The Features Of Preparation Of Boxers

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Boxing is an individual sport in which two people are placed in a square ring who fight with fists wearing padded gloves. It is one of Australia's oldest individual sports. The first Australian boxing contest recorded in history took place in Sydney on 8 January 1814 involving John Parton and Charles Sefton who were two convicts who bareknuckle boxed. After 56 rounds and 90 minutes of tough fighting, John was declared the winner. Boxing has always been criticised in the press for it may been very popular but is also very brutal. Fights were organised in unusual places frequently trying to hide from police or law enforcement of any kind. Issac Read was an english man who defeated the George Hough in 1847 hidden in bushland at Sydney's Middle Head. The contest lasted 98 minutes and was attended by thousands. Native-born and immigrants also got into contests as rivalry’s would form and antagonising would spark between the two groups. With everyone desperate for entertainment boxing took place on goldfields because of the minimum facilities. There were a variety of contests including ‘gloved’ or ‘bareknuckle’ exhibitions. In 1855 in Fiery Creek Victoria, a 6 hour and 15 minute long fight sparked between Jonathon Smith who was defeated by James Kelly.

Other sports were constantly expanding and prospering throughout 1850 and the 1860s but boxing was left handicapped and banned by any prying eyes of the law. Boxing was legalised until 1924 when all six states decided for it to become a proper sport.

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Regardless of the participants experience, gender or age boxing is encouraged throughout Australia. Besides from entertainment and fitness boxing gives you discipline, patience, humility, gives you confidence and even helps manage adrenaline. It’s influenced in Australia through previous champs with their characteristics/ sportsmanship and even through safety benefits.


Boxing has become one of the most watched sporting events on earth. The first boxing fight recorded had no written rules to regulate anything in the sporting event which was held in Britain. The first set of rules wasn’t introduced until 1743 which was more than 60 year later which only complied because former champion Jack Broughton made for the safety and to protect fighters in the ring. Deaths occurred before the rules were provided. One of the rules included a 30 second count when a fighter was knocked down and if he couldn’t continue the opponent would be crowned champion. The mouth guard wasn’t invented until 1902 but wasn’t used until 1913 in a boxing ring.

Weight Classification

Opponents are chosen determined on their weight classification. When in training for an upcoming fight, the boxer’s aim is to get down to the fighting weight for the official weight — that generally takes place the day before the fight. Whilst there were only eight weight classifications originally, in modern day boxing, there are now 17 professional major weight classes In boxing events throughout the early 19th century, there were no weight classes to distinguish which fighters were suitable to fight each other. The first weight classes were introduced in 1910 and were: flyweight, bantamweight, featherweight, lightweight, welterweight, middleweight, light heavyweight, and heavyweight. There were originally eight, however, there are now technically 17 weight classes within boxing. Some of these have been changed over time, with the most recent weight class introduction in 2007.


Nutrition is just as important as training when boxers are preparing for an upcoming fight. A diet is a crucial part of staying in shape and keeping up with the demands of training. A diet comprising of the three main macronutrients, carbohydrates, lean protein and good fats, puts you in the best position for optimum workout performance and helps you reach your target weight. Pure protein is key, as is plenty of liquids. Most boxers aim to stay within 3-5% of their target weigh-in weight whilst training to avoid the need of a crash diet, which could affect their performance. According to TalkBoxing, a boxer’s diet should contain 45-55% carbohydrates, 30-40% protein and 15% of fats. Boxers require carbohydrates because the sport is an anaerobic activity which requires the maintenance of high energy levels for 12 intensive, three-minute rounds. Carbohydrates slowly release energy, replacing used up glycogen stores. Meanwhile, protein is needed in a boxer’s diet to help maximise recovery and contribute to muscle growth, whilst certain fats are required for the upkeep of internal bodily functions. These are generally called ‘good fats’ or ‘essential fats’ — think omega-3 and omega-6. Some boxers choose to take additional protein powder supplements as workout aids, to try and boost their workout performance and reach new goals.


Female boxers have yet to catch up with their male counterparts in terms of pay. Since women’s boxing has been unsuccessful at reaching the masses on a saturated level the pay for female boxers varies greatly depending on weight class, record and match-ups. While the same can be said for male boxers, the championship purses are not comparable.A female boxer just beginning can probably look to earn between 200-400 dollars a fight. Again this varies on the area fighting, the weight class, record and match-ups.I was looking for more information and found it here. Relative unknown male boxers can secure between 2,000-5,000 with the same factors weighing their ring value. The big difference, though is the champions. Christy Martin, one of the most, if not the most successful women’s boxer of all-time was able to secure huge paydays in the 75,00-200,000 range when she was at her peak. She also negotiated to become the first female boxer to fight in a bout with a purse of 1,000,000 against Lucia Rijker. Although the fight never happened it did push the bar forward for women’s boxing. When compared to the millions that male boxers make for just showing up to a fight, women’s boxing still has a ways to go.


Boxing, a sport known for its violence and brutality with a long history that made an impact and somehow has been “a way of life” to different cultures since the ancient times Asram, Iraq where two boxers, facing each other in a form of fighting, with each is ready to deliver or defend a blow. As good as boxing as a sport with rich cultural history, it is also a sport that has the power to drive and influence the economy of a certain community even when that certain country is facing an economic crisis. Rosca (2012:p 128) states, from the early 1880’s to the 1920’s, boxing has risen from a ‘backyard sport’, circus entertainment and an illegal fighting to a social phenomenon that attracted masses of people; with arenas, stadiums and theatres being sold out. Take America for an instance, during the great depression, a lot of the people felt challenged and experienced living conditions that they were not used to be it Americans, African- Americans or even children’s, but boxing had a major influence on the economy market. When the market was down, businesses and banks went bankrupt and unemployment rates grew, but boxing grew as a business as their supply and demand for fights, its monetary income increase. The people of the great depression chose the immediate joy and the sense of belonging that a boxing fight induced to them rather than the long term of saving money. They would rather witness the joy a boxing match would give them. With this statement alone regarding the great depression, just shows how prestigious and high status boxing was, back in those day.


Anthony Mundine is an Australian former professional boxer and rugby league footballer. Mundine is well known for his heated rivalries with fellow Australians Danny Green and Daniel Geale. Before his move to boxing, Mundine was the highest-paid player in the NRL. He considers himself to be Australia's best all-round athlete. He is the son of former boxer Tony Mundine and hails from the Bundjalung people of northern coastal areas of New South Wales. Mundine was named the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Person of the Year in 2000. He is the first boxer in history to have had every one of his professional fights broadcast for television and has generated more pay-per-views than any other Australian boxer since he turned professional.

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