Inequality in Modern Politics and Society

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The 21st century discord is a majorly increasing problem in today's world in regards to political, social and economic inequalities. These issues are growing at an astonishing rate and if they are not resolved soon, they will cause us to degrade as a human race and destroy the infrastructure for future generations to come.

Social inequality is when resources in a given society are distributed unevenly, typically through norm of allocation, that engender specific patterns along lines of socially defined categories of people. One of the most evident factors of these is gender inequalities. This can be seen in many areas of the world such as the workplace where women are placed in situations where they have a glass ceiling which results in them not obtaining promotions and higher training. It has been noted that men get promoted at higher rates. In turn, this leaves 85% to 75% of all women in large corporations in a glass ceiling situation according to the Huffington Post. The gender pay gap is also a very large and growing sector of inequality in today's world. According to a report written on they have estimated that a woman's salary is 22% less than that of a male with the same qualifications and experience. For women, this can become discouraging and frustrating as it is easier for a male to move up in the corporate ladder. In most instances this causes women to leave their jobs and rather run the household thus leaving only one breadwinner to support the family. Thus, casing the social inequality to increase over time by default as well as raising the already growing statistics of men in high corporate roles. This proves how deeply social and economic inequality runs in today's business world as this prejudice is set as a growing standard this in turn causes the economic inequality to increase.

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Economic inequality can be referred to as the distribution of wealth and income. 82% of the wealth generated last year to the wealthiest one percent whilst the 3.7 billion people who make up the poorest half the world had no increase in their generated income according to a new Oxfam report. This shows how economic inequality does an injustice to the people of a society as the wealthy have enough money for many generations down the line and continue to obtain more wealth but the poor stay entrapped in the poverty cycle and the economic inequality levels proceed to increase as the gap between these two circumstances grow at an irreversible rate. This is due to economies of countries not taking the interests of their lowest income brackets into consideration and rather those of the powerful and affluent.

Every person should have equal influence in their democratic and political environment but due to increasing levels of political inequality this does not take place as countries become greedy to ensure that they stay on top while disregarding the standards of living and interests of the poor. This is due to big decisions being made by the powerful and affluent which in turn create laws that benefit them rather than helping the society around them resulting in the societies around them not growing and improving which therefore leaves the inequality gap to growing even further. John Hopkins University conducted an investigation and found that out of 800 students only 4% of children from low-income families achieved a college education, compared to 45% of children from higher-income families. These statistics show how political inequality repercussions run far down all the way to education of the masses resulting in the poor staying uneducated therefore leaving them in a situation where they are unable to lift themselves out of the poverty cycle.

However, in a perfect world if all these issues had been fixed the world would not be able to run efficiently as economies strive on inequality and desperation to get things done. Without a low-income bracket there would be no one to do the jobs that are unpleasant to the ordinary person such as janitorial services and even simple services such as fast-food employees. If these inequalities are resolved people's standards of living will be raised leaving large gaps in worldwide economies. Thus, resulting in economies collapsing. These circumstances are also highly unattainable as it would mean if people work harder, they will still achieve the same thing as everything is equal thus inversely if someone doesn’t work, they would still be equal which is unrealistic and unattainable. Therefore, these factors will result in an inequality being created once again.

In conclusion, inequality is inevitable as I have stated above it is what ensures that the flow of the economy keeps moving. However, these issues can be resolved to a certain extent to ensure more equal opportunities for all in order to reduce the sizes of the inequality gaps and stop them from increasing exponentially.

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Inequality in Modern Politics and Society. (2022, August 25). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 22, 2025, from
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