote social and economic progress in low and middle income countries (LMIC), this approach must be seen as an integral to develop strategies as well as ideas and approached not only in micro which is individual level but at a macro level. For the LMIC to achieve higher development compared to the usual and adopt changes and technologies that can help their countries to improve more and be productive.
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As mentioned by Papaioannou (2011, 2014), the significance of development and innovation infrequently goes under the investigation of global speculations of justice, and when it does, it appears more concerned with the allocation of the products of Science and Technology innovation instead of the capacity to innovate. LMIC embraces Science and Technology as their path to development, LMIC experience shows that it is well integrated into national development ideas and strategies and combined with institutional and organizational changes that can help to raise productivity, improve economy, and support faster growth, though many countries are still left behind.
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