The Differences Of Christianity And Islam

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According to the,” many would say Islam and Christianity are different; they both, however, believe in one God only. They may call them and prays differently, but in the end, it’s the belief in only having one God. Islam appeals to Allah as their one true God. In turn, Christians believe God called God God.”(Namb 2020)

In Islam,” Muslims do not believe in the crucifixion; then there is no need for resurrection.” Whereas Christianity, they think that Jesus Resurrections is a fact in history that signifies gods victory over sin and death.” (Faith Facts 2020)

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When it comes to belief in Man, Islam believes that Man is created by Allah and is considered sinless. In comparison, Christians believe that Man is created in God's image and is deemed to be sinful by nature. For example, Sin is disobedience to the established law. In Islam, does not grieve Allah. In Christianity, sin is considered to be a rebellion against God. However, unlike Islam, Christianity grieves God and asks for forgiveness. (Faith Facts 2020)

Another similarity between the two is how they both view the Bible.” Muslims accept the bible, especially the Pentateuch, Psalms, and the Gospels, as it agrees with the Qur’an.” Where Christians see that the Bible is the inspired word of God and is completed, and nothing can be added to it. (Faith Facts 2020)

Christianity and Islam are the most powerful of the two religions in the entire world. Both are having such a significant impact on its people. Both faiths have strong similarities within their Bible. Qur’an. These two religions are so intertwined with one another.

If there is no peace amongst the two, there will be no more peace in the world. They would be able to practice their beliefs and religion without fear of separation or division. (Conflict between religions threatens the future of the world, Muslim leaders tell Pope 2020)

So as we are in a different error of time, there is still the same struggle amongst both religions in today’s world. Muslim leaders and Christian leaders are fighting for peace amongst the two. They believe in such similar aspects of the beliefs that it would honestly be the lesser of two evils. Them coming together on a United front, can lead to a more peaceful nation amongst all. If other countries could see the two join forces, it can lead others to follow suit. By doing this, we have a better chance to put aside maybe all our differences with other countries and put a united front and end wars that we have in progress and those that have it even begun.


  1. “Comparison Chart - Islam and Christianity.” Apologetics,
  2. Faith Facts. (N.d.). Retrieved August 04, 2020, from
  3. Conflict between religions threatens future of the world, Muslim leaders tell Pope.
  4. (n.d. Retrieved August 04, 2020,
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The Differences Of Christianity And Islam. (2022, February 24). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 17, 2025, from
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