The Relation of Communication and Conflict

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“Communication can be defined as the exchange of an information, thought and emotion between individuals or groups. Communication requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient.” Effective communication is huge for managers in the associations to play out the essential elements of the executives.

In order to run an organisation effectively, one of the main factors is to have good communication among the fellow peers. The communication must be from both the sides of the management. The managers must convey what they are expecting from the employees and vice versa. By not having a proper communication, it may lead to misunderstanding and as a result, there may be a conflict among the employees, which would have dire consequences in the management and would negatively affect the company’s operations. In order to mitigate such problems, it is important to have meetings, brain storming sessions, timely feedback on work, being straightforward in communicating any issues instead of being passive aggressive (In which case, it which would only lead to conflicts later).

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In addition, it is important to be mindful of the diversity of the employees and understand the cultural differences. For example, some employees may not feel comfortable discussing a certain issue as it may hurt their cultural sentiments. “For efficient communication, it is necessary that the receiver understands the meaning of the message and indicates it to the sender through some expected reactions” (Ivancevich, Matteson, 2002).

A new strategy, system will not succeed, without organizational adoption; thus, communication is essential to the effective implementation of organizational change (Schweiger and Denisi, 1991). DiFOnzo suggests, poorly managed change communication results in rumors and resistance to change, overstating the negative aspects of the change. The model of planned organizational change displays the importance of communication. Robertson et al. ,1993)

Every organization must have all types of communication like downward communication, upward communication, horizontal communication, and diagonal communication which will enable smooth transition of information among all the employees including the management. Downward communication moves from the top management to the employees. This kind of correspondence is trademark for organizations with a legitimate style of the executives. Alongside, upward communication flows from employees to top management which lets the management know the situation about the work done. Diagonal communication streams between individuals, which are not on the equivalent hierarchical level and are not in an immediate relationship in the authoritative progressive system which is hardly used in reality. Finally, horizontal communication moves between individuals who are on the same level of management.

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The Relation of Communication and Conflict. (2022, Jun 09). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 22, 2025, from
“The Relation of Communication and Conflict.” Edubirdie, 09 Jun. 2022,
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