The Effects Of Sports On Child Development

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In today's' culture, we generally tend to determine and observe what the children want to do the most. Many of them are love to do playing gadgets rather than playing toys or play outside. Sadly to say, that most of the youngster now are always want to remain inside their home all day and every day just to play video games than to play outdoor or doing physical activity with other kids. These are the negative effects of their engagement on technology. Because the generations are changing most of the kids now are only focus on using technology unlike before. Due to technological advances, the development of children’s social skills or communication skills is very slow. Because physical sports are sometimes only imposed in schools, and they're not introduced to outdoor activities or sports, it gives long-run consequences or effects on the child’s growth.

All kids and parents should know that sports is an experience that can change a kid's lifestyle, includes a great impact on the kid's character or behaviors. To help children not to be addicted to gadgets or technology, parents should push them and engage them to do more important things like being involved in sports not only inside the school but also everywhere and anytime. We all know that distractions of technology for kids are always around them and always available and easy to access.

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Introducing sports to kids at their young age can also affect their mental health so it can help them to know how to choose and how to decide what they want to do. They’ll find out to be more self-motivated. Playing sports helps them also to line their goals for themselves as setting goals is always part of playing sports. Of course, being engaged in sports promotes better health for kids. If a child is engaged in sports and she or he is going to practice every day it allows them to stay exercised and remain self-motivated.

The physical activity or sports have a huge effect not only on children’s development and physical health but also on their mental health as well. By engaging the kids in sport, we can see the positive effects that can happen. Now, we will concentrate on these 3 positive effects of Sports in physical health, mental health, and social skills of the children.

First, sports can provides an optimistic effect on the physical health of kids. For the sustenance of the physical development of the children, they should have a balanced diet, balanced lifestyle and active exercise every day like sports. Being engaged in sports we can see that there are physical benefits that give impact on children like stronger muscles, bones, and joints, their hearts can be stronger also, their body fats can also be controlled, kids may also have a lower chance to be sick, and their fitness can also be improved. Meaning sports can make all kids not only to be fit but also to be healthy.

Next is the impact of sports on kid’s mental health. Along with the physical benefits, the mental benefits of sports are similarly imposing. When we are physically active surely our mental health is also well. Sports can avoid the chance for kids to have depression and anxiety. We know that nowadays depression and anxiety can happen in all ages. As the sport has an impact on mental health, it is also a great thing to do to help children fight the feeling of depression or anxiety. Sports tend to increase the probability of children staying lively, letting them sleep better and keeps them mentally sharp. Improved physical activity levels directly relate and give the motivation to have good academics performance.

Lastly, sport affects the social development of the kids. Sport can not only help inspire and encourage children to be more physically active but also teaching them valuable skills and life lessons that they can carry with them until the time of maturity. We know that growing up can be challenging, leaving many kids with a sense of insufficiency but the sport has been found to help increase and boost their self-worth and self-confidence. Sport does also to helps keep children improve socially. This help children to do their best and engage in friendly or welcoming competition. As mentioned before, playing sports is a good way to maintain a kid's health in good conditions and have a better outlook on their body image. Playing your finest and winning, creates a sense of achievement hence modeling your self-esteem. Participating in sports and being part of any group provides a sense of belonging which improves their social skills. Being exposed and engaged to other children from different backgrounds allows the kids to be diverse. These connections and communications allow friendships which help make children more sociable and outgoing. Sport more exactly can have an even bigger impact in the areas of growth or improving social skills in the process. Social skills that are learned or improved through sport while assisting children in growing into successful ones include communication, ability to follow rules, fair play, teamwork, independence, respect for others and leadership.

Sports is the applicable way to keep children active but they offer several benefits that expand much beyond those benefits. It does not only support children in their growth process but stretches them to have essential skills to be positive and successful in their future life.

Based on the above effects of sport in a kid's life, there is no hesitation in the fact that sports are important and designed to build a positive character in children. Also, it is important to let your child find out and explore other exciting things too in sports and let them see the values and importance of sports for themselves. Moreover, parents should always encourage their kids to actively join in outdoor physical activities and pursue any sport of their choice. Besides, one of the most important qualities that sports enhance in every child is the team spirit and moral values through fair and friendly play. Lastly, always remember that sport is an inexhaustible source of inspiration and happiness for kids.

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The Effects Of Sports On Child Development. (2022, February 24). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 15, 2025, from
“The Effects Of Sports On Child Development.” Edubirdie, 24 Feb. 2022,
The Effects Of Sports On Child Development. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 15 Jan. 2025].
The Effects Of Sports On Child Development [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 24 [cited 2025 Jan 15]. Available from:

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