The Necessity Of Instant Blood Notification System

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The last decade has witnessed an explosive growth in the field of technology. Everything is fast and instant in this modern world of smart technology. Today, there is no place for error and very much time-consuming works.

Currently, we are developing a website, the website is a collection of pages on the www (World Wide Web) that contains specific information which was all provided by one person or organization. Blood notifies website provides information about the need for blood. It provides direct notifies to all the person that is available in the chat room as well as it gives a direct message in the mobile phone. Some part of our website is dynamic and some part is static. This website is used to deliver regularly changes in need of blood. Users are able to contact the donor. So this website can prove to be a very effective way of searching blood for an emergency.

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Existing system

The existing system of instant notification system is that the hospital or health centers will send the instant message on the donor’s mobile phone when emergency blood needed or shortage of blood with patient details, hospital details emergency case detail, contact person details. The whole process might be time consuming as well as the donor’s get proper details of patient and related case and address. In this web-based instant blood notification system people have engage in different palace of the nation the system will provide location based option to find and send the instant notification to the donor with the needed location based area or palace. On other hand, many people in Nepal haven’t knowledge about donating the blood many people have confusion where to donate and if people donate the blood they have fear to blood center used to sale their blood with high rates so the system will provide the platform to direct contact with patient to donating the blood with proper details and feel fearless to donating the blood.

Limitation of the Existing System

  • Time consuming while retrieving the information of a student.
  • Takes more human efforts and physical records.
  • No proper format is used for storing the details of student information.
  • No accessibility is provided to students for their details.

Proposed System

The idea of instant blood notification system is common in sedwan. But these kinds of system don’t exist in Nepal which is the one of the drawbacks for the beautiful country like ours. Instant Blood Notification system will basically bridge the Donor’s and Patient who want to donate blood and feel fearless to donate blood. These kinds of system will provide donors to find their Destination palace to direct donate fresh blood with the requirements and feel fearless


The proposed instant blood notification system will have the following features:

  • Develop an interactive web application with a user friendly search interface.
  • Registration Facility with Proper Documentation and Details.
  • The system will be capable to build the User trust with proper Details and User Verification of User Blood Request and Notification Services.

Agile Methodologies have overcome the traditional methods of waterfall model by becoming flexible, fast, lean, responsive, and consistent. This method focuses on people and is more communication-oriented and tested in a dynamic environment and proves to be very flexible by adapting to the change happening in the business. It’s include regular inspection in a disciplined manner, which consequently improves the leadership qualities to boost the teamwork and follows best practices that help in getting high-quality software very quickly.



PHP is known as a scripting language. It is a programming language which is used by developers to make dynamic contents which interacts with the database present on the web server. How PHP works is: it is embedded into a HTML document and when the user requests the document, the server runs the PHP code and embeds the output of the code into the document and sends the document to the person who requested it.

I am using PHP because I need my site to be dynamic, also I’m using databases and I’m going to be utilizing various functions provided by Object Oriented PHP


Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework. Bootstrap help us to design websites faster and easier. It includes HTML and CSS based design templates for forms, buttons, tables, navigation, image carousels, etc. Bootstrap's responsive CSS adjusts to phones, tablets, and desktops. Bootstrap is compatible with all modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Opera).


MySQL is a freely available open source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL is the most popular language for adding, accessing and managing content in a database. It is most noted for its quick processing, proven reliability, ease and flexibility of use. MySQL is an essential part of almost every open source PHP application. It offers a lot of free MySQL tools including CMS systems, forums, galleries, blogs, shopping carts and more.


CSS is used to decorate HTML document. It is used by web developers to style html document, make it more visually appealing to the users. It can be embedded inside a HTML document or in a separate file. The browser while rendering HTML document also loads the CSS and gives formatting, color or style to the documents as per what’s written in the CSS document.

I’m going to be using CSS to interacted webpage to make it visually appealing to the users and correctly format the webpage.


JavaScript is the most popular scripting language which is used by developers to make interactive HTML pages. JavaScript is feature packed and can be used to do various computing on the user machine. It decreases the load that falls on the webserver as it uses the user computer to execute the script. It can be used to validate data, create interactive menu, and many more things. It is supported by every popular browser which makes it an easy choice for developers.

I’m going to be using JavaScript to make my site interactive and decrease the server load. Mainly I think I’ll use it for form validation, interactive menus and image or text sliders.


Government of Nepal, in its policy declaration of 1991, has mandated the Nepal Red Cross Society as the sole authority in conducting blood programs in Nepal. Therefore, a great responsibility has fallen on the Society and to prove its capability, it is systematically strengthening itself with resources available nationally and exploring resource possibilities internationally. The Kathmandu-based Central Blood transfusion service so far is the only referral center for the whole country, has been planning not only to upgrade the Centre but also in upgrading regional blood centers of Biratnagar, Pokhara, Nepalgunj, and Chitwan. It is also considering the possibilities of upgrading the Dharan and Dhangadhi blood centers in view of the establishments there of major hospitals and coverage area. As it stands today, there are 21 district level blood banks, emergency units in 17 and 25 hospital units of the services in the country.

Instant Blood Notification system will basically bridge the Donor’s and Patient who want to donate blood and feel fearless to donate blood. These kinds of system will provide donors to find their Destination palace to direct donate fresh blood with the requirements and feel fearless.

In the context of Nepal, there is no any system which have such type of feature to send instant message to the donor with patient details and blood requirement and case. Rather there is the traditional type blood donating and blood searching process to visiting the blood banks and buy with high rates. In such system or process there would be more time consuming likewise, there is the probability that donor’s has proper details where to donate blood and which patient with their related case. These are the disadvantages we might face in such type of traditional process of searching for blood visiting blood banks. Through my research I also found similar type of application, where people donate the blood when they get an instant message with patient, hospital and required blood with the type of blood group.

Blood connects us all is the type of application where The text message initiative, launched last year by the Stockholm blood donation service Blodcentralen, uses technology to recruit and retain new donors. Donors receive an automated text telling them when their blood has made it into a fellow human being's veins. It was an ordinary event, but this was no ordinary text. It was a thank you, notifying him that the blood he recently donated had been given to a patient.


As per the research on this system the Instant blood notification system is considered as a blood manages system when emergency blood are required. It is difficult to manage the blood when emergency blood required and many people will have died due to blood shortage. There are user register services and as well as donor. This system provides direct connection between donor and patient as well as hospitals with verified details.

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The Necessity Of Instant Blood Notification System. (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“The Necessity Of Instant Blood Notification System.” Edubirdie, 17 Feb. 2022,
The Necessity Of Instant Blood Notification System. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
The Necessity Of Instant Blood Notification System [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 17 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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