The Role of the Computer in Education: An Essay

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Table of contents

  1. The Advantages of the Computer in Education
  2. The Disadvantages of the Computer in Education
  3. Conclusion

In today’s world, it is necessary to use technology, especially when it comes to education. The computer has a very deep impact and important role in education. With the help of the computer now it is easy to impart education to students and also it is much more interesting than before. Computers has large capacities to store information and data. The computer enables quick processing of data with very low chances of errors. The computer has made the communication much easier over miles. It is not only for storage and processing but it is also for communication. The computer is important in education for job skills. Also, the computer is being used in banking, hospitals, medical and also for online shopping and educational institutes. The computer is a useful and powerful device which works very fast. It also helps to learn new skills which is an important part of today’s digital world.

Students nowadays cannot imagine studies without computers and the Internet, where the work and getting help become seamless and efficient. Computers can improve the student learning and basic skill area. Computers not only improve the learning process, but also increases retention of the students. Since education has also been affected by technology, it becomes an integral part of each student’s life.

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The Advantages of the Computer in Education

Though there are many advantages of the computer in education. Some of the advantages of the computer in education are as follows:

  1. Convenience. Student’s life has been made very easy and convenient with the help of the computer. Students can search many information and their work online with the help of computers. Also, during the Сovid-19 pandemic, it helps a lot to get online classes safely.
  2. Online resources. It helps the students to decide a topic for their presentations, essays etc. Also, it helps them to get information and relevant data of their topic. Furthermore, it provides the facilities to get information of admission dates and also to submit online admission forms.
  3. Study schedules. When students decide to choose particular courses, they need to see the real time information, updates, and the computer can help them to find it. The computer helps them to find the right timing of the course.
  4. Better opportunities. Though the use of technology and the Internet combined, students come across a lot of different opportunities. They can find detailed information about them, see what fits best for their aspirations and success, and decide accordingly.
  5. Quick communication. The computer provides quick communication between students, teacher and parents.

The Disadvantages of the Computer in Education

Despite the clear advantages of using the computer in education, it also has disadvantages. Excessive use of the computer by students lacks the verbal and non-verbal cues necessary for the development of social and emotional skills. When computers are being used in teaching, there are tendencies that the effective teaching will disappear between the teacher and the learner; it can become a barrier in communication between them. The computer can reduce the effectiveness of classroom learning and cause problems in the child’s school system. The gap between rich and poor can also be caused by the fact that computers are rarely available to poor students.


Summarizing all of the above, we can safely say that the computer is a useful and powerful device that is an important part of the modern digital world. Despite some shortcomings, it plays an essential role in modern education.

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The Role of the Computer in Education: An Essay. (2022, September 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 12, 2024, from
“The Role of the Computer in Education: An Essay.” Edubirdie, 01 Sept. 2022,
The Role of the Computer in Education: An Essay. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 12 Sept. 2024].
The Role of the Computer in Education: An Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 01 [cited 2024 Sept 12]. Available from:

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